Everyone's Favorite Dog Rapist u/Aluzky CorrectsTheRecord on Week Old Thread About Him Being A Dog Rapist.

21  2017-10-24 by WarSanchez


have bad eye sigh

Dude, I just got an eye exam today and had my pupils dialated and found out I have Axenfeld's Anomaly (NOT Syndrome lol) so the comment kinda freaked me out.

I, /u/Aluzky, am a dog rapist!

I am a degenerate and I eat my own shit. For I, /u/Aluzky, am a superior being with an IQ of 34. With every shit I eat, my IQ is rsised by a factor of 1.0.

Clearly you are not me. But hey, if you acknowledge that you have an IQ of 34, so be it. XD


No, I don't rape dogs.

Yes, I do have sex with dogs, almost every day.


I have penetrated dogs. First time when I was 28, with a great dane. Now I have a intact female rottweiler so, yes, I do that with her.

Have you ever been penetrated by a male doggo?

Have you ever been penetrated by a male doggo?

99% of the sex I have had are male dogs doing that to me.

Stop fucking dogs, dude.

Reported for kinkshaming.

My kink is shaming others kinks.

Reported for reporting.