17yo troll easily convinces trans to admit that gender-bendering is a bunch of nonsense

27  2017-10-22 by BigLordShiggot




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TERFs talk about being TERFs

I mean seems like the wrong community to troll with this It’s well known GC follow Greer on queer theory.

Those are trannies agreeing with her, not TERFs

Maybe you need to do a better job of linking then, cause the comments I read never claimed any such identity, besides which a bunch of self loathing people who claim they can not be the other gender does not a tranny make.

Fear not. I have done the work for you. Most of the people agreeing are trannies. It turns out all you need is a sob story.

It’s well known GC follow Greer on queer theory.

Maybe to those that give a shit about gender politics and who the heck Greer is. Normal people see them all as lunatics.

implying following greer, implies they aren't loonies

one doesn't rule out the other mate.

17yo troll easily convinces trans to admit that gender-bendering is a bunch of nonsense

Because it is? Brb convincing people that water is wet.

Why are Gamecubes debating Cuties?