Are midgets allowed to vote?
11 2017-10-22 by GhostOfJimLahey
Do they have the right to vote or are they fighting for it like African Americans and Women had to?
Just wondering. Thanks.
11 2017-10-22 by GhostOfJimLahey
Do they have the right to vote or are they fighting for it like African Americans and Women had to?
Just wondering. Thanks.
1 McFluffTheCrimeCat 2017-10-22
2 midgets = normal vote.
1 AnnoysTheGoys 2017-10-22
Is a trenchcoat required?
1 Ed_ButteredToast 2017-10-22
1 Talonek 2017-10-22
Burkas are an acceptable European counterpart.
1 bareballzthebitch 2017-10-22
Muppet man votes early and often.
1 BussySundae 2017-10-22
2 black migets= 6/5ths of a vote = 1 1/5 votes.
1 CucksLoveTrump 2017-10-22
God I hope not
1 neveryousay2 2017-10-22
Google Gary Coleman.