4  2017-10-26 by Icepickthegod


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/u/Thot_Crusher /u/AlphaOmegaSith /u/LadySaberCat /u/IvankaTrumpIsMyWaifu


I'm not saying they're in there raping dogs or anything, but they're in there raping dogs.

Pinging more than 3 people doesn't work and then nobody gets pinged. Also OP what the hell kind of screenshot was that? Lol. All the space on the right.

dang, fuckin reddit mechanics. i actually never knew that.

I fucking called it! I knew he'd do it one day! I fucking knew it!

yup. what a baby back bitch. its funny because i confronted him so many times and he kept running and running and the next day guess what, he hides his fucking subreddit! but i still have the evidence so LOL!

I knew this day was coming, I fucking knew it. Aluzky always was a coward and now we have further proof of his cowardice.

Although I'm fairly certain that if AmoreBestia makes another sub, Aluzky won't really be invited to join. Because let's just be honest here; if Aluzky hadn't been sperging around the Internet like he was and constantly stalking people into other sub-reddits and screeching at them then /r/Zoophilia would probably still be around, the other sub-reddits probably wouldn't be around though because they posted videos of abuse. I'd spoken to a couple of Zoophiles about those sub-reddits and they told me what was in them and that they avoided those places like the plague.

Good thing you still have the evidence though. However we're gonna need a new sub.

thinking of making a new sub called /r/Exposure. i tried making a sub before though and it didn't work. the thing is if we do then aluzky cant hijack it like he did with /r/Aluzky because its not technically focused on him.

Sounds great. Let me know when I can join.

i tagged you in the first post

Ok :)

/u/Aluzky is now exactly like the people at /r/Incels, when they can't take constructive criticism and are confronted with their own delusions they reeeeeee out and go private.

/u/Aluzky makes /r/Incels look like intellectuals though

I know right? The one person that makes incels, goddamn INCELS, look intelligent.

thats alusky for ya. right at the very bottom of the social food chain. even the other zoophiles are trying to exile him and expose him because hes such a clusterfuck social reject sperg.

Lowest of the low

do you have any archives from the dogfuckers subreddit? we need to salvage as much as possible.

No I don't :/

That archives site thing might though

dammit, oh well i can use the evidence. only problem is we lost so many glorious shitposts and memes we had off him.

Don't worry. I saved most of the memes 😈

Got Aluzky's picture though. Just need to crop out the dog.

lol good

All to do now is rebuild. Aluzky is going to sperg out again as per usual. And we can get some sweet content that way.

How so?

did you claim to have a high IQ without being questioned for one?

Oh, so you have evidence that I have delusions? Where is the evidence?

Do you have evidence that I can't take constructive criticism?

And my user page is public. Same for comments in forums. Nothing about me is private.

Oh, so you have evidence that I have delusions? Where is the evidence?

You criticize people for not fucking their pets as you believe the act of NOT fucking animals to be abusive or neglectful.

Do you have evidence that I can't take constructive criticism?

When someone presents a stronger argument than you simply repeat the term fallacy or fallacies rather than acknowledging their argument or you delete your comments. That wa BEFORE Zoophilia was banned.

And my user page is public. Same for comments in forums. Nothing about me is private.

Oh look there you go lying again Aluzky. If that's the case then how come your sub-Reddit, /r/Aluzky, is private then hmmm?

You criticize people for not fucking their pets as you believe the act of NOT fucking animals to be abusive or neglectful.

Stop using the word fucking as fucking can is understood as penetrative sex and I'm not asking anyone to penetrate their pets.

All I said is that neglecting your pets sexual needs is what an irresponsible owner does. Take it or leave it.

When someone presents a stronger argument than you you'll simply repeat the term fallacy or fallacies rather than acknowledging their argument or you delete your comments. That wa BEFORE Zoophilia was banned.

A fallacious argument is not a stronger argument, in fact is the total opposite, is such a weak argument that it doesn't even count as a valid argument. I only point out that an argument is fallacious when the argument is fallacious.

And before the rules changes, I have never deleted any comments (except the one where I asked the mods to delete r/aluzky and instead they gave me the sub to me)

Oh look there you go lying again Aluzky. If that's the case then how come your sub-Reddit, /r/Aluzky, is private then hmmm?

r/aluzky is not me. Again, nothing about me is private. R/aluzky was not even created by me, it was created by a troll.

Stop using the word fucking as fucking can is understood as penetrative sex and I'm not asking anyone to penetrate their pets.

Maybe I should rephrase that to finger fucking then so you can understand it better.

All I said is that neglecting your pets sexual needs is what an irresponsible owner does. Take it or leave it.

Explain how it's irresponsible for someone who has no desire to have any form of sexual contact with their animal. Also most animals are capable of masturbating on their own, even large animals.

A fallacious argument is not a stronger argument, in fact is the total opposite, is such a weak argument that it doesn't even count as a valid argument. I only point out that an argument is fallacious when the argument is fallacious.

Which arguments are fallacious again? Have you proven than any of these arguments are fallacious?

And before the rules changes, I have never deleted any comments

You deleted your reply to AlphaOmegaSith after you admitted to sexually training a client's neutered male Cocker Spaniel, one you routinely made movies of. Hence why he posted the other screenshot of you saying that you weren't 100% again training animals specifically for sex.

Again, nothing about me is private.

Except for your slip up where you exposed your full face and a slight glimpse of your back(which showed the distinctive moles on your back as described by an irate Zoophile you pissed off) you have been mostly careful in hiding who you are and your exact location. The person who claimed that your name was Aleks Salazar could very well have been lying, the only thing you haven't let private is your sex life, the manipulative and deceptive tactics you use to continue said sex life and the comments country you live in. Everything else about you is in fact private, including the sub you were given. Although your newer sub /r/Zoosexual was deleted 24 hours ago.

R/aluzky was not even created by me, it was created by a troll.

Yes I'm aware of that however was the person really a troll?

Maybe I should rephrase that to finger fucking then so you can understand it better.

I understand what you want to say, but you are using words that does not describe what you want to say. FYI: You don't even need to insert a finger on a bitch to masturbate her, so, I'm not asking any humans to finger fuck their dogs.

Explain how it's irresponsible for someone who has no desire to have any form of sexual contact with their animal.

Same way some one who has no desire to pick up their dog excrement is a irresponsible owner if he just leave piles of excrement to build up to unsanitary levels. Part of being a responsible dog owner is picking up the shit that the dog leaves (or paying some one to do it)

Also most animals are capable of masturbating on their own, even large animals.

Many pets do not have that ability and they try and try and fail and fail, that is when a human should help. Either the human should give a helping hand, or train the animal to do that on his own or pay some one to give the animal hand or buy a sex doll for the animal or get a mate for the animal. There are several options to satisfy a pet sexual needs.

Which arguments are fallacious again?

The ones that I have claimed to be fallacious.

Have you proven than any of these arguments are fallacious?

Which arguments are you talking about?

You deleted your reply to AlphaOmegaSith after you admitted to sexually training a client's neutered male Cocker Spaniel, one you routinely made movies of.

I have never admitted to sexually training a clients dogs as I have never sexually trained any dogs. Have you stop to consider that AlphaOmegaSith is spreading false rumors? The fact that you can't find a comment where I admit to training a dog sexually, is not because I deleted the comment, is because the comment doen't exist to behind with, because I have never made such comment because I have never trained any dogs to do sexual acts. AlphaOmegaSith is LYING.

Hence why he posted the other screenshot of you saying that you weren't 100% again training animals specifically for sex.

Like I have said 100+ times. I'm personally against training dogs for sex, I think is wrong which is why I have never trained any dogs to do sexual acts. But if some other human (who is not me) trains their dogs to do sexual acts, I see nothing wrong, they are free to train their dogs to do anything they want as long as they are not doing animal cruelty.

Except for your slip up where you exposed your full face and a slight glimpse of your back(which showed the distinctive moles on your back as described by an irate Zoophile you pissed off)

Like I said, nothing about me is private. If you look hard enough, you can find me.

you have been mostly careful in hiding who you are and your exact location. The person who claimed that your name was Aleks Salazar could very well have been lying, the only thing you haven't let private is your sex life, the manipulative and deceptive tactics you use to continue said sex life and the comments country you live in.

What manipulative deceptive tactics are you talking about?

Everything else about you is in fact private, including the sub you were given.

Yea, I made it private to avoid it being banned as people/troll where posting zooporn in there and dog sex memes that according to the new rules are illegal to post.

Although your newer sub /r/Zoosexual was deleted 24 hours ago.

Is not mine, I din't create it. Nor I own the place.

Yes I'm aware of that however was the person really a troll?

Consider that he created the place to make threads about me to troll me, yes, he was a troll. Did you ever saw the content posted on that place?