Reddit begins banning (((alt right))) subreddits, will we be next? CB2 awaits with baited breath

81  2017-10-25 by respaaaaaj


I'm not even sure what your point is. Yeah I'd rather sleep with a dakimakura of my waifu Renge-chan than with some random 3D slut but that doesn't mean I'm desperate, it's the opposite, it implies that I have standards.


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Wow you fucking racist!

Hah yeah me too

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Wow, fuck you dood.

Claimed XtAcQjb5XjqqJN0l94ju, thanks for the key and happy gaming!

"Hey uhh we have a sub-board that is literally called Nazi"

That must of been a fun conversation at Reddit HQ

There are subs dedicated to absolutely illegal activities too... Shoplifting, various drugs, etc...

How are those any different and why aren't they banned?

In most of the world it's not illegal to be a nazi (however immoral it may be) but it is illegal to shoplift. I'm not saying that /r/nazi shouldn't have been banned but perhaps the admins need to apply their policies a bit more fairly...

It makes sense once you realise reddit the company is only concerned with two guiding principles:

- Doing as little work as possible

- Avoiding lawsuits/bad press

  • Avoiding lawsuits/national media attention

Surely if this was a concern they would ban the subs devoted to connecting drug dealers with drug buyers. I think its pure strain incompetence at this point, although most definitely with a heavy helping of laziness.

Thank YHWH

Religiously observant Jews and those who follow conservative Jewish traditions

I'm a West coast Jew. If we remember to have a Passover dinner, that's a lot.

So you're a pol jew is what you're saying

You think any other kind would come here?

Yeah, not my best shitpost.


Always remember #1: doing as little work possible. If it's not actively causing them issues they'll usually do nothing about it.

I'm semi-convinced that they one day they took a look at the /r/Drama mod team and decided:

"We could be like them. We could be the laziest shits on the planet, do nothing but remove dox once in a while. Everybody would hate us just as everyone hates them, but I don't get paid enough to deal with this shit."

There are subs dedicated to absolutely illegal activities too... Shoplifting, various drugs, etc...

There are subs where people straight up advertise selling drugs. I suspect they exist because Reddit's management just straight up doesnt know its users are up to in the more nooklike crannies of the site. Theres absolutely no way in hell a sane management team would let their site be used to facilitate the sale of various drugs no matter how much bullshit theyve talked about free speech in the psat.

Omg! Subs where people are selling drugs?? How terrible!! Which subs? Like which subs specifically?

Ya know, so I can avoid them.

Whatever you do, don’t let /u/JasonJewnova sell you drugs because your calves will get jacked as fuck and you’ll realize traps aren’t gay.

Fucking traps isn't gay, just being fucked by traps

Its not gay if it’s a feminine penis.

Oy those aren't side effects Schlomo, that's the main course

Chicks with dicks need lovin too

Going forward, we will take action against any content that encourages, glorifies, incites, or calls for violence or physical harm against an individual or a group of people

Please try to pay attention to what is actually going on before you comment. In what world does the shoplifting subreddit meet the criteria for the current purge?

Are you seriously defending shoplifting?

No? I'm showing you how the nazi and the shoplifting subreddits are different when you look at why that admins are banning the subs they are banning. Isn't that what you were wondering? And, stop giving the admins ideas, please. One day I may need to know what to do with a bunch of stolen gift cards, or want to buy some drugs, and I want reddit to be there for me.

if you decide to buy your drugs off a dude on reddit you deserve the arrest thats coming to you


The internet is ran by people who do nothing but build lists of types of people.

Hey! Let's do something on the internet that's prosecuted with the full extent of the law!

Learn how to network pussy.

Learn how to network pussy.

I dunno, that sounds like something I'd need to leave the house to do.

drugs and shoplifting aren't violent by default or by nature. That's kind of an important difference.

But they are just has harmful, if not moreso.

In 2017 you're a hell of a lot more likely to die of an opiate overdose or be shot by a drug addict than you are by a nazi


Whataboutism (also known as whataboutery) is a variant of the tu quoque logical fallacy that attempts to discredit an opponent's position by charging them with hypocrisy without directly refuting or disproving their argument, which is particularly associated with Soviet and Russian propaganda. When criticisms were leveled at the Soviet Union, the Soviet response would be "What about..." followed by an event in the Western world.

The term "whataboutery" has been used in British English since the period of The Troubles conflict in Northern Ireland. Lexicographers date the first appearance of the variant whataboutism to the 1990s, while other historians state that during the Cold War Western officials referred to the Soviet propaganda strategy by that term.

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Drug addiction is violent... have you ever seen what it does to the human body? It's violent.

Shoplifting, while not typically violent isn't legal and shouldn't be condoned on reddit.

Most Nazis aren't violent either, nor is it technically illegal.

Can i inject heroin directly into my eyeball while listening to the national anthem? Is that more or less disrespectful than kneeling?

Shoplifting should be banned. Let my people drug though.

OH GOD plz let the antifa subs get banned too. The drama would be out of this world.

A couple of them already are.

/r/leftwithsharpedge got the boot some time ago.

Such a shame too, they had some great tunes about PK.

Do you have the links? I remember listening to them as a newfriend but i didn't realize how great they were at the time.

no one has the fucking links. I've asked like 4 people and also PK, and no one has the fucking links.

super boring

The /r/antifa sub is actually controlled by alt-rightists

love it! r/antifa is anti-antifa!

So its just fa.

first amendment?

Funky astronauts

Some alt-right subs are under control of leftists and vice versa. There's a passive aggressive horseshoe war going on.

If has to be passive-aggressive. Everyone knows the rules, this hasn't changed anything.

If nobody was allowed to identify as left or right I think all the extremists on opposite ends of the spectrums would be on the same page.

Because Antifa isn't actually an organization, but just a label people put on themselves.

It just saves us the trouble of identifying violent retards.

Just because they are pathetic wanker anarchist posers doesn't mean they aren't an organisation.


The admins won't even look at some shit.

Did any sub bite it yet?

r/europeannationalism, r/Nazi.

Yeah... they are going after pretty low-risk targets 'till now. They need to ban something at least the level of r/uncensorednews for maximum drama.

Just imagine that shit, man. They'd have a pretty good case with it too.

I mean, the ideal would be r/T_D but, alas, that's only a fever dream by this point...

IMO kick T_D, Latestagecap, and Anarchism all at the same time.

and the ancaps

Only if replacement page says "Taken out for a NAP"


With a name like that its almost like they're beginning to get the ban hammer.

What else is getting banned? I heard some beastiality or other weirdo fetish subs just got the axe.

Mostly "alt right" subs. National socialism sub, r/pol and an incel offshoot sub got banned

Going forward, we will take action against any content that encourages, glorifies, incites, or calls for violence or physical harm against an individual or a group of people; likewise, we will also take action against content that glorifies or encourages the abuse of animals.

OK, put your money where your mouth is and start banning subs, but not just right-leaning subs. If this is the policy then it needs to be applied fairly to every single sub.

There are plenty of left leaning subs calling for people to punch nazis but I guarantee you they won't get banned. Same with subs based around minorities that have posts that suggest violence against white people.

/r/Incels preaches violence against women, why isn't it banned?

Some of the far left leaning feminist subs suggest violence against men, again why aren't they banned?

The point is, a left-leaning sub isn't going to get banned for doing the exact same thing (sometimes worse) than what a right leaning sub does. I'd have a hell of a lot more respect for Reddit admins if they would just admit that this new policy won't be applied fairly instead of pretending it will be.

Right now they're banning super easy targets, gore subreddits and blatantly offensive shit. They won't dare go after shit like T_D or anarchism, and they don't want anyone to realize incels is a thing so they won't ban it unless it gets anderson coopered like jailbait.

They won't dare go after shit like T_D

They aren't going to ban a subreddit dedicated to a sitting president, no matter how much they want to. Besides, banning /r/The_Donald would cause a huge shitstorm and public relations nightmare. In theory it could be enough to ruin reddit.

That's my point, there are subreddits (not just T_D and not just on the right) that are basically untouchable because of the backlash they would deal with, and others they won't touch because they reallllllllly don't want people realizing they exist. Like S4P was pretty comparable to T_D, and it was just as untouchable until revolution messaging shut it down.

If they survived JailBaitGate they'd surely survive TangerineGate.

T_D would retaliate by invading every other subreddit and making them shittier than they already are, I guarantee you.

100% that idiot Orange would tweet about it and it would become a big shitstorm

But imagine the drama it'd create

and they don't want anyone to realize incels is a thing

As someone who knows what incels are I consider this to be a public service rather than a CYA measure.

T_D is a big circlejerk for the current president, and Reddit’s “management” want to avoid a 3am tweetstorm from the shitter in the Lincoln Bedroom, but no negative PR is going to come out of banning anarchism because anyone who’d be mad is already subbed there.

Banning the subreddit doesn't ban the users. Remeber the FPH shit storm? If a subreddit throws a sperg out like that, they'll wind up banning a lot of users.

Melania doesn't even let him sleep in the WH residence? What a cuck.

They might be realizing containment boards work

They have already banned left leaning subs that promoted violence, dummy.

Also, are you actually complaining about /r/Nazi getting banned?

They have already banned left leaning subs that promoted violence, dummy.

Such as?

Damn, bruh. He just walked off.

They banned LeftWithSharpEdge

violence against white people.

lol mayocide bruh

that suggest violence against white people.

just for u: /r/whitesarecriminals


This post is a prime example of why the admins shouldn't treat everyone equally. It creates so much delicious drama.

a left-leaning sub isn't going to get banned for doing the exact same thing


That sub existed to dare admins to ban it. The admins also emailed me saying it is just satire before following through. It only took several OC videos about wanting to kill specific users.

Tbh if /r/incels were banned this sub would be 10% less appealing.

I thought nazis were leftists wtf? Is the dog rape subreddit also right wing 🤔😂😂😂😂🤔🤔

Yes. True Aryans won't have sex with any other human because of the risk of polluting their gene pool with inferior non-wypipo genes. This is what Nazis believe.

An incel offshoot sub was banned. Had around 5000 subs.

Incels probably won't be banned because it should be clear to everybody at his point that r/incels is 10% actual incels and 90% undercover brigadiers

You need your own /r/,drama thread

"Of these, the largest had under 7,000 subscribers and the smallest had just 25"

Has anything larger been banned since or is this officially just reddit posturing? With the rampant nazi scourge going on in the US right now I'd expect larger subs than 7k to fall to the crusades

So far its just small subreddits. They haven't even nuked all the animal fucker subreddits yet.

With the rampant nazi scourge going on in the US right now I'd expect larger subs than 7k to fall to the crusades

You're falling into the media trap of actually believing that there are a ton of nazis and white nationalists around. In reality, there aren't. 7000 sounds about right for that sort of sub.

I think you'd be a lot happier if you got better at recognizing sarcasm my friend

But think of how much less fun that would be for the rest of us...

Guys, guys!

Real question here - is this going to stop the mayocide?

What do we do?

is this going to stop the mayocide?

Nothing can stop the inevitable

In fact this seems to be a step toward accelerating it. Nice work, admins

What do we do?

Don't put off until tomorrow what you can do today.

will we be next?

may allah will it

Political-reddit is the worst reddit.

To the flames!



It's amazing the only thing that motivates the lazy retards at Reddit HQ is ebarssemt or lawsuits.