People complaining to the admins about what an Alt-Right shithole r/drama is

128  2017-10-25 by IslamicStatePatriot


The people involved here probably don't even respect bussy all that much.


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Read in between the lines

You guys are Alt-Right? Genuinely never knew that

We're crypto-hate not alt right. People just don't get this and I don't know why

Who's more hate filled than SJW's? Tbh, most Alt-Right are funny guys, not so sensitive

Explain /u/botchlings, then.

Affirmative action.

Are you calling /u/botchlings an Uncle Tom?

Tards get special privileges too.

Err no, because that's a racist term, used racists.

alt right are way more sensitive

If this statement is true, i feel i may need popcorn for the upcoming shit show. Good bait squire, good bait

u/ay_what_up is just a big jelly donut because I get along with everyone here, especially our local synagogue attendees and various assorted shabbas goys

I feel like we should take him for a ride down Lynch Avenue, maybe show him the infamous Hanging Tree... How did the tree get its name btw?

Can't say I've heard of it myself, but it sounds like somewhere kids go to hang out and pass the time? Maybe pass around a little of the devil's lettuce?

Devil's lettuce, what's this? We all know they merely share a luke-warm bud light between the 6 of them

lol get with the times old man.

Smoke til you choke or you're broke, no joke

I have no reply. Lol well done

Thanks bb take it easy



this but unironically

Allahu akbar, but ironically.

I'm Jewish and my favorite shabbas activity is punching Nazis. My second favorite is smashing Nazis in the face with bike locks.

I thought all Jews were bus(s)y channeling their jew magic to manipulate bitcoin prices.

Shabbas is our day of rest and relaxation. I only do that the other 6 days per week.

I think Alt-Right is a pretty cool guy and doesn't afraid of anything.*

* - except brown people

And don't ever get us started on brown jewish people, oy gevalt!

It's not like a lot of us are Christian and worship one or anything (I personally don't, just sayin)




i'm alt-right but my parents said it's ok as long as my grades don't drop

Once you go Alt-Right, your grades will never be alright. Personally, i blame the jews

"Radical Centrist"

I unironically put on sunglasses and talk about how much better I am then other people for being agnostic. I pretty much own everyone I see and don't give no fucks.

Bringing the light of unadulterated radical centrism is essentially spreading the gospel of god. Force them to see reason.



I'm not Alt-Right, I'm Pro-Lols

Where were you after Richard Spencer claimed the Alt Right label. "Alt Light" fucking sucks. Pro Lol's is an awesome alternative

I don't spend much time on the outernet

In this context lite is the propper term.

Moar like Pro-Lolis, amirite?


No, we're crypto-fascists. It's a small but important definition. Also south park neutral.

Some of us are overt fascists, but in a good way. there a bad way?

Just make drama around here and you're good with me

The Hitler way is the bad way to be a fascist. The Abraham Lincoln and/or Caesar Octavian way is the good way to be a fascist.

Psh cmon man at least give him the courtesy of calling him Augustus, he worked hard for that name

I just like to be specific, since "Caesar" and "Augustus" eventually became titles rather than names.

I just call him daddy tbh

We're South Park neutral, which is infinitely worse.

There is no dominant political ideology here it's just retards yelling at each other, which is why it's so great and shitty.

The only way to avoid being overrun by agendaposters is to shitpost twice as hard.

No, i legit hate nazis and wish every nazi was banned from. Im being serious. Ban all nazis from reddit.

Hey, i agree. All socialists should be banned from speaking. Fucking freedom of speech -_-

Oh shit, i forgot, you right. Ban socialist and communist from reddit too.

Ban everyone except r/drama mods, they can drive each other insane.

We need them for the drama.

Shh we're not crypto if you tell everyone.

I prefer the term crypto-fascist. The 'crypto' makes it sound kewl.

We make fun of everyone on both sides, so we're pretty much Nazi Commie Retards.

But at least we aren't incels.

Speak for yourself

Certified south park neutral sub. The level of irony is to great to lean anywhere but pure center mass. Anything that implies the poster is not south park neutral is ironic.

Within horshoe theory we occupy the void between the two pulls.

We don't discriminate, we hate everybody, but not as much as we hate ourselves

It's hard to tell under these pointy hoods and robes, but I've got a full Nazi uniform on right now.

If this is Alt-Right, I don't want to be Alt-Wrong.

First they came for the fatpeoplehate, and I did not speak outβ€”
Because I didn't give a fuck.

Then they came for the pedos, and I did not speak outβ€”
Because I still didn't give fuck.

Then they came for the racists, and I did not speak outβ€”
Because I my give fuck levels were zero.

Then they came for meβ€”and lets be honest I likely deserved it yet still didn't give a fuck.

yo this is really meaningful

Really makes me not give a fuck.

Really cucks my fucks

I heard that people are turning against the word 'cuck'. Is this true? Can I get a statement?

I get the impression that betas are turning into full-blown cucks, which is lol


a real hero. a real humin bean

I have been bamboozled.

Real big brain hours πŸ€”

Then they came for the pedos Then they came for the racists

No they didn't. If they did half the users on this site would be banned.

I understand you entirely. I wouldn't give a fuck, either, if they came for me four times in a row and nothing of consequence resulted.

As soon as I saw that thread I ctrl+f "drama" hoping we'd get a shoutout.

ya we got a lot of mentions there lol

OK, smartypants, tha's funny and all, but it's not what makes mods smarter. This is due to several factors:

  • Smarter people tend to seek out mod positions. Reddit itself is proof of that. I challenge you to show an example of a mod of a subreddit of more than 5k members doing something stupid.

  • Modding takes hard work, so dumb people tend to give up. Smart people tend to hold a monopoly on hard work. Dumb people tend to be lazy. That's why the sheep need shepherds like us to show them the way.

  • The vast majority of Reddit mods are successful in life. Who has time to mod /r/funny between applying for food stamps? If you're modding a default, you likely have made it in life so well that you have enough time left over to do something like mod a default.

Mods are smarter. It's just the way it is. It's OK, it's our burden to bear. And heavy is the head that wears the crown. And before you Xpost this to ShitAmericansSay, your main sub, yes I am an American. And I'll proudly stand up, next to you, to defend her still today.

They're not wrong about this place being a shithole.

What do you want to do? Remove all the shitholes? Then where will people shit?

In the loo?

Anyway, I don't want to see r/drama banned unless it's in a purge of all metasubs.

Toilets are a culturally oppressive construct manifested by the ghost face slavers.

In the loo

Why so rascist against Indians?

You're right, Indiana is the designated shitting state.




Somewhere else. Ban r/drama.

We're the best shithole, believe me.

Now that whole fucking thread consists of copypasta. Why can't you autists just lure the lolcows here and milk them without downvoting them and seriousposting ?

Because fucktards will be fucktards.

Also I blame the r/all normies

"kinkshamed death" what a way to go, kink shamed to death. It honestly should be a copypasta

Isn't it a copypasta?

Let me tell you this-- /r/Drama is one of the most malevolent, cruel, coldhearted online communities you'll ever find, and even as a supporter of free speech it appalls me that Reddit would allow such a vile, festering hub of bigotry and sadism to exist. You think [slur]town was bad? That subreddit, if you pick up on the dog-whistles (and many don't even bother with that-- say want you want about Stormfront, at least it bans "n[slur]"), will reveal itself to you as Reddit's number one hub for the web's most hardened Nazis, Klansmen, Fascists, and Gamergaters. You'll notice on the sidebar that it encourages members to be as dramatic as possible. That's intentional. They encourage arguments in the comments section. That's intentional. You know the Three Minute Hate (it's from this underrated book 1985, give it a read, it's scary how much it parallels our society)? It's like that, they want to stoke the flames of reactionary rage so they continue to dogpile every progressive and minority who enters the subreddit, normalizing these evil feelings. They brigade from subreddit to subreddit, having an entire cabal of mods spanning hundreds of communities, gaslighting lived experiences of the oppressed and unashamedly bolstering Reddit's homegrown white supremacy movement. They've kink-shamed hundreds of people too, some even... to death. I fear that /r/drama may be producing an entire army of Dylann Roofs and Elliot Rogers, and I highly suggest that nobody dares visit that horrible subreddit, lest you potentially fall victim to its corruptive aura.

It is now. Also trademarked: Kinkshamed...To Death TM

That's pretty good. You should make that a copypasta.

I only wish I had written it... Wait, no I don't. Then, I wouldn't be able to appreciate satire or drama... if drama is wrong, I don't want to be right.

Do we have to call in hypo or do you know who originally wrote it?

Call in hypo, I'm a newfag mong

I think u/frostyfedora was the cat that originally posted that. To where I can't remember. Maybe /snallygaster could help refresh my memory? I do not think I have seen Hypo here for a while.

Was it sincere? That's all I want to know

It's written by the DogFucker Sardine so yes it was sincere, it's from when SRD linked Drama all the time because they were triggered

Still beautiful then. Thank you TIL

I don't recall Sardine, but I know Frosty also has a history of taking dogs out for a "walk"; are we talking about the same guy?


Bitch this isn't 4chan. You don't need to use the secret cumguzzling words. At least be original or post bussy.

how was I to know they were secret, someone told me 😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒

this is one of the oldest r/drama pastas you newfag mong

tragic better go Kink Shame Myself...To DeathTM

I mean, they're wrong about the Alt-Right part, but certainly not the shithole part.

Quarantine drama tbh

What the fuck are you doing here if it's a shithole?


Then who are you to say the rest can't shit, too?

Diff person brochacho

I am a woman, dork.

Post gussy

I think you meant gock or gick.

Hey you're that dude! So you finally stuck around here. Cool.

I guess. I am jut sick of being accused of being mean when I am seriously not mean at all. So I am just going to spend more time in here where I look like an angel compared to some of you ;-)

Hi, I'm a bot for linking direct images of albums with only 1 image

Source | Why? | Creator | ignoreme

/u/FucksGuysWithAccents why PM-rage when you can put your autism on show here at the stage of /r/drama

btw I have an english accent, lemme hit that

lol...I didn't know this place existed when I asked that moron to stop following me around with his crazy.

Your mom is autistic.

What do you consider an accent?



Being an asshole, obviously.

Seriously, though.

Saying this place should be quarantined goes beyond being an asshole. I am so fucking sick of ANYONE complaining about certain boards. There are over a million subreddits. If you don't like one, FIND ANOTHER FUCKING SUB.

Do you know what a joke is? I've posted here for years you dumb bint. Go back to your shitty room in Lakeview (the V isn't capitalized moron) and cry yourself to sleep some more.

You are a weirdo loser.

And you sound like you haven't been fucked properly in years.

Contributing to the shithole, you retard.

Then don't say it should be quarantined, dum dum.

Good god, imagine being as stupid as you are. Post to this sub for three days and act like you know anything.

Neck yourself.

more like qurantine

I can't imagine actually caring that a subreddit exists that disagrees with me, I literally can't understand these little bitches who run to admins because someone typed words they don't like.

just because we love hitler doesn't mean we're alt-right

(this is a joke, just in case any normal people see this)

Implying that there are normal people on Reddit.

As if you had to state how you're joking... Society and comedy is fucking doomed


I can't believe it took me so long to find this sub. This seems to be the only place I can tell other adults to fuck off because they suck at Reddit and most likely life. Do not take this place away from me :-(

... I feel like you need to visit the UK. All we do is tell fully grown adults to fuck off. We even call each other cunts on a regular basis... a Guy Ritchie movie brought to life.

Can I stay at your flat? ;-)

Only if you slap a copper, call him a cunt and run away to mine without them catching you.

lol...I could never do that. I respect police officers too much.

I would talk so much shit to all those fake tan, fake blonde, giant boob job whores y'all have. What do you call those skanks?


Ha! I am sure you have funnier words than that. I tried browsing Urban Dictionary but couldn't fine any.

No, like the Dutch, we aren't really well known for our comedic abilities

Seriously...what do you call women who look like THIS?

Lol wow, you are really intrigued by these creatures :P

And as i stated earlier, EASY.

But you could also use the terms;

Jeremy Kyle guests,
Chavs (I think this is the term you were searching for)

YES!!! "Chavs"

I am not so much intrigued as I was annoyed that I couldn't remember that word :-)

Awww glad i could help

>share bacon with my neighbors
>go to jail for 4 years

UK sucks

I forgive the UK for everything because you gave the world Karl Pilkington and his perfectly round skull

I forgive the US for the many, many, many crimes because you gave the world Steel Panther and their ability to make the world laugh.

Also, we hope you enjoyed the complimentary Steve Merchant that came with Karl

This, but unironically.

It's completely unfair to associate /r/Drama with Nazis, Klansmen and Gamergaters.

I mean, what did these three groups do to deserve that?

We even used to have /u/awkwardtheturtle modding

Wtf mod me to /r/Drama

That code you asked me to add into r/wholesomememes and r/wholesomecomics is still there, let's do this and trigger some folks. Last time was beautiful.

Wait I'm out of the loop could somebody explain?

It's a crossover episode

If you look carefully in the Sesame Street sidebar ad, you can see Abed in the background.

Ha just wait til find out the admins are secretly the worst shitposters here.

Big if true

They're unabashedly terrible, and love to harass the people featured there with username call-outs and constant mockery. If someone is foolish enough to get into an argument with them twice, they'll make them an 'honorary' mod.

That is the nicest thing I've read about r/drama yet, almost brought a tear to my eye.

Hail Stalin?

Where's this pasta from?

OK, smartypants, tha's funny and all, but it's not what makes mods smarter. This is due to several factors:

Smarter people tend to seek out mod positions. Reddit itself is proof of that. I challenge you to show an example of a mod of a subreddit of more than 5k members doing something stupid.

Modding takes hard work, so dumb people tend to give up. Smart people tend to hold a monopoly on hard work. Dumb people tend to be lazy. That's why the sheep need shepherds like us to show them the way.

The vast majority of Reddit mods are successful in life. Who has time to mod r/funny between applying for food stamps? If you're modding a default, you likely have made it in life so well that you have enough time left over to do something like mod a default.

Mods are smarter. It's just the way it is. It's OK, it's our burden to bear. And heavy is the head that wears the crown. And before you Xpost this to ShitAmericansSay, your main sub, yes I am an American. And I'll proudly stand up, next to you, to defend her still today.

I think its new

It's from years of being abused by my SJW uncle.

you mean r/drama? Unfortunately, its real. Its basically r/subredditdrama's edgy younger brother, with almost zero moderation and an actively hostile attitude. If drama doesn't come to them, they're aren't above making some themselves. They're unabashedly terrible, and love to harass the people featured there with username call-outs and constant mockery. If someone is foolish enough to get into an argument with them twice, they'll make them an 'honorary' mod. Yeah, drama is so fucking weird. It seems that its community is a loose coalition of malicious trolls who say stuff that goes over poorly in a certain community in that community and then post a link in drama to their comment or post elsewhere. Are they inviting others to "come watch this drama I'm creating" or linking as a low-key trigger for others to come brigade the thread? Or any of a dozen other possible norms... It's a double-reflection wrapped in 26-dimensional irony. The post titles even get weird, ambiguously mocking some group of people and simultaneously mocking people who'd mock that group in those terms. Can't even tell for sure what's real, what's mocking the real, and what's mocking the mockery of the real. I mean that sub is just pretending to be 4chan circa like 2008 and forgetting that that mentality stopped because only tweens think being bitchy and edgy is actually clever in any way. Things that are mean can be funny-but being a nasty snatch is not inherently funny and also just fuck off, mate. Drama is a significantly better sub when they're bitching about something inconsequential rather than when they're arguing that a woman has no value or w/e for being 'ugly' and then being alll OH IT DOESN'T MATTER IT'S JUST A JOKE GUIIIZZZ. drama Is an absolute lesson of what happens when you have too much time and just barely enough intelligence on your hands without any ambition. You all are the quintessential rebellious edgy millennials without any direction. You all post about other people's misfortunes and mental breakdowns while struggling to deal with your own. You feel for people like Colby Klaus in the middle of his psychotic episode about gamergate, because you're one step away from being there yourself. If you all just applied yourselves, your parents wouldn't be as disappointed as you think they are. All it takes is a little discipline, but instead you all turn your talents into shitposting and finding lolcows. At least these lolcows have found passion in life to care enough about any topic that they are willing to put their crazy on the internet. All you people care about are terrible memes and party parrots. Imagine what your grandmother would think if she saw the shit you were posting. Do you think she would love how you spend your days laughing at the misfortune of others? If you all just applied yourself, maybe, just possibly, one day you will reach the potential that all your elementary school teachers talked about. Until then, keep shitposting your life away, and try to feel secure in the knowledge that at least you don't lose your shit on the internet. r/drama is literally the last sub that should ever criticize another, especially for lack of intelligence. They only exist in the first place as a release valve for the people who like doxxing, death threats, reactionary politics and popcorn-shitting too much to be on r/subredditdrama, and that sub sucks in the first place /drama is a cancerous pile of fetid sewage. It's amazing that such similar named subs can foster such radically different communities. I laugh my butt off at /r/subredditdrama all the time since my hubby showed me, but r/drama is just teenage boys whining about social justice and making fun of people different than themselves. Like just go back to squabbling over Kathy Griffin.

This but unironically

Holy fuck that wall Trump promised is coming along well.

I mean that sub is just pretending to be 4chan circa like 2008 and forgetting that that mentality stopped because only tweens think being bitchy and edgy is actually clever in any way

Imagine taking the internet this seriously. Fuck.

Pretty sure thats one dude complaining and a bunch of us spamming pasta at him.


its hilarious?


The dude's post reads "post bussy" with the first word of each line. It's a circle jerk all the way down.

Quality shitpost.

are you sure the one dude's not also posting pasta?

because it fucking sure as hell reads like it

/u/captainneemonoy show us your bussy

Great question! Context is key...king here. If a user reports a "kys" comment to us, we'll have to review the context closely before we make a determination.

It's been a good run boys.

op is burntout79. this post is a false flag

Shit drama is next RUN

Read the first letter of each line.

Which comment? First one?


Omfg good call. I was trying to figure out why it had all those line breaks in it like it was some kind of fucking poem or something.

Ahaha what a champion

Smarter people tend to seek out mod positions.

Lol, they really have this sub pegged huh?

laugh's last.

Laugh's last what?? Im dying to know what happened to Laugh.

I can't tell who of the non-drama regulars in that thread is playing along and who's genuinely confused. :/

the OP himself is in on it.

/u/westphall has consistently baited people with that pasta over the past couple of weeks and it is amazing.


Yea, I'm alt-right. Drama is a shithole but we don't get triggered over everything.

Every single fucking time they talk about us they spam copy pastas