Someone made an incredibly tone deaf children's book about Madam President for some reason

137  2017-10-24 by pepperouchau

Edit: just realized this book actually came out before the election, so it's a little less pathetic than I originally thought


And to add insult to injury, the illustrator perfectly captured her deranged smile

Uh, is that a Nazi salute?!

Of course it is!


Jesus fucking Christ that's terrifying

The hero worship she's gotten since losing the election is insane. This is a woman who only got where she did because of her husband, she's corrupt as fuck, and the poster child for American politics as usual. Not to mention a failure in the one thing she wanted, the presidency. To make it worse she lost to a basketball american and then a tangerine.

basketball american then an actual basketball

ffs the goddamn joke was right in front of you. kys

Future Presidential elections will be settled with a game of HORSE.

shit guys bernie just might still have a chance!

Donate today to buy Bernie some new Nike Kobe A.D.'s!

i donated the allowance my wife gives me, match me!

Whoever throws granny style is immediately eliminated.

implying granny shots aren't the pinnacle of athleticism

Found the granny.

I'll be your granny you bitch ass

Give me hard candies.

Let Granny Thot pinch those cute little hemorrhoids

Hooray, I have a chance!

I can't dribble for shit but I got a mean jump shot.

Am I retarded or is HORSE something other than a poker game?

Yes and yes.

There's a poker game?

Hold 'em




I forget what the e stands for

You pick a spot and make a shot in BB horse and the other players have to make the same shot from the same spot or they get a letter (H,O,R,S,E) till the last person standing without spelling horse wins.

Listen here, as the voice of reason on the sub, let me tell you that this is a group effort. We can't nail all the jokes all the time. So while I prepare my noose, my final words: how dare you

I don't think the Democrats can comprehend how much of a damaged brand 'Clinton' even is these days. I honestly doubt that even Bill would be able to secure Presidency if the term limits were removed, he made a massive blunder near the end of his term that singlehandedly took away tons of goodwill that he ever earned through his presidency.

So the idea that Hilary stood by her husband who at the very least cheated on his wife and at most forced her into unconsentual sex is going to sway a lot of voters, especially when all of the allegations towards Trump were sketchy at best. Let's not forget that Bill denied everything and nearly drove Monica to suicide until they found the dress that was the smoking gun to get him.

Suddenly, saying 'grabbing by the pussy' as a joke in a private conversation doesn't seem that bad.

Term limits are only towards a consecutive term. Bill could run again and be president with no changes to the law (assuming he won, obviously).

This is completely wrong

Which is funny since it was last year.

honestly i want to agree with you so much...

but for the love of god can we at least ackowledge that the "Trump" brand is a damaged goods as well?

fact was that when presented witha choice between shit and shit of another flavour the general american public didn't rise and ask "are these really our only choices?"

They did ask that though

I totally agree that both are damaged, but the Democrats could have literally won with almost anyone else. All they had to do was pick a fairly moderate guy who wasn't a Clinton and boom, an easy 8 year term.

But they ended up with an economic retard in Bernie and the wife of a disgraced President as the two main candidates.

You're trying too hard to be a centrist when you call Bernie and economic retard. His biggest problem was looking weak, stuff like having the most progressive canidate let blm protesters steal his mic on stage was really some terrible pr for him.

Totally disagree. Nobody in the American voting population over the age of 35 who isn't a poverty stricken asshole is ok with anything aligning itself with socialism. Bernie, who's not even a dem, is the one guy in American politics aligning himself with that shit. He didn't stand a snowball's chance in hell.

Imagine thinking Bernie Sanders actually had a chance

Imagine thinking you have any idea who had a chance after watching Donald fucking Trump win the presidency.

I think a surprising amount of people in cities are realizing you either have some intervention for things like homelessness or mental illness, education.etc or you just watch the streets exponentially flood with homelessness and petty crime. Unlike a lot of things today that problem doesn't go away by ignoring it.

The only socialists are poor lazy people or rich lazy people who don't realize how their parents got rich and don't realize how different their lives will be when they are poor.

Imagine thinking that the only possible way to do that is with socialism or more government in general

inb4 recreational mcnukes may-may

You're trying too hard to be a centrist when you call Bernie and economic retard.

Bernie was an economic retard. The stuff he said about the Fed or his health care plan (and I am in favor of universal health care) made no sense to anybody with a modicum of understanding in the field. Not to mention his ideas about trade which are reminiscent of the one of protectionist robber baron of the 1800s. Or free college - which studied have shown repeatedly is a subsidies to the wealthy. Or $15 minimum wage.

The fact that the UMass Amherst economics' department endorsed him is quite telling.

I resent this whole "anyone with a modicum of understanding" when it comes to shit like economics, economics doesn't work axiomatically like physics and top people in the field are wrong way too regularly for me with way too little agreement on the basic economics axioms. If you really know what you are talking about, what metric should I use to evaluate these politicians economic claims? What metric do you use? What's your opinion on evaluating someone like Trump's economics who can't be held to their word?

Trump would have blown anyone out of the water. The reason you didn't name anyone is because there is no single name that could beat him. He demolished 17 moderate republicans, he would have bulldozed anyone not Hillary. If it wasn't for her existing stature, influence, billions of dollars and the woman card the race wouldn't have been close at all.

a fairly moderate guy who wasn't a Clinton

Martin O'Malley?

fact was that when presented witha choice between shit and shit of another flavour the general american public didn't rise and ask "are these really our only choices?"

Was this your first election or something?

It's a different kind of tarnished, though.

Trump's brand was apolitical, so becoming political--and particularly becoming partisan--was always going to tarnish it. Clinton started out political, and it's the subsequent results of Bill's policies that have tarnished their brand.

Tough on crime, privatization, free trade, banking deregulation and neoliberalism in general have lost what little luster they had with voters. What's left? A half-assed attempt at school uniforms?

the general american public didn't rise and ask "are these really our only choices?"

I've been shilling Gary Johnson on here for well over two years and now you guys are finally waking up.

Seems like an amiable fellow, not president material.

implying raping people is president material

Trump is a 🎺.

he made a massive blunder near the end of his term

What was that? Easing up on lending restrictions to help the recession happen? Introducing three strikes laws to throw blacks in jail for more? Shoving through nafta? Letting Osama bin laden go?

Oh yeah it was the sex.

But the Clinton party straight up denied these even were problems, and worse set out to silence and call anyone who brought them up a "neo-nazi" or a "misogynist bernie bro". Pretty infuriating.

It's interesting how America conducting bombing runs in Europe flew completely under everyones radar.

Not to mention blowing up Sudanese pharmaceutical factories.

Usually a legend is made by men and media — the legend of Kennedy, say, or Jim Morrison — and then, much later, a biopic, pretending to evenhandedness, reveals the legend's shortcomings, his "human" side. The shortcomings are almost always something exactly no one actually believes compromises his heroism. His problem drinking. His mistreatment of women. Well, takedowns of Hillary were always already written. She has somehow made the time to hear out each dead-end line of reasoning about her fake mortal sins, and often she has also thanked everyone for sparing her further moral lashings, as if that were a kindness. Under cover of "humanizing" the intimidating valedictorian, reports and investigations and media clichés vilified her. But the feminist hero never got to be a legend first. And yet she is one, easily surpassing Ben Franklin, Henry Ford, Steve Jobs.

I want to reverse the usual schedule of things, then. We don't have to wait until she dies to act. Hillary Clinton's name belongs on ships, and airports, and tattoos. She deserves straight-up hagiographies and a sold-out Broadway show called RODHAM. Yes, this cultural canonization is going to come after the chronic, constant, nonstop "On the other hand" sexist hedging around her legacy. But such is the courage of Hillary Clinton and her supporters; we reverse patriarchal orders. Maybe she is more than a president. Maybe she is an idea, a world-historical heroine, light itself. The presidency is too small for her. She belongs to a much more elite class of Americans, the more-than-presidents. Neil Armstrong, Martin Luther King Jr., Alexander Fucking Hamilton.

Hillary Clinton did everything right in this campaign, and she won more votes than her opponent did. She won. She cannot be faulted, criticized, or analyzed for even one more second. Instead, she will be decorated as an epochal heroine far too extraordinary to be contained by the mere White House. Let that revolting president-elect be Millard Fillmore or Herbert Hoover or whatever. Hillary is Athena.

Is this a New copypasta?


I've also noticed this phenomena in the current wave of feminism (however you want to number them) in portraying certain women as pioneers by ignoring most of the other women in the field. There's a documentary called "Miss Representation" that had a ten minute segment talking about Katie Couric as having been a pioneer for women in broadcasting when she became the anchor of CBS news in 2006.

I think they do that to keep their movement more relevant. Broaden terms like sexism so they can find more injustices and make everything seem closer to home and closer to now to give their followers a reason to follow them.

If by some miracle, the goals, of whatever their wave of feminism wants, was accomplished overnight, they would quickly find new ways to keep feminism relevant or they'd be out of work.

I'm pretty sure this could happen to any movement where you can make a career out of it.

If you're not talented enough to be the first of something, be the first [adjective] something. If you're not talented enough to be the first [adjective] something, erase them from history and take their place like the yeerks.


I think that it is a mistake to attempt to read meaning into the feminist noises they make. It's not about making an argument and then seeing where that argument leads us if it's true (as awful male autisms perceive those), it's about making a bunch of supportive noises that say "I'm a good person and I'm in support of ya'll good people and the good people we support", and that look vaguely like arguments in order to be promoted in the society at large.

Have you ever been in a chicken coop at night? They coo, to reassure each other that all is well, you're among friendly chickens. Modern feminist thought is basically the same sort of cooing masquerading as human speech.

Sometimes it backfires when someone goes full retard with this and produces some obviously retarded feel-good-noises, though you'll never see other feminists attacking them except when they see an opportunity to move up in the pecking order by ripping some unfortunate chick to shreds.

Anyways, you can see this difference between actual arguments and supportive noises laid bare in the tragedy of TERFs. TERFs are Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminists, who are mostly trans-men in denial themselves (meta study on digit ratios in attendants of feminist conferences, the graph that's worth a thousand words).

So that's a bunch of women who've been hearing that there's no such thing as a male or female brain (in context of conservatives saying that women should raise children and belong to the kitchen because of EvoPsych) or that the ultimate goal of Radical Feminism is the abolishment of the totally socially constructed gender roles, and they take these arguments seriously like some nerds lol.

The more feminine 3rd (or whatever) wave feminists treat those as supportive noises for female empowerment and see no contradiction between that and cooing about trans empowerment, it's about the goal of helping oppressed people, not about the arguments which are just noises that you make to make other people do the needful.

The poor TERFs with their super male brains are not like that, if you really believe that bullshit then you must also believe that ftm trans are lying about everything because they can't have "female brains" because there's no such thing, and they can't get physiologically depressed from being unable to express female gender roles because then the brave new world where there are no gender roles would be a shithole where a lot of people are depressed. Obviously, all that is a Patriarchal sabotage of the feminist movement.

but they still don't got the bussy.

They don't want to, TERFs are notorious femme pussy hounds. As I said, it's a tragedy however you look at it.

I laugh since TERFs are just radfems from the 90s who didn't get with the hip new lingo. Who would have thought that mangry lesbians would finally lose their cool status?

At least TERFs have a solid definition of what a women is. This Queer shit is gay as fuck

this is true. they are, quite literally, the most internally consistent of all feminist strains on the market today.

Well, they are the most masculine of the feminists after all.

Well, that sure clears everything up.

Explain the graph please,

Non-Crazy Feminists who think there is a difference between men and women are more likely to have manish bains who use logic instead of cooing at each other?

Explain the graph please, I'm vaguely aware of something about finger digits

I had chickens growing up. Another thing they do is when a chicken gets an injury or cut all the other chickens gang up on it and peck it to death. The feminist/chicken analogy is truly multifaceted.

>slatestarcodexposting in drama


I find the intersection between the userbases of the two subreddits disturbing to be honest. It's like discovering mr. Hyde's other life, that he has an entirely different personality not at all interested in bussy and mayocide...

its 50% fascinating and 50% hilarious

I wanted to make a post in one community regarding the other but decided against it. The Weekly Culture War threads are practically just more cerebral /r/drama, anyways.

Hillary Clinton

3rd or eight woman to be nominated by a party to run for president 4th or 5th? to be secretary of state
was a female congresslady which is rare

Though she could be the first woman to successfully destroy the Democratic party if that happens.

if that happens

If that continues to happen




Wasn't she the first female network anchor when she got that job? That's kind of a big deal.

I get Walters was only co-anchor and the other women listed were temporary, but it's telling that Couric doesn't even show up on the first page of search results.

Katie Couric's success as a host on the Today Show helped her land a gig as anchor of the CBS Evening News, making her the first woman to be the solo weekday anchor on a Big Three broadcast network

Second link

solo weekday anchor on a Big Three broadcast network

About a decade after the concept of "the Big Three Networks" became irrelevant.

Not at all, the national news on CBS, ABC, and NBC all beat the living shit out of any cable news show in viewership and much more so in prestige. That network anchor chair is a big deal.

Hi, I'm a bot for linking direct images of albums with only 1 image

Source | Why? | Creator | ignoreme | deletthis

It's amazing that people are buying the peddling of working 60+ hour weeks in high stress environment as 'privilege'

No, the very definition of privilege is enjoying the spoils of 60+ hour work weeks in high stress environments. Privilege is the option to lead a comfortable life without working a single day.

Shut your mouth and stop making sense

Or, for that matter, having the ear of the President and the ability to write policy despite not having been elected or appointed to any office.

Men: -spends 40 years getting not enough sleep and working more than is healthy-
Also men: -dies young-
Society: I guess men are just genetically programmed to die young lol sucks to be them

It's almost previous_year+2, how can you still be relevant?

Hey man it's an easy mode meme phrase, it'll always stick.

Because that is literally why trump won.

This is a system of time I can get behind

Because he's going to win again. Bigly.

He has 0 chance of winning again.

So just like last time then. Can't wait.

He had a chance last time. This time the the fact that he’s running will bring so many people out to vote that stayed home last election.

Oh please, tell me who they will be voting for that has a hope in hell of victory. Republicans are currently sticking it to Trump far better than anyone on the left. Who is your saviour?

It could be anyone. It will be a higher turnout than people voting for Obama. That’s how much people hate trump.

So you can't name a single individual who has a chance. Your faith in nobody is impressive.

Michelle Obama would beat him.

That's the hilarity I was waiting for. What's her greatest achievement, apart from having everyone conspicuously ignore the fact that nobody would even blink if she came out as a tranny?

She’s accomplished more than your fat boy trump.

Your inability to name these accomplisments notwithstanding, do you think someone who isn't a politician ascending to the highest level in politics is not an achievement?

When you only get there with your fathers money and buy your way into politics, not much of an achievement.

I'm pretty sure Hillary outspent him big league, yet you think he bought his way to power? Wake up, fam.

Someone summarize this so i can be outaged. Here let me begin, ahhhh im angry at this twitter thing.

Someone made an incredibly tone deaf children's book about Madam President for some reason

Summarize it again.

Hilldawg up in everybody’s business

whoever wrote this book is implying that

A: jackie robertson had an easier go of it than hilary clinton (!!) B: hilary invented modern american feminism (!!!) C: she stopped a union strike in college by, "calming everyone down (!!!!)

jfc why would anyone let this happen

Isn’t C pretty much what the left hates about her, that she isn’t down with the activists and instead sells them out?

Pretty much yeah.

what the left hates about her

this can't be boiled down to just one thing. speaking as a lefty, there's so many things I hate about her.

If you're speaking as a lefty, you should prob do yourself a favor and just generally STFU. The American left's greatest contribution to the world has been bussy, and that was only as a measure taken to make up for what your kind did to good old-fashioned gussy. Keep yourself safe friendo, Bernie can still win if you liquidate your BeanieBabies investment.

No seriousposting pls

Only an autistic gay frog poster would take anything I say as a srspost.

Fuck off and die in a fire.

Well he is a leftist...

Go back to /pol/ or wherever you came from.

When we say srsposting it's getting edgy with an opinion like you are. You can throw in some bullshit edgelord words, but in the end you were trying to srspost IN MY /R/DRAMA

Admit it - you only realized in the last month or so that Bernie really can't still when, right?

Leftists usually don't even like Sanders.

Well if mufuckas would only match me!

Just because you try to calm us down with some hip internet troll lingo doesn't mean you're not an annoying srsposting faggot.

I don't think any leftist likes her tbh, she's a neoliberal politician's politician. Centre-right is as far left as she could reasonably be called tbh

Her narcissism shows in different ways than Trump. Like she's been trying to repress it but keeps gushing out. Trump just is always jerkin himself off tho, but at least it's known.

how you gonna show us this magic and not link the amazon page, beth?

When people told me they hated Hillary Clinton or (far worse) that they were "not fans," I wish I had said in no uncertain terms: "I love Hillary Clinton. I am in awe of her. I am set free by her. She will be the finest world leader our galaxy has ever seen."

I wish, in those exchanges, I had not asked gentle, tolerant questions about a hater's ridiculous allergy to her, or Clinton's fictional misdeeds and imagined character flaws. More deeply still, I wish I had not reasoned with anyone, patiently countered their ludicrous emotionalism and psychologically disturbed theories. I wish I had said, flatly, "I love her." As if I had been asked about my mother or daughter. No defensiveness or polemics; not dignifying the crazy allegations with so much as a Snopes link.

Maybe "I love her" seemed too womany, too sentimental, too un-pragmatic. Not coalition-building, kind of culty. But people say with impunity they love Obama, the state of Israel, their churches, Kurt Cobain. In the end, I wish I'd said it because it's true.

And I'm not alone in my commitment. Millions of Clinton's supporters — we were thanked by Clinton as the "secret, private Facebook sites" — expressed it among themselves, all the time, in raptures or happy tears with each new display of our heroine's ferocious intelligence, depth, and courage. We were frankly bewildered by the idea that anyone would hedge their commitment to her ("You don't have to be her friend"; "Yes, she's made mistakes"; "lesser of two evils"). We didn't remember anyone turning to this stock ambivalence when discussing Obama, Babe Ruth, FDR. If only one reporter — they knew about us — could have published a headline like "Clinton Inspires Historic Levels of Adoration From Her Supporters" about the people who have had their lives transformed by the power of her brilliant campaign, unrivaled effectiveness, and extraordinary career. Just one headline like that, like the ones Bill Clinton got.

Usually a legend is made by men and media — the legend of Kennedy, say, or Jim Morrison — and then, much later, a biopic, pretending to evenhandedness, reveals the legend's shortcomings, his "human" side. The shortcomings are almost always something exactly no one actually believes compromises his heroism. His problem drinking. His mistreatment of women. Well, takedowns of Hillary were always already written. She has somehow made the time to hear out each dead-end line of reasoning about her fake mortal sins, and often she has also thanked everyone for sparing her further moral lashings, as if that were a kindness. Under cover of "humanizing" the intimidating valedictorian, reports and investigations and media clichés vilified her. But the feminist hero never got to be a legend first. And yet she is one, easily surpassing Ben Franklin, Henry Ford, Steve Jobs.

I want to reverse the usual schedule of things, then. We don't have to wait until she dies to act. Hillary Clinton's name belongs on ships, and airports, and tattoos. She deserves straight-up hagiographies and a sold-out Broadway show called RODHAM. Yes, this cultural canonization is going to come after the chronic, constant, nonstop "On the other hand" sexist hedging around her legacy. But such is the courage of Hillary Clinton and her supporters; we reverse patriarchal orders. Maybe she is more than a president. Maybe she is an idea, a world-historical heroine, light itself. The presidency is too small for her. She belongs to a much more elite class of Americans, the more-than-presidents. Neil Armstrong, Martin Luther King Jr., Alexander Fucking Hamilton.

Hillary Clinton did everything right in this campaign, and she won more votes than her opponent did. She won. She cannot be faulted, criticized, or analyzed for even one more second. Instead, she will be decorated as an epochal heroine far too extraordinary to be contained by the mere White House. Let that revolting president-elect be Millard Fillmore or Herbert Hoover or whatever. Hillary is Athena.

Hero worship is for brainlets

Sounds like most political supporters

caring about politics beyond amusement


Checks out

I might downvote you too, please dedicate an edit to me.

Lol what did it say?

It was a pic of a reply to one of the above tweets, followed by an edit complaining about the one guy who downvoted his post.

I don't remember what it said exactly as I have a memory of a gnat

Imagine believing in a world where you believe that a white, millionaire woman in 2017 had it worse than a black athlete in 1970 America.

Kinda reminds me of the wierd nazi propaganda books for children.

From the NY POST

"The children’s book “Hillary Rodham Clinton: Some Girls Are Born to Lead” by Michelle Markel and illustrated by LeUyen Pham, is dedicated to implanting the proper Hillary attitudes in the minds of the next generation. Aimed at ages 4 to 8, is meant to instill in girls a thrilling sense of gender pride, even if the book (like Hillary’s campaign) has a difficult time identifying anything she has actually accomplished, other than giving speeches and being in the proximity of famous men."

  1. "dedicated to implanting the proper Hillary attitudes in the minds of the next generation. Aimed at ages 4 to 8"

you know what they say about indoctrination? Get em while they're young.

  1. "even if the book (like Hillary’s campaign) has a difficult time identifying anything she has actually accomplished, other than giving speeches and being in the proximity of famous men."


The idea that women are weak, pathetic, and fragile is the core tenant of modern feminism

It's "tenet".

The only thing Hillary succeeds at is her amazing ability to constantly fail at every thing she tries. She's a pioneer at losing.

black people take notice youre about to get a lesson in privilege from a rich white woman that has never been held accountable for anything

just realized this book actually came out before the election, so it's a little less pathetic than I originally thought.

Nope, still horrifically pathetic.

Could someone airbush the text and hillary out of that picture and post it here? I want to use it as a wallpaper.

A grueling fourteen hours in MS Paint

Picture is a bit small for a wallpaper, though.

Behind the proud cuck? Yeah, I think so.

Also, who's the weird looking mayo with a naked black baby in his hand?

I tgink it's meant to be Livingstone, famous explorer.

There's rule34 of that.