/r/centerleftpolitics trends. leftyreddit is slightly miffed.

60  2017-10-24 by ValiantPie


every time I get summoned here, I have a quick look around and find that this place gets worse and worse, it's like a black hole which mangles everything that gets sucked into it. src


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Oh damn, they even linked Thomas Sowell's Basic Economics.

But Sowell is a staunch conservative and not center left at all.

The American centre-left is the global centre-right or right.

No, it isn't. This is the dumbest meme.

The dems could be considered centre-right in most of Europe. Hell, even Sanders is centre-left.

Why are you just repeating the same thing I already said I disagreed with as if it's new information

In a worldwide context, the US Overton Window faces right - allowing for a marvelous view of the sunset (of their civilization).

which is why we crave cultural enrichment so, we have vast gaps in our collective soul which only can be filled by the vibrant, loving, creative cultures of the mysterious near east

It's fucking drafty though. Need more Clean Coal™ to heat my house.

The American ideological compass is retarded as fuck, mate. Yass queen fans are unironically in the center. If you're still delusional in current year it's not my fault.

did you get hit by a truck or something who talks like that

We had a different kind of terrorism here, alas. Not by trucks or planes.

You gottem

Sanders is solidly left (not sure if I'd consider him far left globally, because there are people quite to the left of him).

Democrats seem to have people from the left to the center right but they are overall center left.

Sanders is solidly left

Lmao. The Spanish socialist party is as (if not more) progressive as Sanders and it skews into centre-left

I guess it's subjective.

They're more to the left, I mean. Not by a lot, but "solidly left" is out of the question.

That tells me nothing.

It's not a meme. Americans are just retarded.

Looks at warship fleet bigger then all of EU's

I'm American so I fully know how retarded my country is. Spending 700 billion a year on the military (which basically equal to our deficit this year) is retarded. I'm also a Vet in case you think I'm just some idiot whining about the military.

How many people have you killed?

I dunno explosives make it hard to tell

The military is a government jobs programs. I thought you lefties loved that shit.

being against worthless government spending makes me a leftist? neck yourself dtard

No, being a bitch makes you a leftist.

That's all you got? You truly are retarded and an embarrassment to the US.

It is just the reality of things, Warhams.

The reality is you're an idiot and insecure so you live through an ideology. Cut your dick off before you make a new litter of inbred welfare babies.

I am not into ideology.

At least you tried.

Yeah you just spent countless hours recycling the same old stale Trump memes in a sub for literal basketcases, children, and bots for the love of it.

Face it, you're either totally dysfunctional with seriously stunted mental development or just plain retarded. If you had an actual personality you would have something better to put your time into.

You are always upset, Russ.

"He said things I don't want to hear so he is obviously upset"

Nice projection bro

But you are.

Where's your self awareness? You think other people are upset when they point out your issues?

Yes, obviously.

And that's projection



Between Russia, China, Somalia, and Venezuela you think Ben Bernanke is on the right?

Or do you think the whole world consists of Western Europe?

akshually, bernie sanders is a fascist in europe

I love how the word "globally" here really just means "Europe" as if they are the only spectrum that matters. Europe really is just as obsessed with itself as America. They just get to pretend to be multinational cause their countries are the size of US states.

European countries smaller than US states are unironically more diverse than the entire USA.

You are joking right? Europe is just now feeling the pinch of globalization. Your "diversity" comes from nitpicking differences in a largely monolithic population. Differences so small the US doesn't bother making a new category for. That's why in the US the many different European populations are known as a single word: "white".

Race is the only diversity factor

Fucking retard.

Lol the US is above most of the major European countries in your own damn list.

That's why I didn't say "all".

You did try to claim Europe defines "global" though.

It's like metric and imperial. Metric is the good one.

It's not even all Europe; it's just Western and Northern Europe. Seriously, people shit on Amerifats for being provincial, then they call maybe half a tiny continent "the rest of the world".

Europeans think that diversity means baking bread using a different kind of yeast

whats the difference between them and /r/neoliberal?

This tbh and I say this as a centrist meme person

Same here.

The number of subscribers

/r/neoliberal is not thought as center left, it's just that the posters make it lean that way.

Neoliberalism is a center-right ideology.

Neoliberalism is a rear-hole ideology.

people were getting banned for being dicks to right wingers on /r/neoliberal, so they decided to make a new sub.


*several cherry-picked western European countries

What is with the sudden venomous hatred Redditors have towards any slightly identifying as being towards the Centre? The Centre doesn’t mean people don’t have opinions, it means they have opinions covering a wide gamut of political beliefs, or prefer a more soft approach to towards policies and outcomes.

I fucking hate the meme that /r/subredditdrama and /r/circlebroke post that goes:

Right-wing person: let’s genocide 1 million people. Left-wing person: let’s genocide no one. Centrist: let’s meet in the middle and genocide 1000 people.

As if the moderate position is still to kill people, as well as implying only a certain politician persuasion has committed genocide.

I don't mind centrists that much. What i do mind are lethal levels of smugness that you get in /r/centerleftpolitics and /r/neoliberal. The latter sub is basically just /r/socdem, even though classical neoliberals like Thatcher, Regan, and Friedman were pro-nationalist, and Friedman was even sympathetic to fucking fascism.

Are there any even vaguely political subs that aren't full of smug dumbfucks, though?

/r/The_Donald is just a co-op of simple farmers, tending our memes.

Yeah, in there they're just dumbfucks, without the smugness.

Still an improvement!

Friedman was even sympathetic to fucking fascism

no, he fucking wasn't.

Come now, we all know what happened when he went to Chile. "Lecturing on inflation", uhuh yeah right.

Pinochet wasn't a fascist, plus calling Friedman 'sympathetic' to Pinochet is not entirely accurate either.

Pinochet was... a hero.

Pinochet was an hero


/r/Tuesday is a much better centrist sub since there isn’t much memeing

classical neoliberals like Thatcher, Regan

nobody likes those assholes. but how the fuck are they “classical neoliberals”? that isn’t even a thing


was he really “pro-nationalism” or just realist

how the fuck are they “classical neoliberals” tho?

They're the most famous and influential neoliberal politicians, and the ones that championed it.

neoliberalism is from the 30s tho

in the 80s it was a derogatory term

/r/neoliberal is full of rich kids who were with her. That's basically the entire sub

literally 75% of the people who discuss politics on reddit are far left loonies and additional 20% of the people who discuss politics on reddit are far right loonies

of course theyre going to hate on normal people

why do you think the horseshoe theory triggers them so much

Bringing up horseshoe theory is basically the world's simplest honeypot on reddit. Go to any default sub, type the words "horseshoe theory", go do something else for a few hours, come back. You'll have caught at least a dozen teenage communists jerking each other off over how their ideology is unique and pure.

If you're lucky you might see the very rare genuine neonazi who ventured into hostile territory, though it can take a few tries. Remember, you don't want to scare them away before they get caught in the trap, so make sure to stay away for at least three hours after setting it.

On next week's episode we'll talk about differentiating the neonazi and the edgy middle school troll, which has evolved to look strikingly similar. If you're an amateur entomologist, you're not gonna want to miss it.

the Centre

europoor opinion discarded

Jokes on you, I’m Australian.

Centrists are a radicals worst enemy as they do not create counter-radicals.

The tsar wasn't shot for being a tyrant, but for potentially loosening his grip that would have stunted the communist revolution.

I appreciate that your centrist took logs before meeting in the middle.

There's no point trying to make sense of irrational estrogen-fueled emotional hysteria coming from /r/subredditdrama or /r/circlebroke etc

It's completely a waste of time, they literally believe in a different version of reality where there's golden trump death camps right now being set up

Browsing a sub like /r/Tumblrinaction shows you the worst of it and you learn to not to waste time getting mad at it

Mr. Pragmatic, it’s a reaction to the type of centrist who believes in the middle-of-the-road fallacy.

I favor the death penalty and also socialism

That's not really unusual for a socialist. After maybe starting famines, purges are their favorite thing to do.

It's not centreleft, it's 🅱retty much /r/neoliberal.