The Dog Breed of Peace culturally enriches a child and /r/news isn't happy.

110  2017-10-22 by ikitomi


Um, you forgot a period. Perhaps you'll have your first period next year.


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~you have been visited by the internet pitbull defence force~

~upvote this in 5 seconds or be deemed a literal racist~

He was a good boye

he wuz goin to obedience school

an shiiit

lol, I guess the comparison holds. A bad man is a bad man. A dangerous dog, is a dangerous dog.

Don't matter what follows. Sometimes you just got to destroy the problem.

He did what his master taught him to do. Make no mistake about that.

Dogs are beyond morality. They're beasts of pure loyalty. They don't give a shit how fucked their masters are. They will love a man who beats them.

Good ain't got nothing to do with it.

He dindu ruffin


Nobody cares...?


It's specism smh

Honestly, I'd have people put down for doing shit like this, too.

I love dogs. But this dog had to be put down. And so would any human animal who attacked a kid like this.

Do black people own more pits? Or hispanics? I don't get the racist thing. I'm white. Most people I know with pits or half-pits are white.

They're very heavy in personality. I assumed they were popular among most people. A lot of my people live in the mountains; like, straight up hills-have-eyes types. And they love these dogs. Like the shittiest white folk you can find.

No, they'll call you racist for disliking pit bulls because they'll assume you'd use the same arguments for blacks or hispanics committing crimes.

It's completely retarded and only a thing because redditors are sheltered enough to believe that dogs are basically people, and treat them as such.

Even if dogs were the same as people, there's like no differences between races and under the right circumstances you can't tell at all. For dog breeds, there are very clear differences

shut the fuck up you piece of shit, brown people have a specific kind of hate boner for dogs, and I assure you most the people talking shit about dogs are PoCs.

they're jealous cus us awesome YTs treat our pets better than we treat other humans.

get over it, you're worth nothing to me, my dog on the other hand is my sentinel, he will tear the throat out of any cocksucker that comes to my door looking to get squirrely.

I honestly thought it was a white thing to own pitbulls. But what do I know? I own a sixteen pound cat who thinks he's a pitbull.

Dude. It's not a good idea to talk about race in a thread about dog breeds, and whether anti-social behaviour is because of nurture or genetics.

I want to sympathize with them, but Christ all their arguments are basically "look at this cute puppy".

It's just part of pitbull culture

Just commence the mass euthanizations of pitbulls & rottweilers, along with their owners, and done with it.

You're so edgy that I might just fuck you

r/drama gangbang when

Rottweiler puppies are pretty cute though

People like you should u ironically be run down in the street.

Nice spergout, you and your pupper are still getting that barbiturate shot.

idk why i read that tripe but here's my pitbull mix and cat

Pittie and kitty

i sing that to them daily and they love it

I bet they do! ☺️

thanks for always supporting me mom ily

I lived with my brother shortly, and my cat and his pug-bull got along very well, but it was raised with the cat, and knew it as part of the family.

Like most dogs, they WILL kill cats unless you monitor their early interactions with the cat and ensure that they know the cat is family and not food. Dogs are great at telling the difference if they are taught the difference (with cats and most other animals), but will assume anything non-human is food.

Note: this is a lesson most dogs will have to learn both inside and out. A dog who understands that a cat is 'friend' inside the house, will attack said cat outside, as these scents are common, and dogs are not good at differentiating between friend and foe until other animals are close up. Human visual acuity tricks people into the assumption that most animals tell each other apart from a distance.

My dog was a stray until he was 3 and hadn't met with a cat until I brought him home. You have to judge dog-by-dog.

Ok so a kid essentially trespassed and got attacked by dogs trained to arrack trespassers. Wheff.

It was a kid though.

A dog doesn't know the difference. If a kid hopped over a fence that said "DANGER THERE ARE LAND MINES HERE" and got blown up, nobody would be blaming the land mines.

Yeah, they'd be blaming the retard who left land mines in his back yard

They would, yes. I'm no pit bull fan as a general rule, but in this case the issue isn't the dog, it's the owner.

I'm agreeing with tou

It's also illegal to own landmines to stop this from happening, so unless you are for banning pits/dogs in general this is a strange argument.

You're right, everyone would be going after the idiot that put land mines in a place where a kid could get into.

Seven is old enough to know not to violate the NAP, the dogs and their owner did nothing wrong.

Spotted the ancap

He deserved to die for violating the NAP tbh


Same logic as shooting kids that trespass.

It's likely the dogs were never properly trained and just used for 'security'. But it wasn't a burglar they got, it was a 7-year old that snuck into the wrong yard. This is why booby-trapping your house is illegal. And why big, untrained, dogs are not good security.

Top comment in the thread. Hits the nail on the head.

Pitbulls are the best doggos

Honestly, 60% of all people would be best off with a retriever of Labrador, provided they have the room.

The rest would do well to get a terrier.

All breeds gave their place, but not matching a breed's needs to your own will just make for a sad dog and shitty human.

If your buying a Retriever or Labrador then you might as well buy oven mitts too.

Glad these are banned in my country.

Yet the Irish are still legal...

Pitbulls can even feed themselves.

Muslims aren't, unfortunately.

If you own a break stick, and spend considerable effort training your pit bull, and watch them intently whenever they're around children or small animals, they're perfectly harmless. There's no such thing as a bad dog, only bad owners.

Yes, if you put in far more work into them and never trust them, they're a normal dog.

Even a normal wolf can be trusted to not attack people arbitrarily, and that's with zero training.

A Pit won't attack people without training. They might get over-excited and hurt a toddler through play, but it won't kill anyone without training.

Someone brought that dog up wrong. There's not breed still living (lots of war breed that got put down 100 years back, but not alive) that attacks humans without encouragement.

Even one that gets carried away will just injure a kid.

This a master not owning up to some off-the-books guard dog training, or even fight training. This is not something any breed of dog does without being taught to.

Again, dogs are not a natural animal. They are entirely the creation of humans. And the old breed meant to kill other humans all got put down in the age of gun warfare. Pits may be fighting dogs, but they didn't fight humans.

A Pit won't attack people without training

Jesus Christ, you're a fucking moron. Any breed of dog will attack people, but pits are more likely due to their genetic heritage, being bred for dogfighting.

No, they will often attack children when they think they can get away with it. In the 1990s there was a big problem with wolf hybrids trying to eat their owner's kids when the weren't looking. Then in India they had a spate of wolves killing kids. Predatory instinct incudes being able to judge who is young or weak and going for them rather than strong, healthy adults. Even wolf experts are never going to see this behaviour because none of them are kids, it only becomes apparent when you have wolves living along side normal families.

yeah actual wolf hybrids are vicious as fuck. I knew a few people in the mountains with some and they wouldn't leave anyone alone with them.

It's likely the dogs were never properly trained

Trained to what? Not attack kids?

You shouldn't have to train a dog to not attack people. If so, then that breed of dog is too dangerous to have as a pet.

Let alone the baskeball mericans who tend to keep them for (((Security)))

Well we have to train men not to rape so...

Dogs are naturally protective. Animals aren't all sweetness and light to fit nicely into your comfort zone and neither are people for that matter.

I've been around dogs my whole life but have yet to come across one that would bite someone for entering its territory. Bark it's head off, sure but not bite unless it was trained to do so.

The premise here is that pit bulls, as a breed, need to be trained not to bite. If that's the case then they are too dangerous to have as pets and to be arou d the general public

I've been around dogs my whole life but have yet to come across one that would bite someone for entering its territory.

congratulations on only knowing responsible dog owners

do you want a trophy

Rottweilers, Shepards, Dobermans, Mastiffs, Goldens pretty much all the medium and large breeds need to be taught boundaries by either their parents or their owners to not bite or chase people and kids. That's how dogs communicate their displeasure and hierarchy.

Why wasn't the human leashed and properly contained in a secure fenced in area?

Gas all shitpits.

I think most of the problems with pitbulls are that owners that want that kind of dog aren't going to treat them in a way that won't make them agressive, combined with the fact that this type of breed has a lot of power compared to other breeds.

on a sidenote, how fucking retarded does your kid have to be to run into a fenced area with two scary looking dogs? fucker probably poked at them with sticks as well

In the UK you have to get a special pitbull licence or your dog gets put down.

Better make sure you get your license to have a license too

Pit Bulls should be outlawed. The breed should be exterminated.

And I own one.

The tide is starting to turn on pit bulls, thank god. I never thought I'd see an anti-pit bull post on reddit upvoted.

Next on the list: male circumcision

For pitbulls?

On a serious note this had to be horrifying. The poor kid probably really suffered. When I was 8 or 9 my friend had an aggressive dog and we were playing outside. I ran past the area where the dog was chained up, he leaped towards me and bit me and wouldnt let go on my leg. It hurt sooo bad and I lost a chunk of skin getting away. He was chained up sp he couldnt go after me but being mauled to death would be torture.

Their jaws are literally magical defining aspects of the entire breed.

A hahaha haha. You bought the fake news hook like and sinker

I knew a guy who owned a pitbull. He'd trained it well and it seemed pretty docile, I petted it without fear or problems. But I do distinctly remember watching him in the nearby park holding a short log that his pitbull had bitten down on and swinging him around and around at speed while the dog hung on with apparently zero effort. Those fuckers have got incredible jaw strength.

The Dog Breed of Peace

What the fuck is this idiot talking about?

7-Year-Old Killed by Pitbulls

My brother owns a half-pit, half pug, but +1 for the title alone.

I've owned many dogs. My folk are dog people. And the fault is usually with the owner. Even a mean dog wants the approval of an owner it respects, and will be bent to your will. Pits are energetic and aggressive, but the same can be said of German Shepherds, and you don't hear about them. Because people who want to own dogs-as-weapons no longer pursue that breed.

Dogs are a creature of man's own making, a semi-retarded wolf with near absolute loyalty. If it's fucked, it's because the humans who raised it were fucked. It doesn't know better than to serve it's master.

Some drug-dealing hoodrats ghetto mutts tore a kid apart, and people blame the dog breed instead of the degenerate culture of the inner city. Typical.

I too believe heredity is a major factor in determining intelligence and temperament.

I feel like you're implying something here.

Why are pit bulls not commonly used as guard dogs or police dogs? WHy are German shephards huskies, and labs more reliable to attack people on command?

Because German Shephards, Huskies and Labs will stop the attack on command.

Damn. That's more savage than a pit-bull shaking a baby.

Cats are better cause they leave you the fuck alone. Dog owners assume everyone wants to have their dog lick their asshole.