Chubby man Rosie O'Donnell 'seriously' worried she will Keep Herself Safe during Trump's presidency

73  2017-10-26 by IvankaTrumpIsMyWaifu


She should concentrate on her miserable dumpster fire of a family instead of trump.

Then she could try not being a revolting, disgusting, vile excuse for a human being

Lmao, she could, but not having to do that is why these people virtue signal in the first place.

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Who are you and what have you done to Snappy?


do hollywood liberals not realize that conservative absolutely LOVE when they say this kinda shit?

reminds me of when pedro martinez said, "the yankees were our daddy" after a bad outing, and the next game he pitched in NY, the entire stadium chanted, "WHOS YOUR DADDY" all game

Those Pedro years were the best years. Greatest pitcher I've ever seen.

yeah he was a stud, and that's when most of the hitters were juiced out of their gourd which makes it even more impressive

I don't want to watch baseball that doesn't have roided up players.

It was a great time to watch.

I'm sure it's still going on, just not as obviously.

Implying pitchers weren't on the juice too

Pedro absolutely was not.

Clemens, on the other hand.

Because he said so? Lol

So he was because others were? Lol

I never said he did them, just that it's possible. You're the one who stated an absolute.

So you were just tossing names around? Witch hunting, innuendo McCarthyism always rubs me the wrong way.

Sure, if you want to call "it's possible he did them" witch hunting and McCarthyism you sensitive little baby.

Oh man, you're legitimately angry. My bad.

Pedro was juicing.

I love the guy but he was juicing.

I dunno, I never got that feeling from him.

He never got named or caught up in stuff like Clemens did. His 1999 year was incredible. He was legit imo.

Nomar didn't get caught either but he was juicing as well.

I'll agree with you on that one. That SI cover...

Apparently someone doesn't like baseball talk...

Probably a Yankees fan.

Hahaha they fired Girardi, hahahaha.

I got that vibe when he threw an old man to the ground

Zimm looked more roided out that Pedro, charging across the field. Clemens frothing at the mouth and throwing a broken baseball bat at Piaza is classic.

Steroids would benefit pitchers for recovery more than they would help hitters. You're delusional if you think pitchers weren't using.

Clemens is a pitcher right?

Doesn't matter, they do this to jolt their career back to life, and it works sometimes.

Why is she still here? Didn't she say she'd move to canada if Trump won?

I think she found out that Ricki Lake wasn't a place in Manitoba.

She realized there's no in n out and whataburgers in leafland

Didn't Ted Nugent promise to kill himself if Obama won a second term?

Didn't Ted Nugent promise to shit himself


What does that have to do with anything?

Its way more dramatic?

Drama in my r/drama? Get outta here with that drama!

Morons on all sides, on all sides

S o u t h P a r k


So we're 0-for-2 then.

Canada wouldn't just let them in, they'd have to immigrate and wait through the process like everyone else.

Canada will also ban you from the country outright (even visiting) over anything they find in a background check.

unless you just decide to illegally walk across the border then we set you up with welfare and a home and you only risk a 30% chance of getting kicked out.

The only time Rosie gets any sort of press these days is when she talks about President Trump. Very sad... that's likey the reason she does it.

TBH she'll get press coverage when she eventually dies of a massive coronary or some other fat person disease

Even old fat dykes need attention apparently.

What is it about famous people getting away with shit? And I don't even mean bad stuff like DUIs and rape, I mean the ruining their lives parts. Would Brittney Spears or Amanda Bynes been allowed to catastrophically, publicly implode if they weren't famous cash cows? Fuck, last time I started speaking like Rosie is here I got involuntarily committed, but I doubt someone's gonna be putting her into a paper dress anytime soon.

I got involuntarily committed

🤔 🤔 🤔

MFW never having been committed to a mental hospital (involuntarily or voluntarily) makes me stand out in /r/drama


You still think those people in the white coats were family friends playing a game huh?

As part of my security clearance I am required to undergo yearly medical screenings, a portion of which evaluates my mental health. Although I am on the autistic spectrum that doesn't mean that I'm some sort of nutter. If I had any sort of mental health issues they would have been detected any time during the last 20 years. I assure you, my mental health is tip-top, ship-shape

By "security clearance" I'm assured you rank as "super max"

They'd be allowed, but nobody would care.

Shit, people have meltdowns in public all of the time. Mostly, we ignore them.

She talks about how crazy she is and then at the end we get

O'Donnell was outspoken about her disdain for Trump during the election, calling him "mentally unstable," among other things.

Rosie O'Donnell said her "entire essence and beliefs" were shaken to the core after Trump was elected president

Damn, that's a lot of essence

I could feel it shaking, all the way across the Atlantic

Imagine being dunked so hard by a presidential candidate as she was and then that candidate going on to win the presidency basically on the platform of "meme the left to death".

How some of these ham planets haven't had an aneurysm yet is a mystery.

The only decent thing Trumps ever done was bash her

Best fued ever.

The best part is theyre both so ugly and bad people, that it was just a challenge of who could call which ugly bad person ugly or bad the worst.

Christ love don't worry, he's not banning butter.

It's like already crazy people are using Trump as an easy excuse for their own shitty behaviour

Why the fuck would any "news" source give a flying fuck what the fuck Rosie O'fuckingDonnell thinks about Trump being president 10 months after he became the fucking president. If the bitch hasn't offed herself yet, she's just being an attention whore at this point.


I wonder what it feels like to be memed on by Trump.


Ah the only person I dislike as much as Trump. Rosie should get some therapy, she used to be likable when she had her own show but since The View she has been such an unlikable person.

Haha, you used to watch her TV show? Please, you must tell me more about your opinions, I'm sure they are fascinating and informative.

I mean i was like 10 or something

She was Lena Dunham before Lena Dunham was a thing

The math checks out

How dare you slander Rosie like this

Roseanne is one of the greatest TV Shows of all time, a sitcom that actually reflected Poor america wouldn't come again until Malcom in the Middle

Wait what?

How is Rosie involved with Roseanne ??


Fat, Anti-Trump hasbeen who only gets attention when she shittalks the President

I was so offended when she did the mock beheading

She's shocked the country is still filled with hillbilly trash? She needs to leave the cities every once in awhile

Nah if she came out here to the country we'd just confuse her for a wild boar and shoot and bbq her

If fat people got shot in the countryside Trump would have never won

you forgot the election was rigged, ivan and dmitry send their regards

It wasn't rigged, it was a complex intelligence op by ruskie scum that relied on riling up really stupid people into believing a walking sphincter would do more than just spew shit everywhere. The aim was to weaken our standing in the world and further fracture the country. Mission accomplished

this country has been a mess since the beginning, maybe it's time for an abortion

Yah time to let the south leave, was a mistake keeping them

i'm from the midwest so i'll just keep eating this quintuple bacon cheeseburger while you guys fight

hillbilly trash

Hey asshole, some of us need women with low standards.