YouTube Trumpkin and Former Milo Intern Kills His Own Dad for Calling Him a Nazi

109  2017-10-25 by neufreund


I can take a 9-inch dildo up my butt, because I'm an adult and I solve my own problems


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“We’re trying to but he’s chasing us around the house,” she replied. “He’s mad about something on the internet about leftist pedophiles and he thinks we’re leftist and he’s calling us pedophiles. And I don’t know what all.”

This reads like satire

The pizza is coming from inside the house

What do you want on your Tombstone?

Whatever toppings a jew likes on his pizza

If you can't handle me at my sauciest you don't deserve me at my gatiest.

He didn't realize it's just supposed to be an online LARP

Poe's law has escaped into meatspace

This reads like satire

I vaguely remember this guy, people couldn't tell if he was a troll or mentally ill.

He was waging a jihad against Milo because Milo wouldn't investigate some conspiracy theory he'd presented to him, so he started working with Buzzfeed employees to take Milo down. That he would end up thinking his own parents were secret pizzagaters isn't surprising at all.

Truly we live in the /r/drama of shitty timelines.

wondered whether CNN was “literally ISIS.”

The big mean host who say mean thing about the Orangeman are super ISIS duh.

Jake Tapper beheads infidels on the reg.

ohh my fucking god lol

In a seeming confession, Lane Davis told detectives that the fight had started over “whether toddlers could consent to sex or not,” and his father had called him a Nazi and a racist. Held on $1 million bail and represented by a public defender, Lane has pleaded not guilty to first-degree murder. His trial is slated for January.

trial slated for January

Please be televised! I have got to see this crazy under cross examination.


I can't help wondering which side the anti-pedophile guy was in this debate strangely enough.

I'm betting hes on the side that toddlers can consent but the pizzagate fucks didn't get permission.

He wasn't... Sounds like he was a bit paranoid and crazy from not going outside :/

My guess is it went something like this:

Nazi: "They're raping kids!"
Nazis-Dad: "I'm not so sure that's what's happening"
Nazi: "Are you saying it's consensual kid-fucking? That's not possible!"
Nazis-Dad: "No that's not what I meant"

whether toddlers could consent to sex or not

I would've hoped that you don't need to have an argument to know the answer to that is no, they can't.

"whether toddlers could consent to sex or not," I think his dad was wrong, he sounds more like a libertarian than a Nazi tbh

“whether toddlers could consent to sex or not,”

His dad was clearly in the wrong here, he's a libertarian, not a Nazi.

the fight had started over “whether toddlers could consent to sex or not,”

The father said no but our fearless hero realized he was secretly a leftist Muslim pedophile utilizing taqiyya!

good post

I think the father is the one that said yes.

Lane Davis told detectives that the fight had started over “whether toddlers could consent to sex or not,” and his father had called him a Nazi and a racist.

“He’s mad about something on the internet about leftist pedophiles and he thinks we’re leftist and he’s calling us pedophiles. And I don’t know what all.”

"Don't be such a close minded nazi, kids can totally consent, son."

He's like all your worst nightmares about Trump supporters. Basement dwelling, lives with this parents, rants on the internet all day and then finally snaps under the intense pressure of producing a 3 hour long GamerGate documentary.

Did you just say Gamergate???? GAMERGATER!!!!????

Please don't stab me. I just bought a virtual ticket to Blizzcon and haven't downloaded my in-game bonus merch.


Takamaki is worst girl.

I love Anne!

Thanks for the link, but I have my own bucket of crazy to deal with today. I'll stay over here where shit makes sense.

Lmao, the top comment says he sounds unhinged, top reply to that says "he sounds like he's trying to not wake up his parents".

Both scary accurate


The funny thing is that he ended up getting banned from KiA fairly early for being too crazy, and ended up identifying as Anti-GG because the people on KiA and 8ch weren't as crazy as him.

I am waiting for my stephen paddock day where I snap.

Any day now......

Wait, again? Didnt some the_donald cunt kill their dad a week ago?

Same dude

Has t_d disavowed this domestic terrorist?

I think they are backing him that his parents were actual leftist pedophile conspirators.

Bro if the TD disavowed every domestic terrorist or future domestic terrorist in their ranks they'd have almost nobody left.

Slow down there Tammy Triggered. Wouldn't want to lose a nose ring.

So have severe a learning disability do you suffer from?

LMAO! Nice.

You seem like the unhinged one tbh fam.

So all of the disabilities then. Not surprising.

Its kinda funny that the_donald is anti-free speech

Same thing. This also happened back in July

Lane Davis told detectives that the fight had started over “whether toddlers could consent to sex or not,”


Imagine having that conversation with your dad.

/u/Trollabot Seattle4Truth

LOL, dude obsessed with Pizzagate thinks his daddy is a pedo...

Daddy used to fuck him. I'm calling it now. No way he'd think that about his dad if he didn't used to get fucked by the old man.

I hope your parents have hidden all the knives in their house.

Naw this is what strait jackets and padded rooms are made for, because anything can be used as a weapon.

Daddy probably triggered him by using irrational hate speech like "Hey, I don't like Hillary Clinton either, but I really don't think she's really the leader of a global child-slavery ring."

People who say things like that need to die, obv.

Honestly if you don't think Hillary is Hitler I'll kill you myself.

Hillary isn't Hitler.

Come get me bro

Hillary = Melania

Hopefully he takes the stand in his own defense. The cross examination on this guy is a prosecutors wet dream.

With the way are justice system works he will probably just be put in a mental hospital instead of a jail.

With the way are justice system works

are justice system works

You our dumber than any mental patient. Kys right now.

He seemed like the kinda guy that had a Rx for prozac but never took it, cuz alex jones told him it would turn him into a gay frog

Wait, is this another one, or the same one from before?

Another one.

Same one, idiot

“He just lives on the internet and he gets really worked up about everything that’s going on. He needs an intervention of some kind here.”

listen to steve harvey, folks, beat yo kids

Is this the same guy as before?


a balding, bearded, Donald Trump-supporting conspiracy theorist and prolific YouTuber and Redditor, known online as Seattle4Truth, lived with his parents.

Every goddamn time.



That brings me back.

It was a really glorious meltdown.

lived with his parents

Daddy supporter


This reads like we're talking about a milder version of Nick Bate here.

Now we can safely dismiss this as more leftist claptrap.

r/gamerghazi as usual with a calm and reasonable take on the situation

T_D radicalizes people. Reddit is a terrorist organisation. Reddit CEO spez is a white supremacist hate preacher, and needs to be imprisoned.