/r/Hapas opinions on how they feel when an elderly, mixed-race couple burns to death.

139  2017-10-23 by DeutschJapan




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/u/trancefan95_12 /u/hapabeauty

You guys are neurotic faggots that jackoff over the most myopic racial shit that even nazis would call you autists.

Until coming to this sub I had no idea Asians had so much animosity towards white people.

You ever wonder why Asians appear so successful? The 'people' you see in /r/hapas are the bitter failures hidden away from everyone.

So what you're saying is that Asians hide their autists better than mayos?

This would be fine if it weren't for every Asian guy I ever met being a sperging, kissless tool with what limited personality he possesses being wrapped up in his haircut and choice of eyewear.

East/South Easy Asians? Ones from the subcontinent? Middle eastern Asians?

Russians, clearly.

We are beautiful people comrade!!

Russians can be very attractive up to the age of about 23.

After that, things go down hill very rapidly.

Babushkas are my fetish šŸ‘Œ

What isn't your fetish you lunatic


You couldn't have me anyway, I'm a chad

Well hello there handsome šŸ˜˜

So they're the opposite of Asians?

Young Asians are meh, but old Asians blow old whites out of the water

Young Asians are meh

Excuse me, they're called ephebes and you're nuts.

Indians are beyond hope.

There must be something they can do about that pickled-onion smell.

Hey, I'm Pakistani.

So what you're saying is that Asians hide their autists better than mayos?

Have a look at some blind-friendly walking paths in China (the yellow path is textured so blind people know where to walk) - http://english.cri.cn/6909/2013/08/29/2281s784769.htm

There's a set of photos somewhere with them leading into open manholes, off bridges, etc.

They do a very good job of keeping their less able off the streets.

You're confusing /r/hapas with /r/aznidentity

/r/hapas is about mental illness displayed as racism

Essentially. They think that while people cause all problems for Asian countries and destroy Asian culture by marrying and mixing blood with them.

Basically, they think the same way as white supremacists. Honestly, same arguments. They're anti white and anti race mixing.

Hapas look at themselves in the mirror and hate the inferior Asian features they see.

Asian incels, essentially

supposedly the ones who get whiter genes have a better shot at not being incel!

Actually no. Since there are mudbloods they are not issued a yellow card at birth, so they simply don't count.

Your attitude is exactly part of the fucking problem.

You automatically regard hapas as Asians and spew anti-Asian racism against them. You wonder why hapas exist? Its because of people like you. If hapas were accepted as white people or regarded just as white as you regard them as Asian and didn't get made fun of that subreddit wouldn't exist.

Nah, not white people. Only white guys. They're obsessed with white women while complaining about "white worshiping" asian women.

In other words, they whole frustation is based on the fact that not many white women are interested in Asian boys.

Yeah, I figured that was the case after I found out that one of the mods there apparently has a white wife.

It's basically the Asian version of /r/incels, but in some ways more pathetic.

It's at least more interesting. All those crazy ass code words and Asian mystic nationalism... hmmm good stuff.

They don't, these people are nutcases by most Asian standards.

Speak for yourself. Asians have a really weird fixation on White people.

On one hand, they put White people on a pedestal, worshiping their every footprint; but they drop that spiel the moment can they bash White people for anything.

I am sure this is the case for Chinese since I interact with them quite often. I am 80% sure that is the case for Japanese and Korean based off their media portrayal of White People (mainly Americans).

TL;DR: Asians are jealous of White people, which gives them the friendliness and animosity attitude towards White people at the same time.

I thought it was pretty strange/pathetic that almost all the fashion ads in China featured white people.

Mainland China? Can't say I'm surprised because that is what I see from their newspaper here as well.

In Taiwan they actually still employs quite a few Chinese models.

Yeah mainland china. I was just there for two weeks but that place sucked hardcore.

my condolences to you.

judging all asians by the retards of /r/hapas is a huge mistake

You're right. I'm more weirded out that this animosity even exists. Because I've never seen it in real life.

i live in a very heavily populated (looks like this) asian area, my wife is asian, my in laws, most of my friends, my co workers, college peers etc + multiple trips to asia and I have not ONCE ever even caught the slightest hint of this anger.

Same here. It's gotta be some weird online only type shit.

I think i've got a good idea of what (this guy)[https://i.imgur.com/Thf8msL.png]'s problem is and it's not his race.

Those are the half white genes in action

Hapas are half mayo and half rice. Mayonnaise + rice is something an autist would eat. Hence, /r/Hapas is filled with autists.

The animosity exists because of racist white run subreddits /r/ccj2 /r/japancirclejerk /r/5555555 dedicated to mocking Asian people. And when people try to complain you people say its "harmless fun". If someone made the same kind of subreddits about black people they would get banned by reddit.

Not confirmed. Source: Am Nazi; do not think you are autistic.

actual NatSoc here - /r/hapas is full of fucking autists.

No fuck you. This is a much larger issue that no one speaks about. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t_Xo3EgP8SE&t=180s


It's a real epidemic. blechhh barf

ā€œMiscegenation is a real epidemicā€

  • retard idiot

Kick rocks you diplodorkus

Dude, you're celebrating the death of this couple because of their racial makeup. You're a seriously fucked-up person, please seek help. And then you argue that she betrayed "her country"? She was born in China and raised in Japan, so you have no idea what "her country" really was. Do you think she may have had some misgivings about Japanese activities in China at the time? Is that "betrayal" to you?

You act like being in ideological opposition to Hirohito was a crime, do you say the same of the White Rose Society? Did they "betray" Nazi Germany?

Please, PLEASE seek help. I am sure there are therapists who specialize in mixed-race and Asian-American issues. Please - you are celebrating the death of an elderly couple. You need help, man.

Please. She was born in 1942 occupied China. There's no inkling of doubt she is Japanese through and through.

All I'm saying is her country just lost a war, is in an economic and cultural crisis, and she goes and married a soldier from the country that did it.

You know what happened to Dutch women that collaborated with the Germans in WW2? They had their heads shaven and thrown out of town.

I'm perfectly fine with the way I am.

YOU don't get to decide her nationality, that's up to her to decide where her loyalties lie. This "country" was led by Hirohito. Marrying an American in no way harmed her country - furthermore, even if it did, undermining Hirohito is itself a righteous act, exactly as rebelling against Hitler was. You're seriously criticizing her for rebelling against someone who personally authorized the existence of Unit 731? Do you know what Unit 731 was?

And your defense of this is...that the Dutch treated collaborators in a barbaric fashion, and it's not fair that the Japanese didn't get to beat up their women too?

I hope you're not fine with who you are. That would tend to suggest that you're a psychopath.

You're an insignificant and foolish whatever you are and I'm not terribly interested in having discussion with you.

I'm fine with who I am. I'm not a psychopath I have many normal person characteristics.

I notice you didn't respond to the content of the post in any meaningful fashion. Shocking. Your behavior here is indefensible, so you don't bother defending it.

Do you know about Unit 731? Do you believe this woman was obligated to support Hirohito?

I chose to not respond to you because you are very idiotic and moronic. But your insufferable groaning, faulty logic and lies are so grating...

First off its hilarious to imply she identifies as any part Chinese. Maybe the lebensraum settlers also identify as polish and Czech? Lol. Jesus Christ that's so fucking stupid. If you knew anything. Even one sentence about the history of Japan and China you would know that the Chinese and Japanese were kept socially and culturally separate through segregation and subjugation. Plus she left when she was 2 or 3 at the most... That age is when cultural really leaves a mark on you... Sure sure...

And to support your country is different from supporting a political regime. Hence I do not support Trump yet I still hold favorable views of the USA. That's a bunch of fallacious logic you're peddling.

I don't think the Dutch treated the women in a barbaric fashion. Quite justifiable punishment for collaborating with Invaders who killed your citizens and destroyed your country. The man that collaborated with the Germans were executed.

I think you're just a bit sensitive. Maybe you need to start living in the real world where we don't try to mesh imperialistic settlers and colonizers with identity politics.

This is coming from someone celebrating the death of an elderly couple, accusing the woman in question of being a traitor to Hirohito's Japan.

Do you know what Unit 731 was? Do you know that Hirohito authorized its existence and activities?

Listen I already said I don't care about who they were personally. I don't even know their names.

You do know that the USA genocided native Americans, threw Japanese Americans into camps where many died of health issues, gave African Americans syphilis, and so and so forth. There's more to a country than the bad policies of it's leaders. In essence Japan was in a bad place culturally, economically, and politically. Suffered extra brutality with atomic bombing.

And therefore you condemn her for "betraying" Imperial Japan, by marrying an American (which neither harmed you nor anyone else).

You are celebrating their deaths. Your thought processes regarding this are pathologically abnormal. I am not a psychologist. I cannot begin to understand what must have happened to you to make you so hateful as to find yourself pleased by the deaths of this elderly couple. Whatever it is, you didn't deserve to be hurt like that, and I'm sorry you were.

Again, your thoughts on this matter are utterly reprehensible to the vast majority of people on this planet, both American and Japanese. You are letting your hatred control you. You KNOW it's wrong to be happy that this nice old couple died in a fire. But you bandy your opinions about in your own echo chamber, creating a feedback loop. You are in a cult for half-Asian people.

Please, find help - there are Asian-American psychologists who can help you sort out the way you feel. Here is their association: https://aapaonline.org/

If you contact them, they can help you find someone who does understand how you feel and what you're going through.


Someone needs to make this happen. Judging from the spew coming out of r/hapas I bet a lot of them would sign up to have little cry wanks.

I think BLEACHED brand is more popular.

Can't really disagree with r/hapas that white-asian mixing is a bad idea considering what kind of offspring they produce.

After graduating from Aoyama Gakuin University in Tokyo, she went to work for a Japanese company in Hawaii, and her roommate was dating a pilot. The pilot was Mr. Grant, and Suiko ā€œstole his heart,ā€ said their daughter.

Wait, this old dude pulled off the shag-the-girl-and-her-roommate double header? Truly the greatest generation.


Now he's burned to death, helpless to save himself or his loved ones.

Doesn't matter, still scored the double

The double death

And even better, the double Asian dicking

And even best the double watching your loved ones, pets, house and all your belongings burn down as you feebly can't do anything about it and then you yourself are painfully roasted alive.

Doesn't matter, still took your chink pussy

Does this make you happy? He was 95. That's a reasonable excuse for being ineffective in the skill of firefighting.

Still must have not been a very pleasureful experience.

Does it make you happy that this 95 year old man burned to death?

I couldn't care less about this individual human man.

How bitter do you have to bel

As bitter as a lemon soaking in vinegar.

That's sour. Bitter is beer or coffee.


You know the fucking crazy thing about it? Have you seen those black and white photos from Japan were you see a white soldier, some Japanese woman clinging onto him like a leech, then a limbless old Japanese man in the background, possibly with his legs blown off by a bomb. I mean, it's just mindblowing to me really...that guns were obviously everywhere following the war, yet you can have Japanese women walking with the enemy in broad daylight, yet no one would retaliate. I can't think of any other race in which that would happen. Heck, just look how the French treated French women that married German soldiers and vice versa after both World Wars...like, skinning their head and publicly humiliating them etc

When you so beta you won't skin a woman's head for dating a gaijin.

/u/trancefan95_12, they shaved their heads, not flayed them


East Asians wish they had strong Mongol genes

All nationalism is veiled sexual insecurity.

Right wing ideology is implicitly homosexual. Left wing ideology may appear to be homosexual because it looks out for the rights of homosexuals, but this is simply due to the easygoing surfer dude like alpha attitude that characterizes leftism. The ideotypical leftist in fact is so fundamentally masculine that nothing can threaten his masculinity, and in fulfilling his role of provider of the tribe, he makes the government bigger and stronger, and provides for every kind of weak degenerate person such as women, homosexuals, cripples, jews and so on. Left wing ideology is therefore a feminine front, hiding a masculine fist. Ryght wing ideology by contrast presents a very butch front to the world, but it's all play acting, because underneath the right are too feminine to act like an authentic man, so they have to overcompensant and swagger around in tight trousers and leather boots. rightism comes from a crisis of masculinity, which is implicit to homosexuality. Homosexuality and bisexuality, and the whole lot, are never NOT confused. The very act of being a man or something like one into other men or something like them is inherently fraught with dissonant concepts that lead to disharmony and insanity, as is common among homosexuality. I don't feel adequate as a man but I'm not a woman but I take dicks, but I have a dick but I put dicks in butts so I am a man, but they are male butts, so I'm a woman, butā€¦ and nothing comes to completion. This is why gay = brain-death. Hetero is easy and sane. Everything properly aligned. Got a dick. Stick in pussy. YA HA! Rightism manages to expose some truths about reality (like nigger intelligenceed), and thinks smugly that it has it all figured, but only masculine leftism knows stoically to keep these things secret for the good of the masses. Fascism purports to be paternalist, but its all play acting again. Fascism becomes nothing but a big pile of screeching queens in the end. Now,/./s/ I do have proof of this you knwopw. The GOP is filled full of boy bum brutalizing faggots OK. Also, look at this: http://newsroom.ucla.edu/releases/the-gop-has-a-feminine-face-finds-238867 "the faces of male Republicans, on average, scored as less masculine than the faces of their Democratic counterparts." This is the truth neither side wants you to know, because leftists need to seem weaker than they actually are, and rightistas needs to seem stronger than they actually are.

Is this a pasta.

I can't tell either


It is now

I hope you Keep Yourself Safe from rightism faggot

What you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul

This is true, i'm a fag

Who should I want to have sex with if I'm an anarchist?

I'm seeing more /r/incels vibes.

There's a lot of crossover. /r/asianmasculinity and /r/hapas blame their inceldom on their race, /r/incels blame it on their uglyness.

But /u/eurasiantiger claims he's a "High I.Q Eurasian Chad".

Where do ugly Asians go?

They still blame it on their race.

They'll blame their own version of Chad amongst themselves. In an English-speaking environment, they'll blame ypipo.

You know you're poor and ugly when women of your race rather want to date fat 50 year olds than you.

I mean at least the 50 year olds have money and there's a good chance they are impotent. Seems like a no-brainer.

The real fault lies with their souls

Another thing, /r/incels blames girls for not going for their looksmatch and going for good looking guys, while /r/hapas and /r/asianmasculinity blame Asian girls for being race traitors because they go for white guys instead of Asian guys, there are tons of posts in the aznincel realm where people are complaining about how an Asian girl says she's not really into Asian guys and the ricecel gets utterly triggered, because he deserves to have the Asian women, not the white man.

asian Masculinity


/u/bakerbob 49


I was thinking about a business plan for my WMAF porn site, and I had this idea:

I would go to an impoverished Asian country like Malaysia and pick up young women on the street. I would inquire with "you love me long time 5 dolla sucky sucky?" and they would say "oh yes sexy white man." Then I would bang them in the back of one of those street cars old men pull along. They would literally be thrown out while the cart was still moving, shrieking "WHERE MY 5 DOLLA????" as I cackled and ended the scene.

I'd call the website "whiteonrice.com."

Please give me your opinion I want to know if you think it would work.

Asian Street Meat already has your target market sewn up tbh

You'd need to do something else, something extreme, to differentiate yourself

He could do a bangbus rip-off with just a rickshaw.


that's every western porn video with an Asian pornstar

Naw, there's plenty of Asian girls getting balled by black guys too.

not that you would know or anything

You're gonna need some reliable socks for that. Let's face it, it's hot and humid in Asian countries and when you're going from one village to the next banging their women like the alpha stud you are you don't have time to worry about changing your socks nonstop. That's where we come in. At socksoff.com we have the perfect fit for everyone from Cantonese hookers to the horny white businessman showing them his crouching hidden tiger. Check out our sport socks to get your hands on the perfect set of shagadelic foot cozies for your sexual adventures. Type in the promo code "WhiteOnRice" at checkout and get an additional 15% off!

Socks off.com THE final word in savings

Just a reminder that Elliot Rodgers was a hapa

I can't say I feel any sympathy when she is happy to betray her country when it is in ruins and millions have been bombed/nuked

Yeah fuck those people for not wanting to stay in their war-savaged country, how selfish. They should be sucking the dicks of all the limbless soldiers as service to their country.

>mcq dicklets unironically exist

This is a terrible tragedy. It's hard to understand why God would allow things like to to happen, and this is where western philosophy can be insufficient to console us during such trying events.

It's at times like these I look to Eastern Philosophy for wisdom. For instances, take this ancient Chinese proverb: "Ching Chong Ching Chong, Ching Chong Ching Chong".

I can't say I feel any sympathy when she is happy to betray her country when it is in ruins and millions have been bombed/nuked

Cause it's not like Japan was basically Asian Nazis during WW2 or anything, she definitely should have stood up for her country.

Gah, really?

I always think it's funny when people say "white nationalists are purely driven by hate, unlike other racial nationalists" and then you have shit like this.

It's either one or the other, for fuck's sake.