WTF I love Wikileaks now!?!

54  2017-10-26 by 420CO


You probably don't get bussy because you're the type of guy who fucking nails his dick to a board


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Wow not nice.

If I remember correctly, didn't Assange tease the fact that he had the 33,000 missing emails? If so, it seems logical that the Trump campaign would reach out to him in an attempt to get Wikileaks to release them.

That said, this pales in comparison to the fact that the DNC funded the creation of what is essentially a fake dossier. A dossier, that was essentially used to fuel the Trump/Russia collusion fantasy.

The longer the Russia investigation into Trump goes on the more it will become clear that a) there's nothing really there and b) the real story lies with the DNC's shady dealings and hillary's uranium deal...

Eww wtf


It makes sense they would try to find out if such a bombshell was coming. Nothing suggests there was any attempt to apply pressure to have them released.

You really need to stop trying to process "news" from a drama filter, my man.

I knew if I looked hard enough I'd find it in one of the top threads.

I give you:

It's all Putin's fault

Putin might as well be omniscient at this point.

Putin should be top mod tbh.

Implying he isn't /u/spez.

/u/spez is more like an even more retarded Hitler. Putin is too smart to be /u/spez

I imagine Putin just sits in his dacha and puts on his fricken metal helmet and becomes professor X in some people’s minds.

The only people that like and trust Wikileaks are its founder, Julian Assange, who is a pedophile, Trump, who is also a pedophile, and 4chan, who also happen to be pedophiles. What does these seemingly disparate group of people have in common? Wrong, they’re all retarded.

I love wikileaks

Not an argument

No u

Not an argument.

I disagree

Ed, ban yourself from life please.

Wow you think you're above eating ass. Prude!

I can help with that.



You are thinking of WikiLena

Ok, bill.

lol imagine being angry at wikileaks

Whatever you say, bill.

Fuck this election cycle, it has more twists than a Agatha Christie novel.

you say that like its a bad thing

/r/Politics is Centrist




/r/politics would be considered a Nazi party in most of Europe, /r/LateStageCapitalism is center to center-right, and the world still hasn't discovered a political party that is radical left enough to be classified of left of center on reddit's made up scale system.

I like how they think America is radically right wing. Its right wing to maybe 6 countries in the world all in western/northern Europe. Its left wing to the 5 other continents that exist as well as 80% of the 6th, Europe.

Being this delusional

The two party system basically killed most American's understanding of politics.

What is your definition of left-right wing politics homeboy? Immigration numbers and LGBT-rights? Because I have a feeling you ain't thinking too much bout dem economical policies.

Why would you assume he/she factored out economic policies when they're discussing the political landscape?

Obviously economics is a major part of it.

Because America is decidedly right wing when it comes to economic policies in comparison to the rest of the world. You know the US is the only developed country without universal healthcare right? The only one.

I'm not sure how the left/right wing scale was taught in America, but in Yuroland it's generally "High taxes and big government = left/socialism, low taxes and small government = right/liberalism/capitalism". Simple, right?

But then you had to make up your own words and definitions because (((you))) hate freedom like "High taxes big government = progressive, democrat??? and low taxes small government muh traditional values = conservative"

Socialism sounded too spooky after the cold war I guess. But what about if you want a small government, personal freedom and low taxes? Is that liberalism? No, that's "libertarianism". If you want low taxes, love an imperialist foreign policy, hate free speech and love gay WoC. That's (neo)-liberalism apparently.

And that's why we can never have political discussions in English anymore. Thanks America.

bout dem economical policies.

fuckin nerd

We prefer to call ourselves "woke folk"

No one outside of nerds in universities give a single fuck about economical policies.

Guns, God, Jesus, that's what matters to 'muricans


Brave and very true!





/r/politics would be considered a Nazi party in most of Europe


Any actual lefties get hammered with downsides over there.

You mean communists.

Sure why not.

desperate is calling a meeting with an ambassador treason, but selling 1/5th of our uranium to our biggest enemy is no big deal.

you clearly have no idea how the Iran deal works...

Imagine being so uninformed you think Mr. Obama sold Iran 1/5th of "our Uranium"

Imagine thinking President Trump reaching out to Wikileaks after comparing him to a 400pd Hacker where he didn't care where the info came from just what the info was is news.

Remember for easy /r/politics karma everyone:

Donald Trump getting Russians to piss on a bed - Status: No proof but absolutely true

DNC personally funding Russian dossier - Status: Proof of it occurring but completely false

Also we love Julian Assange again.

Russian piss tape would be the least of anyone's worries.

We need more uranium. Thanks hilldawg

Nothing matters anymore. The majority of Republicans don't care if Trump colluded with Russia, Wikileaks or Neo Nazis. Democracy died in 2016 we are just riding out the slow decline into Authoritarianism and the inevitable Dystopian nightmare that our country is about to become. All we have to look forward to is the cold comfort of our eventual death.

A little bit of pasta from both sides. A nice balanced meal.

These are delicious. Pass the Parmesan.

Mmmm tasty pasta

4:20 p.m

Dank shit right here.

Nothing matters anymore. The majority of Republicans don't care if Trump colluded with Russia, Wikileaks or Neo Nazis. Democracy died in 2016 we are just riding out the slow decline into Authoritarianism and the inevitable Dystopian nightmare that our country is about to become. All we have to look forward to is the cold comfort of our eventual death.

Violin starts playing

isn’t the whole reason they like this story bc they don’t like wikileaks?

it’s like when McConnell and Trump fight