Incel comes out against rape, murder and pedophillia. Fellow incels vehemently disagree.

113  2017-10-20 by I_am_a_scientist


You're oversimplifying a complex situation to the point of adding nothing to the discussion.


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I feel like that post was bait just to have them admit to it tbh

But you don't have to bait them into admitting it they do it all the time.

Only reason incels should be baited is to get them into the gas chambers.

"Chads would never kill themselves. You don't want to be confused for a Chad, do you?"

but they do wanna be confused for a Chad, they just know it'll never happen

you're thinking of niceguys, or some other pre-incels stage

you're thinking of niceguys, or some other pre-incel stage

or the even worse /r/theredpill which for some reason /r/kotakuinaction fully supports them

"for some reason" lmao

Whats even more cringey is the fact there is a redpill the movie

it was a good documentary

redpill the movie isn’t like redpill the internet thing, it’s like a clickbait title

yet another reason not to trust gamers

wait a second, redpillers think they ARE chads


I'd gas em myself tbqh

This is one of the most hateful things I've ever seen. Incels are some of the best people you will ever meet.

These are guys that are beyond ugly yet still find the courage to catfish Stacy's on tinder to expose the female scourge.

And how do they get repaid? People like you come along and say stuff like this about them. Do you have any idea how this probably made incels feel? You ungrateful pieces of shit need to respect the incel movement, they're the only guys out there on the frontlines knocking Stacy down a peg while guys like you collude with the enemy.

Where can I donate?

Sauce? This is gold

it took me ages to find a good one.

Sauce is the comment you replied to. /u/pizzashill is getting close to his final form.


tbh i'm totes cool with the woman are evil angle but prefer men going their own way with other men than.... whatever the fuck incels are doing

Bitching and whining

Gassing is so impersonal, though.

I for one don't want to touch them.

Should just use one of those big crushing rollers like they do for useless male chicks.

Where did anyone admit anything there?

They were saying gtfo virtue signaler claiming you represent anyone when you've barely been there.

If you subscribe to /r/Incels you should end your life because you've acknowledged you're not an specimen worthy of passing on your genes to the next generation. Therefore you're not contributing to the preservation of mankind, you're just consuming natural resources that would be better used on members that actually contribute to society.

Coming from a serial reddit shitposter with 41k comment karma. I'm sure you're a great contributor. 😉 👌

Honestly I'd rather be a reddit shitposting loser who doesn't bitch on r/incels than a whiny virgin.

I vent and share my life on a support sub how cringey.

Nah man thinking that being against rape and pedophilia is virtue signaling is cringey.

No, it's about him presenting himself as our representative to say what we stand for you stupid simp.

His stances are irrelevant.

Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooh sorry bb. These roasties have been siphoning my iq points out of me through my semen so I get confused sometimes. "Maybe we shouldn't condone rape" is way too presumptuous you're right, I'm just a simp not a neet super genius like you.

You're still not getting it, it has nothing to do with what he said. When some random speaks out about the values of a support group that isn't defined by a value system but just that they were in rehab support group, the members say it isn't their place. That's all that happened here.

Keep being stupid and tone deaf. I'm sure it's making you a great success and you're living a great life.

Thanks! It does! <3

Incels isn't a support group. It's a drop and put the boot group.

I'm sure it's making you a great success and you're living a great life.

How would you know what that takes? 😂😂😂

Having eyes and a brain?

\implying /r/incels is a support sub when it's clearly a mass suicide pact

Remember to keep yourself safe fam.

and yet he's still better than you

Who are you to say?

Someone who's generally successful enough in life to be able to get women to want to have sex with me.

Well I'm a disabled shut-in since 15. So what a fucking loser, huh?

You're probably 17 now so if you view life that way then yeah you're likely a loser. But it's not too late.

I'm 23, what way do I view life? That I'm involuntarily celibate? Quit buying bullshit regurgitated about the sub and mind your own business.

Yeah, you're a loser. Being disabled doesn't give you a free pass to be a piece of shit to everyone else, you whiny little bitch. Grow up.

You said quality of a person is predicated on whether they can get sex from women, that's why I shared that.

You're the person telling another they're worthless, so who's the piece of shit here? If you had the gift of introspection you'd know.

Just keep going though life focused on the failings of others rather than your own. Good luck with that.

Nah. You're not worthless because women don't want you. You're worthless because you responded to a lack of sex by becoming the whinest little protorapist you could, taking your unhappiness and using it as an excuse to make everyone else unhappy too. There are plenty of people who can't get any who are lovely worthwhile people. You just aren't one of them.

"Protorapist?" What the fuck?

I participate in a support sub and I defended it here from bs charges, how's that making me the "whiniest little protorapist?"

You're here arguing with a worthless, "whiniest little protorapist," what's that say about you? Get a life loser.

lmao touched a nerve cause you know I'm right. Everyone who subscribes to /r/incels should immediately an hero to make the world a better place. You should lead by example fam.

No, this really says more about you than it does me, an obsession with proving yourself superior to someone who admits they're low means you're low too.

do you whisper that to yourself when you quietly sob into your discount waifu pillow at night?

Dude, seriously just fuck off. Do the upvotes really make you feel validated? They're coming from other losers with personality disorders too. Does it really make you better to insult me? I'd say you'll get your but I know you already are. So keep at it, mock and ridicule and try to not think about your own miserable life.

"n-no you're the l-loser! " he sobs, years-old mattress sagging beneath his gargantuan weight as he weakly clutches his stained dakimakura in his meaty, unwashed hands

Okay winner, why do you have enough time on your hands that I'm who you talk to? Keep winning there.

[–]halfanimalhalfman 198 points 1 year ago What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you НO0ОଠOOOOOОଠଠOoooᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒ? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the 👌👀 good shit go౦ԁ sHit👌 academy, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on 👎Baaddd ShIT👎👎👎 👎, and I have over 300 confirmed (chorus: ʳᶦᵍʰᵗ ᵗʰᵉʳᵉ)👌👀. I am trained in 👌👀👌👀👌👀👌👀👌👀 warfare and I’m the top shiter in the entire US armed mMMMMᎷМ💯 👌. You are nothing to me but just another Baaa AaAadDddD Sh1t 👎. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, 💯 thats what im talking about right there right there . You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of go౦ԁ sHit👌 across the USA and your IP is being traced right👌👌there👌👌👌 right✔there ✔, so ✔if i do ƽaү so my self 💯 i say so 💯, you better prepare for the storm, НO0ОଠOOOOOОଠଠOoooᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒ👌. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, I could be right👌👌there👌👌👌 right✔there ✔ and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare (chorus: ʳᶦᵍʰᵗ ᵗʰᵉʳᵉ). Not only am I extensively trained in mMMMMᎷМ💯 👌 combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States 👌 👌👌 👌 💯 👌 👀 👀 👀 👌👌Good shit Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little BAAaAaAaAd shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking 👌👌shit. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, НO0ОଠOOOOOОଠଠOoooᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒ👌 👌👌 👌 💯 👌 👀 👀

I'll have you know that my daikamura is the one thing I wash regularly.

Be nice to the mentally handicapped, and don't downvote him.

You've posted like 20 comments today, get a life loser.

And they just kinda went for it. I had no idea it was like that. But that's the sad truth for some who have trouble getting it. They feel they deserve it and if they won't be allowed it, they'll take it.

I want people to know that even that we will continue to be misogynistic towards women and have a vivid hatred of roasties, betas, cucks etc

Why do they hate cucks and who else they might have promised to be misogynistic against?

I don't understand how they have any right to call others betas. Like, you're in a community centered on being unfuckable.

Jealous betas get laid occasionally? Lol

I think you're considered a beta in their eyes if you still have hope, or do certain things to "cope".

It's the ultimate self loathing sub, they're referring to how much they hate themselves.

Still not enough though.

They are the fucking betas wtf /u/alsalsk explain yourself fuckface

/u/alsalsk I think you might be hanging with a bad crowd there

may want to get out while you can

for some reason little girls love me. If it wasn't for anti-pedo cucks I would have a loli gf already. I mean is it really abuse if I'm a manCHILD?

you make a compelling argument and i'd like to subscribe to your newsletter

is this sarcasm?

do you have a newsletter?

yes but I don't want to get doxxed

Get in the oven. NOW!

I don't really see where that happened. Mostly it was just about opposing a virtue signal.


End your existence asap

At least I'm honest my life is miserable, you think you post on /r/drama because your's isn't?

Mine’s not that bad tbh, just a bit boring. Just need to find another job more relevant to my expertise.

This sub is hilarious and its great to laugh you sad virgins should try it sometime . Maybe you will find that there's all kinds of people out there instead of your echo chamber of pissed off non pussy getting whiners .

People as desperate as you for downward comparisons are sad themselves. Try laughing st yourself sometime.

But you guys don't laugh at yourselves, ya just roll around in misery.

We're also not the types to use ironic internet personalities to distract ourselves from our real lives like many on this sub do. Different strokes.

I don't know. All those code words and theories seem like just a big of a distraction as any other Internet forum.

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to post regularly on /r/drama. The humor is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of shitposting theory most of the jokes will go over a typical user's head. There's also the userbase's love for bussy, which is deftly woven into their characterisation - their personal philosophy draws heavily from the trans rights movement, for instance. The users understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realize that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike /r/drama truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in "loving bussy" which itself is a cryptic reference to the sensous delight obtained from anal intercourse with a pre-op trans woman. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as the genius of internet autists unfolds itself on their computer screens. What fools... how I pity them. 😂 And yes by the way, I DO have a tattoo of /u/Ed_ButteredToast. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the traps' eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.

This is basically /r/incels derangement syndrome manifest, no one is "vehemently disagree"ing that rape, murder and perophilia should be opposed. They're disagreeing with some random acting as a self-appointed representative and people here are acting like they got a hot take.

They will paint you all as rapists, harassers, and pedophiles.

Well no shit /u/Jackbakerdulvey just look at all the rapists, harassers and pedophiles you hang out with. If you need proof, just look at everyone pissed off that the guy says you're not all rapists.

Studio gangsters.

They will paint you all as rapists, harassers, and pedophiles.

Well no shit /u/Jackbakerdulvey just look at all the rapists, harassers and pedophiles you hang out with. If you need proof, just look at everyone pissed off that the guy says you're not all rapists.

No one has raped anyone, but there are occasionally discourses on the subject. And expressions on the lack of empathy for rape victims. SJWs believe rape is worse than murder...but to us...

Huuurassmunt?! Damn Anita? The definition has been expanded so far that the term is almost meaningless. Some people who need huuurassmunt and are deserving of it are not victims, and doing it to them is justice.

Pedophilia is a retarded subject, more of an age of consent issue. Jailbait is not fucking a 5-year-old. Pedo mean prepubescent, jailbait means pubescent. No man wants a used up whore infested from herpes from Frat Chad bro.

Why should we care about society when society regularly treats us worse than dog shit? I don't particularly care about what happens to females, nor 90% of their male enablers. They aren't owed a single positive thing from us, and they have given us literally zero reasons for us to treat them like human beings.

Why should we care about society when society regularly treats us worse than dog shit?

If everyone around you seems like an asshole, you're the asshole.

Hey black people in 1950s American South! Tired of getting kicked, false accused, and lynched by literally every white man you meet? Well, my foolish friend, if everyone around you seems like an asshole, you're the asshole.

Hey Jews! You've been banished from every country you've inhabited, accused of poisoning wells, and were slaughtered by the millions? You're fault. If everyone around you seems like an asshole, you're the asshole.

How long did it take for you to come up with that oh-so-witty-and-original remark? Of course, in reality, its about as vapid and insightful as a female blog entry, but it feels like its smart, therefore, it MUST be smart!

You're not getting kicked, lynched, imprisoned or gassed. You're being made fun of. Just like everybody else makes fun of the WBC.

How long did it take for you to come up with that oh-so-witty-and-original remark?

About two seconds.

Of course, in reality, its about as vapid and insightful as a female blog entry, but it feels like its smart, therefore, it MUST be smart!

Still a better love story then your sex life.

Ever considered you're living a self fulfilling prophecy mate?

Since I had zero women show interest well before I swallowed The Black Pill, "muh self-fulfilling prophecy" hadly makes sense at all.

What he's saying is that you've always been a cunt.

citation needed

Yes, because every man is a being of almost infinite evil, that the oh-so-holy ladyfolk know how to smite by denying them sex.

You should neck yourself ASAP and make the world a better place fam.

Fuck off you asshole, you are literally advocating for suicide.

Incels are just people who are generally ugly and have been bullied/harrassed all their lives. As someone who supposedly supports people with autism, you should have an understanding of that instead of telling people to kill themselves.

So fucking re-evaluate yourself you virtual signalling dickhead

I am literally advocating for suicide, yes. I think he should kill himself. You too, probably.

Don't know which is worse, you or the incels. Think about it.

My God, you really are 14.

I'm not sure of answer, but I think you should join them in their suicide pact.


Incels are just people who are generally ugly

Being physically ugly is not an excuse to become mentally disfigured.

"Being physically ugly is not an excuse to become mentally disfigured."

We're not mentally disfigured because we're ugly, we get BULLIED throughout our whole lives because of our physical disfigurement which then turns into internal self loathing and eventually lashing out against the world. Maybe, if you had a sense of compassion, you would understand that. And all the lashing out Incels have ever done is within their own subreddit, so if you don't even look into it, it wouldn't even affect you or anyone else. But being the assholes that you guys are, you jump into our lives and continue to try and make it horrible, cause you get some sort of satisfaction being bullies.

We're not mentally disfigured because we're ugly, we get BULLIED throughout our whole lives because of our physical disfigurement which then turns into internal self loathing and eventually lashing out against the world.

Nietzsche disproved this logic long ago. Distress doesn't not always produce nihilism. You can say "but we were bullied and that's why we're mean!" but it's just as plausible to say "I was bullied, and that's why I go out of my way to be nice to people." /r/incels is not a place where the latter are rewarded. You know that, I know that, everyone knows that.

And all the lashing out Incels have ever done is within their own subreddit, so if you don't even look into it, it wouldn't even affect you or anyone else.

"We're an island!"

No, no you're not. Society is a web and that sub is dragging us down.

But being the assholes that you guys are, you jump into our lives and continue to try and make it horrible, cause you get some sort of satisfaction being bullies.

Look, /r/incels is a place where unfuckable losers go to commiserate, reward each other for being bitter, and thus train themselves to become even more bitter. Seriously, get out while you can. There is zero benefit to hanging out with a community that rewards that kind of shit.

Right. We should be advocating for homicide.

Please shoot up a /r/incel meetup and let the cops kill you.

And people wonder why Incels hate people.

No we don't. We know it's because you're narcissistic failures who so stalwartly refuse to take any responsibility for your own behaviors that you make up a retarded fantasy world in which the only person not to blame for everything you've ever done wrong in your life is you.

Killing yourself would be the first worthwhile thing you've ever done. You should do it.

There's incels and there's posters on /r/incels.

Both will go directly to a gas chamber

Don't downvote the lolcows. Please continue to bull him, however. He deserves it. He knows what he's done.

Ok, so move on and become asexual.

Guys I am going to make a drama thread where I come out against milking lolz from idiots. Ha ha epik trel.!