Arguments of immense proportions erupt in r/forwardsfromgrandma over whether or not Trump is a Nazi sympathizer

13  2017-10-21 by AchtungMaybe


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It's a bit alarming how little people know about Nazism yet how comfortable they are accusing anyone they disagree with of being a Nazi.

Obama was actually quite rare. He was the only Muslim Nazi Communist to ever exist.

To be fair, he was an atheist as well.

Don't forget Jewish and Satanist

Why would he need to be a Satanist when he was the literal Anti-Christ?

That's the same thing

"Durr Nazis and commies are the same because muh big gubment"

This comment makes no sense in context to what it's replying to.

I get the feeling Frank has lost so many braincells seriousposting about politics that he simply cannot recognize sarcasm anymore.

I wasn't talking about you lol. I get that your comment was ironic.

Can lizardians be communist? I thought they were underground space fascists.

It's one of the reason /r/debatefascism is doing so well

They aren't outright calling him a Nazi, they're calling him a Nazi sympathizer. Which is true considering that he said that there were "good people" at the Charlottesville rally

Please, I'm as rabidly anti-Trump as they come but it's pretty clear he wasn't talking about the Nazis at the rally and more so your run of the mill right-winger that showed up.

That rally was majority right-wing free speech tards with a few Nazis sprinkled in.

Welcome to pizzashill's world, where Bernie Bros are alt right Nazis, alt right nazis are "run off the mill right wingers", and Hillary is the true leftist's choice.

By the way, you do realize what the goons at the Unite the Right rally were protesting, right? It was to oppose the removal of the Robert E Lee statue in the city. A "run off the mill" right winger would be someone like Jeb Bush who understands that the Confederate flag has historical connotations but does consider it offensive.

I have friends and co-workers who consider themselves "reasonable Republicans", and they would absolutely not march with Nazis and white nationalists, regardless of what the original cause of the protest was.

Never has he gone as far in defending their actions as he did during a wild, street-corner shouting match of a news conference in the gilded lobby of Trump Tower, angrily asserting that so-called alt-left activists were just as responsible for the bloody confrontation as marchers brandishing swastikas, Confederate battle flags, anti-Semitic banners and “Trump/Pence” signs.

I'm sure Israel-loving "run off the mill right wingers" are the ones holding anti semitic banners and donning swastikas.

The protesters chanted "jews will not replace us". Hmmm...I wonder what demographic of Trump's voting base regurgitates that rhetoric.

“This city is run by Jewish communists and criminal niggers,” one demonstrator told Vice News’ Elspeth Reeve during their march.

I wonder what type of people refer to black people as niggers? Just regular conservatives according to our friend pizzashill.

As Jews prayed at a local synagogue, Congregation Beth Israel, men dressed in fatigues carrying semi-automatic rifles stood across the street, according to the temple’s president. Nazi websites posted a call to burn their building. As a precautionary measure, congregants had removed their Torah scrolls and exited through the back of the building when they were done praying.

Again, just regular old conservatives. Nothing to worry about.

Look at some of the notable protesters who were there and/or organized parts of the rally....David Duke, Richard Spencer, Chris Cantwell.

Thank you President Trump for your honesty & courage to tell the truth,” David Duke, a former Ku Klux Klan leader, wrote in a Twitter post shortly after Mr. Trump spoke.

David Duke, just a "racial realist. Totally not a real Nazi or white nationalist.

The bit I'm confused about is how marching under the banner of the fourth reich is now considered patriotic in America. What's their next fad; paint the Rising Sun of Nippon on the hood of their crowd ramming cars in honour of Japan's brave kamikaze?

Lol Jeb Bush is essentially HRC

They're both losers who are from dynasties, elitist assholes, and were humiliated by Donald Trump

More like HRC is essentially Jeb Bush.

Fair enough

Welcome to pizzashill's world, where Bernie Bros are alt right Nazis

Can you provide some proof showing I ever made that claim?

alt right nazis are "run off the mill right wingers"

Well, that's a lie. I said there were Nazis there, sprinkled in with a much larger crowd. That's not even controversial, it's just an objective fact.

So far this comment you've lied twice.

By the way, you do realize what the goons at the Unite the Right rally were protesting, right? It was to oppose the removal of the Robert E Lee statue in the city.

Yes, I am aware, I'm also aware the issue has become so polarized people show up to protest it constantly, even non-nazis.

It's more about "opposing the left" than anything at this point for the vast majority of the people that show up.

The protesters chanted "jews will not replace us". Hmmm...I wonder what demographic of Trump's voting base regurgitates that rhetoric.

One more time: There were Nazis there, not everyone there was a Nazi. Let me maybe help you out:

I wonder what type of people refer to black people as niggers? Just regular conservatives according to our friend pizzashill.

See above, your reading comprehension is just very poor.

David Duke, just a "racial realist. Totally not a real Nazi or white nationalist.

It's been a while since I've seen someone with this level of complete illiteracy.

I remember when the Democrat Party ran around claiming Trump was a Nazi.

Funny thing about this ordeal is that America supported fascist governments in the past: Franco, Videla, Pinochet...

Batista too

Batista was left wing lol, he came to power in a Democratic-Socialist coalition and was considered progressive for the time, you seriously think he was Fascist?

Of course Franco, Videla, and Pinochet weren't Fascist either. But Batista is a whole new level of dumb.

Of course Franco, Videla, and Pinochet weren't Fascist either.

lol please do explain

They had nothing to do with Fascism, and weren't even influenced by it?

Only one with even any relation to Fascism is Franco, who came to power from an uprising which involved Falange, a minor political party that took influence from the Fascists. Though Franco himself was just a generic authoritarian conservative.

Not every right wing authoritarian is part of a political movement from 1920's Italy.

him being a nazi sympathizer would imply he had a consistent view on something


This is basically how I read every Trump fan comment

That's very nice /u/TreeDeMoil . Did you make that yourself?