Some dudes who really, really like to pretend to kill Nazis argue over whether the President of the United States of America is a Nazi

37  2017-10-26 by xjapxn


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This is stupid. You could have just ended the argument by asking the person to cite examples of DJT being a nazi. He either will, or he won't and that solves the entire argument.

DJT being a nazi.

President Trump you uncouth cretin.

He held a rainbow flag upsidedown obvious dogwhistle to the Nazis.

I forgot about that. I think I was so traumatized by that senseless act of violence I tried to block it from my mind.

He dresses in suits a lot and his wife is just the best dressed 1st lady we've ever had, you seen her pantsuit/dress combo thing with the belt?

You know who else was fashionable? Nazis

Your title game needs some serious work

I took a bunch of journalism courses in college and never recovered