r/milliondollarextreme is trying to root out the left and/or right-wing extremists that are trying to hijack the sub

78  2017-10-24 by MakeAmericaSageAgain

I think we all know how this goes. Thoroughly entertaining post-ironic meme sub with no rules hits r/all.

Retards from /pol/ are enticed by the opportunity to post more or less agreeable propaganda memes outside of their designated shitting board.

When the newfriends are convinced they've got the support of the majority of the sub they want to eradicate any dissent.

Pretentious open-minded """intellectuals""" like me have to suffer.

We are being co-opted by white nationalists

We are being co-opted by SJW's

"What, you don't agree with me on [a singular issue] you must be like all those other [our political enemy]"


Isn't this the sub that was on here for the holocaust denial. I think the coopted ship has sailed to the shores of the alt right and made camp

There has always been radical right-wing stuff, but it was always kind of an outlier. "Was the holocaust a hoax? Hmm Idk let's look at the facts" Like that. Now there are no questions. Either you are with the poste-modernist marxists or you are with us, the good guys.

There are plenty of good users left, but they tend to be buried under the downvotes of our newfriends. This guy knows what is going on.

I just really dislike this whole elitist "enlightened" mindset that this place has. It's like they need to put other people down to feel better about themselves.

On one hand, I wanna see this sub banned, if only to witness their impotent rage. On the other hand, I don't want to know what some of these weirdos would do when they have nothing to lose.

It's like they need to put other people down to feel better about themselves.

Not like /r/drama, where we put other people down and still hate ourselves.


do u mean the DARK ENLIGHTMENT

Imagine reflecting on your beliefs and finding this to be the best label to show the world to explain yourself.

it takes the kind of social skills that only an in-utero folate overdose, followed back-to-back readings of V for Vendetta and The Will to Power, could produce

I just really dislike this whole elitist "enlightened" mindset that this place has.





Reddit and 4chan is just where people say what they REALLY mean.

its because of sam's politics dumbass

Lol @ him crying to Tim about losing his healthcare

So we looked at the data

1,400,000 murdered at Auschwitz (https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/8/80/Auschwitz-Birkenau_memorial.JPG) 5 years of operation (Construction began sometime in 1940, liberated in 1945) 46 ovens (from http://www.pbs.org/auschwitz/40-45/killing/: "By the early spring of 1943, four huge crematoria became fully operational at Auschwitz II (Birkenau). They housed eight gas chambers and forty-six ovens that could dispose of some 4,400 corpses per day." [Author's note: lol that claim alone is incredibly retarded]) 2-2.5 hours to cremate a body (3 Hours is the range given, which includes cool-down time, but let's just say Nazi's had REALLY GOOD GLOVES that could handle HOT HOT 1600 DEGREE ashes https://bostoncremation.org/blog/how-long-to-cremate-a-body)

Okay, so: Let's pretend that Auschwitz murdered even numbers of people for 365 days for 5 years straight. 365x5 = 1825 days. And, let's also pretend they had 46 ovens up and running, from January 1st, 1940, to December 31st, 1945.

1,400,000 / 1825 = 767.1 People murdered per day 767.1 / 46 ovens = 16.7 people per oven in a day

So, let's take these 16.7 people, and put them in a modern cremation oven:

16.7 x 2.25 hours it would take to cremate a body = 37.05 Hours per day in order to murder 1.4 million people in a 5 year period, with contemporary ovens.

The Nazis would have had to squeeze THIRTY SEVEN POINT ZERO FIVE hours out of a 24 hour day in order to completely incinerate victims after gassing them. And this is IF they did it all day, every day, from January 1st, 1940, until December 31st, 1945, without breaks.

Oh, and with the use of contemporary cremation ovens. Not those poorly ventilated ones at the camp, that would need to be cleaned after each use.

This calculation doesn't even factor in how long it would take to transport bodies, crush remains, disposing of them in the rivers. But this is a totally real event that really did happen.

Hey buddy , u didn't factor in how retarded you are into your calculations

All those numbers but do you know how many like it takes to get to the center of a tootsie roll pop u/superswellcewlguy

Better question for /u/superswellcewlguy would be does he know how many licks to get the center of a sphincter.

Wow, leftist come up with such great arguments.

Did you just assume my politics?

I'll have you know im a piece of shit, so im obviously alt right like you fam


Wearing powdered wigs doesn't make you less of a leftist.

Unlike a smart unquestioning boy like you.

This has to be the most effort someone has ever put into denying the holocaust.

At least you're a hard-working piece of shit.

Nah, he just copied it off some other retard on MDE. Specifically, this.

Someones a piece of shit for looking for the facts?

Do we have two holocaust deniers up in here? We gonna have some great drama, bring it on lolcows!

Here's a fact, you are and will always be below average.

Hey u/Valdincan, do you not realize where you are because you might want to take some of your own advice

People who are raped do deserve blame for putting themselves in a situation where they could be raped.

No. It's a shame you are, though.

Lol you can question everything in life, the existence of God, morality, anything except the Holocaust.

Ok, so this wasn't just easy pasta off another dude in the other thread? Are you actually a holocaust denier, or are you a troll? Cause if you're fucking with me, ya got me real good!

No, he's really that retarded and a self proclaimed bussy scout. Sad really..

Bringing r/drama to know lows with Verified Holocaust DenialTM! Now with "facts n evidence"!

Nah he just put it in a nice form so I didn't have to refind all those sources. The facts are real.

Man, imagine being this far up your own anus

Imagine being this brainwashed

You been huffing too many chemtrails hombre

If you can tell me how anything in the comment is incorrect, let me know.

Ovens weren’t the only method they used to kill people.

These ovens weren't used to kill people, they were used to dispose of their bodies. That's the explanation given as to where the 1.7 million allegedly killed there went, and it doesn't hold up under scrutiny.

IF they did it all day, every day, from January 1st, 1940, until December 31st, 1945

Someone who wasn't a complete fucking imbecile would know that the Holocaust didn't begin until 1942 and the war ended in May 1945. If you don't even know such basic facts, maybe you're not ready to be challenging the conventional wisdom of everyone who was alive back then.

I literally pointed out that they didn't even have all their crematoriums constructed at that point. I used January 1st 1940 to point out that even by the most lenient timeline they still wouldn't have been able to cremated all those alegedly killed.

Usually when a question is answered with mountains of evidence, normal people don't keep asking the same question over and over again unless they're crazy or butthurt that reality doesn't for their autistic narrative.

See: Incels, anti-vaxxers

Alright let me see the mountain of evidence that 1.7 million people were killed and cremated at Auschwitz then.

Well there aren't pictures and other first hand accounts of god and morality.

Quick question, what shape is the earth?

Oh please show me all the photographic evidence of the super speedy cremation process used to miraculously make 1.4 million people disappear in ways that can't be reproduced today.

Can't be reproduced with your standard cremation methods. Absolutely correct, my good goy. Of course, the Nazis contracted the work out to a company renowned for their animal incinerators, which burn at a much higher temperature.

But I'm not looking to get engaged in an in-depth holocaust analysis with an autismo. You're pretty clearly bought in, but you (probably) won't hurt anyone so I'll let it slide. I was just saying there is a fundamental difference between question god and the holocaust.


lol kill yourself

good boy

thanks bae, still kys tho

ask yourself why you get so angry at anyone who questions the Holocaust

nah, kill yourself

On the topic of cremation rates:


disposing of them in the rivers.

We have records of some archaeological digs which uncovered ashes at the sites of former death camps:


First link doesn't actually give any info as to how the bodies disappeared other than saying "lol no they somehow stuffed three bodies in at once and had it take the same amount of time so they got it done three times as fast" which isn't actually possible.

The second link isn't even about Auschwitz, so not really relevant to my comment as I haven't mentioned any other concentration camps.

Try again with something other than other people's poor arguments.

The first link debunks the idea of "2-2.5 hours to cremate a body" by pointing out the substantial differences between modern crematoria procedures, and what occurred at Auschwitz. Your parody of the argument doesn't engage with what is said in this regard at all.

The second link isn't even about Auschwitz

You alluded to dumping ashes in rivers, so I thought it was necessary to point out that we have plenty of records of buried ashes being discovered at former death camp sites.

That's because using modern crematorium practices would be the only way they could hide all the human remains by making it into such a fine powder that they would not be able to be found. There have not been 1.4 million "rugby ball sized" human remains found near Auschwitz so pointing that out is an equally impotent argument as we would have been able to find all of the remains of that was the case.

Much like r/drama or a fat girl's pussy, keeping the flora in balance at the MDE sub is a constant struggle. Things are kinda ew right now.

That place used to be funny but then turbo retards started posting dead bodies and shit.

Btw Sven any update on those kids who saw you smoking heroin or whatever? Did you pork their mom?

Please, sir, Jews don't pork things they just give them high interest rate loans.

Did you pork their mom?

I heaven't seen the mom for a while. I've talked to my landlord though and he seems pretty oblivious to any mischief going on, thank god.

I'd rather avoid fucking the mom if I can. :S:S

Praise Allah 👳

Well if you get kicked out you can always live with me, I've always wanted a swedish twink

Thank you my friend. I hope it won't come to that, but if it does I will take this comment as a sworn oath.

I hope you live in Dublin fam, cause I ain't selling my ass for a shitty room in fucking Cork or whatever.

Of course, I'm no country hick. Besides I'm pretty sure Irish chicks love Swedes, I'll be your wingman/rohypnol supplier.

Ahh, I was wondering who was saying "soyboy" other than the fine folks here. What pleasant company.

it's also popular with CTH and the /u/prince_kropotkin krew.

Leftists are referring to themselves as soys now? This is worse than thots wearing "slut" shirts.

They've moved onto "bugman" and "clown world" now.

OP delete this or I can't guarantee your safety. Somebody NOT ME might feel threatened and attack you. Not me I'm just saying someone might mace or stab you. Don't know who I know not me. There's a reason people don't mess with that sub.

It would be a blessing in disguise friendo

FYI this sub is for Sam Hyde, a guy who got his adult swim show shitcanned because of the usual network politics, and rather than pitch it to another channel threw an e-bitchfit and turned into a crazy hobo

Die a hero, or live long enough to become the villain.

He made his choice.

Should have went out like cobain but hes gonna go out like cosby.

hyde has always been a crazy, awesome hobo. i first saw him years ago, when he somehow got himself booked to give a TED Talk, i think it was. he's been batshit for a long time

Does MDE even have left wing fans? Anyway if the sub implodes on itself that can only be good thing.

paradigm shift 2070 remains one of the great comedy pieces of the new millennium, and i think hyde is an interesting enough creator that his work is worth taking seriously, but yeah, you pretty much have to have drank the koolaid to call yourself a "fan" at this point.

Sam is funny as shit but he is getting what he deserves, he has always been an extreme narcissist who views the world as below him and for his entertainment. Then he goes and hangs his entire ego on some average as fuck 11 min adult swim show and when that fell apart he just ended up going down with it. Young Sam would definitely approach current sam on the street and harass him.

Although I'm not exactly in your corner ideologically I think you might be close to the truth. Sam Hyde went too hard on the authoritarian-right wing agenda, for no reason. I think he's got some mental problems to sort out.

2070 paradigm shift and large parts of World Peace are among the best comedy America has ever produced imo, but yeah. He's alienated himself from pretty much everyone who helped him get to where he is at this point.

Right now it's more "Jews r bad right?" Not very clever nor funny.

It's the same reason Dada and good Vaporwave died out, like, 24 hours after it became a thing. Turns out post-ironic shitposting is still just shitposting and it gets boring quick.

paradigm shift 2070 remains one of the great comedy pieces of the new millennium

It was just a spoof of a Ted talk. The onion did it years ago.

le onion did it

dont even talk to me

Mean. Other people on adult swim did it as well https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xg29TuWo0Yo

Non-nazi MDE fan. Then again I only like their stuff pre 2015

it seems like he pretty much became the character he pretended to be, which is a very similar story to a friend of his


2011 sam making fun of 2016 sam

the character he pretended to be

That's the big crux. His early stuff was basically pretending to be a certain character for laughs. He was very good at it too.

Then he became a character like that, without any of the jokes. Suddenly it ain't so funny anymore.

People are simple. If they do a thing and get rewarded for it they keep doing it.

i don't think that's the case, i think his stuff (which was always slightly political) came from a 'legitimate' place, he just exaggerated it. it's not like he did a 180 on his beliefs, he just couldn't be bothered 'keeping up the act' post-MDE cancellation so started talking more seriously about it

yeah same, most of their adult swim stuff was meh

Anthony Fantano is an MDE fan and even featured Sam Hyde on a podcast.

Melonhead is shitty memer

Anthony "King of limbs is worse than Pablo Honey" Fantano is an ugly cuck. Sad!

I'm pretty lefty and I like him, he's just taking the piss out of a lot of sjws but yeah I don't agree with his political opinions. Shame his show got canned it was pretty funny

Im glad his show canned fam.

Why ?

Because it led to this conversation, between us.


Does MDE even have left wing fans?

more than you'd think my man

I honestly completely stopped paying attention to Sam Hyde and his crew a long while back after he became a right-wing shill. He's always been a little off, but everyone I know who knows him says he's legit lost it.

You know multiple people acquainted with Samuel J Hoidel??

he pulled a Notch eh?

why isn’t he modding this sub

Notch at least has money.

...or is he? /u/ComedicSans

Every mod on /r/drama is a Sam Hyde alt

I've always thought he was either a nonviolent sociopath or something close to it. His behavior is just...off. On the rare occasions where he actually reacts to something it happens later than it should and it feels like he's forcing anything out to the surface just so people won't think he's going to murder them.

He's nowhere near as socially retarded as I am, but at least I have the decency to stay at home all day and not subject the world to me.

How can someone with as many mass-shootings under his belt not be a sociopath?

Well I mean those were justified and/or self defense

He's always been a little off, but everyone I know who knows him says he's legit lost it.

Yeah, I've always appreciated his creative output, but I never thought "I want to be this guy's friend". He's got a screw loose, which makes him funny.

Tell me about the 'lost it' thing though, please. I know Charls from MDE seems to avoid him nowadays.

that sub is basically just /pol/ on reddit

Yeah, but much more obnoxious and stuck up.

Quite the accomplishment to be more full of yourself and obnoxious than /pol/

I'm just a man with a taste for avant-garde YouTube videos also the holocaust didn't happen.

Just pray Sam Hyde hasn't heard about this...

I'm sure Sam Hyde is welcoming it. Sam is a retard nowadays though. He has jumped the shark completely imo. He's abandoned the meta-modernist commentary route and gone straight for the easy "DAE Jews are bad". Even if he believes what he is saying it's so lazy and un-inventive.

One look at that sub reveals it as a complete bonfire of trash. Not so much co-opted by either side as being a mass grave for humor.

r/comedycemetary but with the self awareness of r/politicalhumour

It took a decade, but reddit finally found its answer to "are far right subs as unfunny and repetitive as far left subs?"

To be fair, how many far right subs were there ten years ago? From what I remember the prevailing circlejerk was "le atheist engineer swede ubermensch".

Back then it was less political and more they'd believe whatever they thought made them superior to everyone else. So they were atheists and socialists, but they also thought the government should be smaller and let them do whatever they want. Their preferences were law and anyone who disagreed was garbage, even retarded shit like how done your steak should be or what brand of chocolate you eat.

You're talking about Reddit in general fam.

/r/mde is literally just /r/altright now. How could anyone visit the sub more than one time and not see that?


The sub is dedicated to a guy who's twitter handle is #JWOK

The sub is also dedicated to Charls who loathe the #JWOKE stuff.

imagine being a regular on r/mde and thinking your political opinions are worth having struggle sessions about

/mde has had some of the most insightful political commentary I've ever come across on the internet. Did you ever check out the sub pre-/all or are you just aimlessly couterjerking man?

this but unironically

It was sincere. It's been my favorite internet blanket for a while.

Internet blanket?

A comfort object, transitional object, or security blanket is an item used to provide psychological comfort, especially in unusual or unique situations, or at bedtime for children.

So it's something to watch to calm yourself down after getting butt blasted on the internet?

yes, that's the joke.

ur waifu is shit

Do u even know my waifu fam? My waifu has always been early 90's Björk

i rescind my earlier statement

that's like top-tier right? right

3D waifu's are usually trash, but Bjork is patrician.

Go to hell weebs, but the tears made me hard

are you just aimlessly couterjerking man?

the fuck subreddit do you think you are on?

Counterjerking is practically a requirement for posting here.

This ain't cb2 friendo

I made a friend :D

We should play Pokemon Go together :))

Doesnt Sam Hyde unironically hate Jews?

OP needs to gb2 reddit.

plebbit xD

I only just found this lol.