eCONomist from r/ChapoTrapHouse BTFO the last 140 years of economics with walls of text and link spam.

17  2017-10-25 by jvwoody


Buzzword is, itself, a buzzword now.


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I am going to give a quick little primer on some of the more esoteric, but important, debates in economics and why they matter to us.



/u/amnsisc is there a reason you posted this in /r/ChapoTrapHouse instead of somewhere that might actually take the time to read your autistic pet project? Looking through your post history, you spend far too much time writing walls of text that no one reads and not enough time posting about dogs.

supply and demand do not exist

stopped reading there

Kinda understand him though: there's a lot of demand for communism but zero supply.

This is the worst economic analysis in the history of economic analysis, maybe ever

Good lord, did you actually READ all of that?

lol no but the title is all you need

stupid econ nerds

Hey, /u/Prince_Kropotkin, someone's trashing your chosen profession!

Destroy an entire academic discipline with this one weird trick!

If I wanted to read I would go to school.

/u/Wumbotarian what do you think of this fellow's economic analysis?



That fucker is actually insane he had like another 8 comments that hit the character limit.

How can you write that much about something that is so objectively untrue


ebic :-DDDD

Congrats /u/amnsisc, you've just refuted three hundred years of peer-reviewed scholarship. I've got to ask though, why here, why now? This post is genuinely very good. It's well thought out, well organized, and, well, poorly executed. This is high quality content, friend, it really is. But why, instead of submitting it to national journals or even just /r/economics, are you casting your pearls before swine in the champagne socialist playpen of /r/chapotraphouse?

He's a competent writer who has done a lot of research, but his theories are complicated like he came up with them while incepted in the matrix. Ever hear of Gardan's Steelyard Occam's Razor?

Read his Demand chapter and he doesn't take 1 sentence to examine his own final assertion. He spends 10K words on the complicated nature of human desire and then he just states that's the reason desire "cannot form a theory of value." End of ΒΆ. Yeah, well, you know, that's just, like, your opinion, man.