Which is preferable, severe autism or death? Anti vaxxers discuss.

69  2017-10-23 by Jemima-Racktool


Um, you forgot a period. Perhaps you'll have your first period next year.


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That is my new favorite word.

Sounds like a prescription drug.


In a stunning revelation we find that anti-vaccers have poor reading comprehension.


Poor grammar, poor punctuation, poor arguments and poor understanding of what viruses do to people. The idiot thinks that measles have never killed anyone.

From the CDC:

One out of every 1,000 measles cases will develop acute encephalitis, which often results in permanent brain damage.

One or two out of every 1,000 children who become infected with measles will die from respiratory and neurologic complications.

I think reading that conversation gave me encephalitis

im pretty sure purple was an anti vaxxer tho

I wish purple had skipped his vaccinations.

most /r/drama posters deserve to die tbh


And me.

Nice try, but sorry. Please find yourself a high bridge and do all of us a favor.

rip in pieces me

...uh, no


Only drama posters that don't begin with the letter 'S' please Keep Yourselves Safe.

Is this what it feels like to be one of the chosen peoples?

No wonder Jews are smug

having severe autism does increase the risk of becoming an /r/drama poster so its up in the air

i don't think people know what severely autistic is. like i would rather be put through a wood chipper feet first than be severely autistic

this is severely autistic



Holy shit I couldn't deal with that. A 6'2" 250 lb toddler screaming and breaking shit.

But I think autism I usually think the average Reddit poster, Temple Grandin, or Bill Gates or something.

That's what they they call high-functioning.

How does she not drive in one direction until she runs out of gas? After ten minutes of that I'd be ready to accept the sweet embrace of the reaper.

give me severe autism or give me death

You can have both

This is why we need full-blown genetic testing at all stages of pregnancy--to determine incidents of autism and downs syndrome. We can then encourage the poor unfortunate host bodies to exercise their choice to remove the parasitic tissue and thereby breed out the undesirables from society.

my best friend's younger brother is severely autistic. he is 15 years old, but mentally still around 8. he loves thomas the train. he can read and write somewhat, but is unable to talk. he has hearing problems. but he is the sweetest boy ever. he would never hurt a fly. he loves his mom and his sister and his dog. he will never be able to live on his own without some sort of caretaker, but he is in no way a burden.

If there is one thing I've noticed about autistic kids is that they really fucking love Thomas the train.

I love Thomas the train

it's Thomas the TANK ENGINE you fucking piece of bitch


These people need to be lined up and shot, tbh.

So what I'm getting from this is that we should gas all autists.

That's too expensive. Bullets are cheaper.

Autizam Shazam


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