After getting extremely ass annihilated at /r/starterpacks I decided to make my own low effort bait meme

6  2017-10-23 by ProphetRith

Possibly ongoing drama as some absolutely bored people browse the rising tab on /r/starterpacks and either reeee or think I'm the most smartest man ever for pointing out the flaws in some funny religion; like this guy Shout out to /u/Cool_Cool_Cool_Cool_ for responding with some shit that was absolutley TL;DR

The result may be shocking (and underwhelming) as I make a futile try attempt to b8 out replies on my low effort unintelligent shitposting

Someone takes my (((bait))) here Feel free to serious post on how retarded they are for defending {{{islam}}}

Oy vey!

Someone takes the redpill and agrees with my stunning observations

DING DING DING The dinner bell for everyone's most hated loved redditors at /r/ShitRedditSays get in on the action too here

A proud "muslim" that uses the internet gets mad at me for clowning around

"I'm so tired of reddit pulling this crap. At least people are calling the OP out." -/u/buttegg (feel free to call me out as well ITT sweetie :DDD)


Sorry for making you work overtime snappy I'll buy you a ten inch dildo just for your troubles

gj OP, what do you want? a medal?

fuck off back to the gas chamber

thank you sempai

💕that's how I show my love💕

no need to thank me


Glad you thought it was funny tho tbh

Well memed my friend

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What the hell did you expect to happen? Make passive aggressive, unfunny shit, and people are gonna call you an asshole.

Humor is subjective though, I think you were already angry and just wanted to vent sweetie but it's okay :)

No, why I'm not projecting anything famalam just wanted to have some fun shitposting on a bad sub



What kind of Muslim are you?


In my experience the most outspoken critics of Islamic extremism and ultra-conservatism have been Muslims.

That's because naive and ignorant people like SRSters brand all non-Muslims who criticize Islam as racist, bigoted, xenophobic or islamophobic. You're addicted to that sweet feeling of doing good. Virtue signalling is your word for it I believe? 'Yeah sure, Islam might have some problems, but let's never bring them up or try to solve them, that's racist.'

You're doing exactly that on SRS all day. You are the cause of that problem, how do you not realize that?

I'm sure you've met plenty of non-Muslim with valid criticism of Islam, but you've waved them all off as Nazis or whatever you call your spooky political enemies nowadays.

I really don't think these people have ever met or interacted with a Muslim, maybe other than in passing.

I've lived in a Muslim dominated area abroad and interacted with newly arrived wahhabists in my own country. I'm pretty sure you haven't. In fact, I'm pretty sure the only Muslims you've ever interacted with have been westernized and assimilated since Islam is radically opposed to a lot of the social justice talking points you love to regurgitate all day.

I'm guessing you're either gonna ignore this comment because it doesn't conform to your neat worldview or you'll reply with another classic "poor little racist snowflake got his fee-fees hurt xD" while dodging all actual arguments. Good one btw, you're so funny and smart.

this is r/drama not r/whinelikeatwat

r/drama has been r/whinelikeatwat for a long time now. Don't agenda shame me.

man you're meant to get angry or at the very least a bit snarky

I'm playing hard to get.

I'm playing hard to get.