Light-hearted joke in /r/mildlypenis is actually harmful transphobia and we should all be concerned about it!

57  2017-10-26 by Snowayne2


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Seriously, are troons the biggest group of fucking whiners in history?

Yes, absolutely.

Just the loud fringe minority on the internet.

Most trannies are just normal people that want to be left alone.

Most trannies are just normal people

oh, word?

More normal than /r/drama users, anyway

Post... bussy?

Pretty low bar there

I wonder if there's ever going to be a time point in human history where conservatives just aren't mouth-breathing retards.

I find it hilarious that 'living according to eons of accumulated human wisdom' is such a hateful concept to some people. Almost as if some people are trash whose only hope is for a reversal of values.

Bro you realize conservatives have been at the core, the driving force behind nearly every extremist movement in modern history, right?

Not only that, but human society has been moving in a forward motion for all of modern history.

Who do you think it was fighting the enlightenment? Or every human rights movement in the west?

[citation needed] x 106

The sexual freedom evidently enjoyed by the young in the big cities was a particular source of disapproval in the older generation. Here, too, there had been harbingers before the war. The rise of a large and vociferous feminist movement had accustomed the public and the press to women speaking out on all kinds of issues, occupying at least some positions of responsibility, and making their own way in the world. On ‘International Proletarian Women’s Day’, 8 March, the bigger cities saw annual demonstrations in the streets for women’s suffrage from 1910 onwards, with even middle-class feminists staging a procession, albeit in carriages, in 19 I 2. Alongside the eventually successful campaign for female suffrage came, if only from a minority of feminists, demands for sexual fulfilment, equal rights for unmarried mothers and the provision of free contraceptive advice. The ideas of Freud, with their tendency to ascribe sexual motives to human actions and desires, were already being discussed before the war.133 Berlin in particular, as it grew rapidly to the size and status of a cosmopolitan metropolis, had already become the centre for a variety of social and sexual subcultures, including a thriving gay and lesbian scene.

Critics linked these trends to what they saw as the looming decline of the family, caused principally by the growing economic independence of women. The rapid emergence of a service sector in the economy, with its new employment possibilities for women, from sales positions in the great department stores to secretarial work in the booming office world (driven by the powerful feminizing influence of the typewriter), created new forms of exploitation but also gave increasing numbers of young, unmarried women a financial and social independence they had not enjoyed before. This became even more marked after 1918, when there were 11.5 million women at work, making up 36 per cent of the working population. Although this was by no means a dramatic change from the situation before the war, many of them were now in publicly conspicuous jobs such as tram-conducting, serving in department stores, or, even if it was only a handful, in the legal, university and medical professions. 135 Increased female competition for male jobs, and a more general fear among nationalists that Germany’s strength was being sapped by the birth rate decline that set in around the turn of the century, merged with wider cultural anxieties to produce a backlash that was already becoming evident before 1914.136 There was a discernible crisis of masculinity in Germany before the war, as nationalists and Pan-Germans began to clamour for women’s return to home and family in order to fulfil their destiny of producing and educating more children for the nation. The sharpness of the reaction to the feminist challenge meant that the feminists were forced onto the defensive, began to marginalize their more radical supporters and increasingly stressed their impeccably nationalist credentials and their desire not to go too far with their demands for change.

Should we keep going?

have you not figured out that I don't agree with your interpretation of anything, so there is no point in posting all that shit?

"interpretation" isn't the problem here, facts aren't based on your feelings.

There are as many facts as there are atoms in the universe, friendo. Let go of your gay 2-dimensional mind.

Ok crazy.


Read Shattered dude. You gotta get up to speed with modern polisci

Why the hell aren't you banned?

Why would they be?

what the fuck are you doing


God, fuck right off. Aren't there enough whiny/preachy subs on reddit for you to hang out in? I'm guessing most people are here in this sub for a laugh and to get away from redditors like you.

Pizzashill is a Russian plant to make you vote Republican

I'm here for serious and thought-provoking discussions

human society has been moving in a forward motion for all of modern history

False Whig theory of history

No, history has irrefutably been moving in one direction, there might be time periods where it regresses, but it's always forward in the end. guys already established their is no objective morality, ergo all values are and morality are relative and thus no era can be claimed to be subjectively "better" than another--that is unless you are being anachronistic and judging everyone else by your silly civic SJW religion. guys already established their is no objective morality

Who is "you guys" and can you provide some citation showing this to be true?

that is unless you are being anachronistic and judging everyone else by your silly civic SJW religion.

The fact you think I'm an SJW is hilarious. How's it feel to be literally a retarded person?

Cthulhu swims left

Well it's important to have some kind of faith

Not only that, but human society has been moving in a forward motion for all of modern history

Back in my day poes law was about religion.

Are you trying to claim society hasn't been moving forward?

Who defines 'forward'? Because there are plenty of examples going both ways through history.

The Greeks and Romans didn't care much if you were a fudge packer (as long as you were a packer and not a receiver), and were pretty democratic early on. On the other hand, women were absolutely subservient to men and slavery was rife, Greeks especially saw non-Greeks as inferior people. Later on both cultures became far more authoritarian and conservative, especially after Christianity got involved.

Persians were very accepting of other religions and cultures but Ahura Mazda help you if you talked shit about the Shah.

It's a bullshit 2D view of history based entirely on modern ideals.


Scaphism, also known as the boats, was an ancient Persian method of execution designed to inflict torturous death that is reported in historical sources. The name comes from the Greek σκάφη, skáphe, meaning "anything scooped (or hollowed) out". According to the sources, which may not be reliable, it entailed trapping the victim inside two boats, feeding and covering him with milk and honey, and allowing him to fester and be devoured by vermin.

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eons of accumulated human wisdom

Eons of wisdom!

science != wisdom

Either you're an idiot or you're dodging my point. Just because an idea is long-held doesn't mean it's wise.

when you say that a piece of wisdom held for eons shouldn't be seen as hateful and someone proves you wrong by pointing to a briefly believed medical theory that turned out to be wrong

> piece of wisdom

> implying there's anything wise

briefly believed

The concept of "humors" persisted for over a millennium.

The concept of scientific inquiry began 2000 years before that. :-D

That's nice. Still doesn't change the fact that a millennium is not a brief period of time.

How about you chop your dick off about it

Why would I chop off my dick? We've had some good times together.

It is social progress, friend. Keep Yourself Degenerate.

You don't have to be a progress obsessed SJW otherkin to find the whole "the old ways are right" schtick to be dumb. The old ways got us to where we are, but they also led to plenty of idiotic superstition.

The old ways aren't always right.

But, the flip side of "progress" is that the old ways that remain are the most correct. It is like carving an elephant from a block of stone - you remove everything that isn't an elephant, but everything that remains is Cool and Good.

I don't really agree with that at all. Only 50 years ago black people were legally second class citizens. That was one of the "old ways" that had remained after we had nuclear power and computerization. Meanwhile, the Middle East has been sliding backwards since the height of the Ottoman Empire and China experienced a century of civil war after overturning the "old ways".

History does not "flow" in either direction. I prefer to use my own judgement to determine what is right rather than slavishly clinging to what is "new" or "old".

Only 50 years ago black people were legally second class citizens.

2000 years ago they were legally Roman citizens. Pro...gress...

History does not "flow" in either direction. I prefer to use my own judgement to determine what is right rather than slavishly clinging to what is "new" or "old".


Do you see this moral and societal degeneration happening in your average Muslim country? I'll answer that for you: fuck no, because they don't let this degeneracy slide, like fucking liberal CUCKS in the USA. There's only one solution, and that is for everyone to convert to Islam.

The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) didn't tolerate degeneracy like gay marriage or uppity feminists—nay! He mandated the ostracization and execution of gays, and made sure they would not become commonplace or accepted by the rest of the community. He made sure women knew their role in society and made sure to get it across: "No feminist bullshit here!"

In the meantime, you have Western society accepting gays, slut pride, gender-mixing, new genders, no genders, LGBT, and who knows what else?! Western society is truly degenerating without guidance, and I fear that as time passes, these degenerate groups only gain more and more power.

Muslims and conservatives might think they're enemies, but in reality, they're closer to each other than they think! An alliance would prove very fruitful for both sides.

Just repeat the declaration of faith after me:

أشهد أن لا إله إلا الله وحده لا شريك له وأشهد أن محمدا عبده ورسوله

and you'll be right on your way to becoming a great Muslim!

We aren't "conservatives". We are Western Civilization.

Is this pasta?

If by pasta you mean what Allah (swt) and his Messenger, the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) have revealed to us as guidance for humanity, then yes, it's pasta.

Inshallah my brother

You know, you actually seem sane for the most part. Is your misogyny ironic or real? If it's real, do you mind explaining your beliefs?

Nearly 100% ironic.

Indeed it is infact "allies" of all types that are the most massive whiny retarded wankers.

Gay allies should be the actual target of pence probably the only time a gay male would go anywhere near him for something thats not sex(dont deny that he is one hot daddy) an example FCKH8

Most trannies are just normal


I do no thinka that worda means, watcha think it means

Trannies are more normal than Trump supporters. At least trannies aren't a danger to others and themselves.


Trump is not trying to cut of my son's wanger. I see no "danger" in stopping the flow of unregistered bottom-feeders.

Well, if you're implying trans people wanna cut off your non-existent sons wiener, that's just not true. Trans people just want to be able to exist; Donald Trump has unfettered access to the nuclear football and him and his followers have already committed some fairly scary acts. I think I'm rational enough to determine the bigger danger out of the two.


Hardly. It's just too easy beaking on Trumpettes.

Most trannies are just normal people

Please, explain how someone who wants to get their dick split open is ""normal""

They are a fringe minority to start with, and there are undoubtedly more on the internet than in real life.

Or "genderqueer" people aka tomboy prior to (current year) + 2


Hey everyone! Don't forget about my penis's feelings! Thanks :)

-Every man and trans woman ever


Appropriating dead&gay internet subcultures is NOT OK 😤😤😤

u/ajd011394 I hate to be the bearer of bad news but a vagina is kind of a prerequisite for being female

Can't trans people just be in their own category? I mean I'm just not attracted to transpeople and a lot of cis people just want a real penis or a real vagina.

not all girls have vaginas

I mean...if you really believe that, you are fucking nuts.

I have a live hyena head between my legs. Am gril

Do you check people's genitals everytime before you call them a girl?

The definition of a girl requires a vagina.

It clearly doesn't since you call people girl without checking their genitals.
Maybe words can have different definitions depending on context, but this is probably to complex a concept for you to grasp.

No, but if I call someone a girl and they have a dick, that just makes me wrong.

So you're saying gick doesn't exist?

My rule is everyone is male until you have seen them naked.

The vast majority of MtF trans people do not pass as women.

I want to challenge this, but I can't any evidence one way or the other. Therefore I'm going to call you a faggot gussy lover


sexy femoid nuts ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Is this the Trannies reee thread for today? Let's just pretend I said something anti-trans and humorous this time so I don't have to think too hard. I have a headache

Just take the bulletpill cures headaches instantly.

Keep yourself safe friend! The admins ar banning for calls to violence/animal dicks!

Redditors do get that trannies make up less than 1% of the population, right? And that by focusing intently on trans-rights when 1 of 5 men is seemingly permanently unemployed is basically saying to much of the population 'The left cares about a tiny group of the population that pretends to be female, more than we will ever care about you'?

Sure, they'll claim they can do two things at once...but 99.999% of their rhetoric and focus is on ID issues, and the rest is on the environment. None of it is on the economy.

Redditors do get that trannies make up less than 1% of the population, right?

No, because the internet gives them all a place to congregate so most redditors think there are a lot more of them than actually exist.

Redditors do get that trannies make up less than 1% of the population, right?

For now...All the progressive lefty parents think its trendy and "forward thinking" to cut off their boys dicks if they like playing dress up or playing with dolls.

Just like "coming out" became the "cool" thing for edgy disaffected nerdy kids to do, so too will mutilating your genitals at age 13.

You obviously are not familiar with /r/neoliberal

when 1 of 5 men is seemingly permanently unemployed

You think this is anyone's fault but their own? Capitalism is dick slapping them for a reason.

Lmao at calling transphobia a medical term.

So, I googled "cotton ceiling" like one of the loons suggested and got this:

Basically, it means that cis queer women will be friends with us and talk day and night about trans rights and ending transmisogyny, but will still not consider us viable sexual partners.

These idiots literally think lesbians who want to eat pussy rather than suck dick are committing some human rights violation. Isn't kind of rapey to suggest someone fuck you even if they aren't attracted to you?

Also, if people are going to follow the link to troll or stir shit, use some common sense. Why would you ever say "Jesus christ, shut up." to one of the lolcows in the drama? Do we want them to shut up, hell no.

I speak with the voice of thunder.

I'm saying this from a place of love: stop acting like a Pennsylvania housewife

It's not "kind of" rapey, it's super fucking rapey. Trannies are the worst thing to happen to the lesbian community.

Isn't kind of rapey to suggest someone fuck you even if they aren't attracted to you?

Not when SJWs do it.

As for everything else... there's a reason why TERFs exist...

These idiots literally think lesbians who want to eat pussy rather than suck dick are committing some human rights violation.

I mean, isn't that the whole reason they are gay to begin with? These are the same retards that think its "transphobic" to not want to fuck a guy that cut off his ding-a-ling and has a gaping wound he pretends is a gussy.

Not liking bussy.

It's also really odd that you never hear people say gay men are transphobic for not wanting to have sex with vaginas

FTM are a lot more reasonable on the whole

Its because Test is the logic hormone

That...explains TERFs. I get it now. They're ok I guess

I'm talking to you, /u/BigLordShiggot Also wtf are all the fucking drama imbeciles in that thread?? Ping them into here u absolute fucking idiots

These idiots literally think lesbians who want to eat pussy rather than suck dick are committing some human rights violation.

Does this term cover post-op transgender people too?

I don't see why you'd want to be with someone who doesn't want to be with you anyway, unless you come from /r/incels.

The "cotton" refers to underwear, implying that the contents of a trans woman's underwear (i.e., whether she has a penis) are of importance.

I dunno if I want to go down the rabbit hole any further, but it seems as though the term is related to the belief that a trans woman has a female body even if she has a penis. I don't know if it's used also for post op trans women.

Oh I assumed the cotton referred to the cotton in a tampon. TIL.

In practice, it’s actually pretty transphobic (not all girls have vaginas)

Yes they do. If you're a "girl" with a penis then you are really just a man pretending to be a woman.

/u/ajd011394 here's a little lesson. Boys have peepees and girls have vajayjays.

And you do, I’m assuming? And since when is vagina strictly a medical term? It’s a pretty matter-of-fact way to describe one set of genitals

/u/ajd011394 it's an anatomical term. Anatomy is a foundation of medicine. You're an idiot original thinker.

Also, how do you feel about the incel community?

It that Cheeto's dick?