SRDine has a spergout

52  2017-10-26 by aonome


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I mean once anarchists get to the level of "throwing people out of helicopters" and driving cars into people and chanting slogans that call for the genocide of several million (billion if we're talking worldwide) then yeah sure.

/u/big_babushka Anarchist bombing attacks aren't unheard of in Europe, and although they are certainly malevolent enough to genocide millions, it's fortunate that their retarded ideology collapses whenever it involves 2 or more people.

Flair checks out. Thank you for the kind words darling

Flair checks out.

What, you needed further confirmation that you are on r/drama? I'll save you the future trouble, that flare would apply to most of us.

Oh bless your heart. I'm just as guilty as you so I don't have room to talk.

Oh bless your heart.

Did you just appropriate Southern culture? Revolting. Report to the next available self-criticism session.

Mother fucker I'm Texan born thank you very much.

Why are you so defensive about someone asking about the violence the left commits and/or threatens?

Oh bless your heart. We're not talking about me right now.

Ok fine. Who we talking about then? Spill the Tea booboo

Ew, Texans

You sound like an Okie

The fuck does this strange hillbilly speak mean

I'm sorry you're not a Texan, it's not your fault

Can y'all secede from the union again? It's a win/win scenario if you think about it


Only bulls and fags come from Texas. Do you have horns, or do you suck them?

Both daddy ;)

You’re not going to dispute what he said?

I'm too drunk tbh

so are you tarantula rural or swamp rural?

Neither. Hill rural

As long as ur not in the panhandle we good

Nah closer to the swamp my fran

I have family spread throughout, but my loyalties lay wherever I can git those crawdads my boi


...the nearest chain restaurant that serves them like Bubba Gumps (which is fucking delicious imho)?

Hill rural

How does it feel to know that the only woman who ever wanted to fuck you was at least a first cousin?

Wow I didn't know that. Guess I should go inform my wives.

Too drunk or too full of shit? I find Texans to be expert at combining the two

Talking isn't equivalent to doing and you know that. Don't be disingenuous. I know you're bored or your butt hurts or whatever and that's why you're trolling. Because you're sad and bored and you don't know how to express or channel it positively so you lash out and make yourself feel better because "lel I was only pretending" but the adults are speaking right now. So unless you want to actually participate and make a contribution I suggest you get the fuck out of the way.

Also they do not lack manevolence. Their problem is that they lack an organized collective, like a state, which is needed for violence on a large scale.

Talking isn't equivalent to doing and you know that.

But the guy in question was making a point about talking. And those bombings show that anarchists aren't just all talk, and that they are perfectly capable of going to the next step and murder people.

It's pasta from the thread

Oh shit

Now i have to kill myself

It is what it is

How does SRD still have the dumbest userbase on the site even after silvertongue left?

Simple, they're SRDines

On the venn diagram of mainstream, retarded leftist opinions they're the section in the middle where all the circles overlap.

Talking isn't equivalent to doing and you know that. Don't be disingenuous. I know you're bored or your butt hurts or whatever and that's why you're trolling. Because you're sad and bored and you don't know how to express or channel it positively so you lash out and make yourself feel better because "lel I was only pretending" but the adults are speaking right now. So unless you want to actually participate and make a contribution I suggest you get the fuck out of the way.

Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery!

Bby if I wanted to flatter you, I'd just ask you for bussy pics.

Now, some time ago, I used to be a sideshow host at a Circus, I played the role for eating broken glass. So we did about two shows a week, now that's a lot of broken glass, and it's all collected right in the line of my anus... my ass is like one damn cheese grater!

Now that's what I call a natural talent.

Tell me, how did an exceptional person like yourself find themselves in a pisshole such as SRD, getting into political spats with retards like OP?

Not much else to do in rural Texas. Plus I like SRD, they got lots of cute daddies.

Sadly, we have no daddie here. Only traps :(

What about u/aonome ? That's prime daddy material.

As you may have noticed, he's too mean. Now, I like a daddy to have a rough streak, but this guy is a ball of constant, Trump-fueled butthurt.

Can't imagine having a proper BDSM roleplay with him.

Sure you can. I'll wear a black bandanna over the lower half of my face, he can wear a maga hat. I'll have a bike lock on a chain, and he'll have a tiki torch and the backing of the executive branch of the United States of America. We will fight in the quintessential ~~petit bourgeoisie ~~ upper middle class back yard. Whoever wins the fight is the top.

You know what? You're alright. You should stick around. OP was just being a faggot who posted here to cry about losing an internet argument and wanted use r/Drama as his personal army.

Now, that post of yours I quoted was a bit pasta-worthy, but as much as any proper effortpost should be.

Thanks dude this has been a right proper jerk off sesh and I look forward to the next one. (☞゚ヮ゚)☞

Be sure to visit us on the next big circlejerk! Probably when another big-name male feminist is outed as a rapist or something.

Too hair, but otherwise firm, petite & presentable 8/10

guiz someone disagreed with me!!! Pls call them a fag so I can still feel smart!!

Fuck off with this shit we're not your personal army.

Le personal army /b/ meme

Sad you haven't grown out of 4chan

Sad you haven't grown at all.

see now this was just rude

It was. My b daddy


Try to learn some manners before posting again, pls. ty boo

Mamis can be daddies too

VERY tru

thank you

we are tho

read the sidebar then kys



Not jaqing, it's a relevant question. I had to add the "simple question" part because redditors see in black and white and assume this must be a defence of Nazism (even though that doesn't make sense).

Just going "hurr jaqing" doesn't justify lying about calls to violence.

So you gonna agenda post over there and then run back here with this pitiful drama offerings once someone gives you a spanking?

I accept this.

It a literally a sacred tradition mong

What is this "Jaqing" shit? God I hate these buzzwords. I still don't really know what "gaslighting" or "sealioning" are.

"Just Asking Questions"

Gaslighting is maliciously making someone question their own sanity, after the Bergman film

Sealioning I have no fucking idea

I don't understand how people "maliciously make people question their own sanity" often enough for there to be a buzzword about it.

I can't keep up with all this stuff

It's actually pretty common in abusive relationships, for instance. It's like uber concern trolling

It's just manipulating someone so they have that thought "wait am I being unreasonable?" I suppose it doesn't have to be malicious, some people are manipulative naturally

I guess that makes sense. I was just thinking it was an internet discussion buzzword.

It's actually a real psychological term. Just like I'm assuming sealioning is, because that sounds LEGIT

On the internet it means disagreeing with a feminist.

Easy, these people are insane to start with so any sane interaction sets them off.

Sealioning = 'Just Asking Questions'. It comes from this comic.

So, what you're saying it we should call ourselves sealions instead of llamas?

Can't beat drama llamas I don't think

They're all just memes anyway

/u/big_babushka what else sets you off into pasta meltdowns?

The appropriation of southern culture by uneducated northerners.

you just had a pasta worthy spergout in defence of leftists. wot do u know of southern culture? u sound like a northerner to me...

Motherfucker don't come to me telling me I'm a yankee because I ain't. I was born a raised in the great state of Texas my man and I'd appreciate it if you could never accuse me of being a northerner again.

Just because you try to type "y'all" whenever you can and your mom forces out a southern drawl when she drinks too much doesn't make you Texan. You act like a Sperry wearing northerner to me.

"Muh southern culture!" "LEAVE ANARCHISTS ALONE!" Can't think of a more juxtaposed set of comments to make within such a short time. Where are you really from? Probably portland or cali smh.

What? Are you saying that because I'm southern I'm not capable of being educated enough to understand that there are more than one type of political system including those on the left? If you are, that's incredibly ignorant of you. There are plenty of intelligent people in the south and otherwise that are disillusioned with ~30 years of neoliberal bourgeoisie dick sucking and are seeking and learning of and teaching about systems that, if done correctly, may produce a better future for humanity. So please, don't assume my education.

"HURR [insert pasta worthy spergout because someone mentioned leftists]" "don't assume muh education." Just thought of an even more juxtaposed set of comments. Nah my dude. I'm saying that because you sound like a Yankee, not a southerner.

Replying via gifs is definitely northern behavior.

lol how racist can you get boi?

u think the South is a monolith?

lol how racist can you get boi?

A lot more racist. It's the southern way.

Where did this hatred of southerners come from?

Are your parents divorced?

Hang on. You think I'm hating southerners? Wut.

well u seem to think all southerners think a certain way, that seems pretty racist to me.

How much more racist can you get, btw?

In the context of "southern culture" they don't think leftist.

I already answered, a lot more racist.

what is "southern culture?" This is news to me, as a native Texan


Ask the user I was replying to. I'd wager anarchists and commies probably don't fit in whatever definition even he has of "southern culture" though. I'd take it further and say all American culture is antithetical to leftism. Let alone any Bible belt "culture".

what is "leftist" to you? Is it the same as liberal?

No liberals aren't leftists.

smart man. Tell that to ur fellow tardposters like /u/botchlings

we can bond over hating commies and Satan knows we need to bond over something

we can bond over hating commies

There is no greater bonding exercise.

What about nihilistically hating on mankind as a whole?

Only thing worse than a Texan is a Texan's pride in being Texan.

steers and queers, nothing but steers and queers

Southerners aren't a race, they're just sister fucking homophobic racists.

Very true

Try like the land that time forgot

Did you just assume my stereotype? REEEEEEEEEE

Wow! I've heard heard that one. Did you stay up all night figuring that one out? You know, the joke doesn't work when I've already made the joke against myself.

Implying that anyone would put effort into shitposting

Lay off the sauce Bubba

It's bubby thank you

You're not welcome

Austin exists my dude

>not sovereign nation

I question your credentials

All people from the USA are Yanks, you silly American person. Speaking with a fucktarded accent or saying "y'all" doesn't change that fact you're a Seppo.

It's an insult to northerners everywhere. Stay beautiful, Billy Bob.

Your barbecue sucks FYI.

Bitch no it don't

Kansas City BBQ is much much better then the filth in Texas.

Wet rub BBQ is a disgrace

No Texan would defend commies like you have, faggot.

From your spergout

the adults are speaking

I am positive you are still a teenager.

Are you gatekeepers Texas?