Pokemon Golocaust: mod faggot on /r/pokemongo bans a billion people over sexual comments towards two sweet slices of ass

57  2017-10-27 by LemonScore


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Sorry about that. :/


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A warning pops up when you use Ceddit. Just tell your browser to stop being a pussy.

To see the thread of deleted/banned comments/people: https://www.reddit.com/r/pokemongo/comments/78zusq/photo_we_met_through_raiding_so_we_figured_wed/

Half the comments seem to be blank for ceddit, removeddit seems to work a little better (unfortunately neither ceddit nor removeddit works in Firefox for some reason).


I didn't know about that one, thanks.

Removeddit works fine for me in Firefox.

Weird, for some reason it doesn't work for me, and I have the latest stable build. Removeddit stays on "Loading thread..." forever.

Removeddit works fine for me on the latest Firefox Quantum and Chrome versions. Perhaps you have Javascript disabled.

/u/PokemonGOmods lol at pretending that you white-knighting this girl was to protect the little kids that don't and have never browsed your sub.

Half the comments seem to be blank for ceddit, removeddit seems to work a little better (unfortunately neither ceddit nor removeddit works in Firefox for some reason).


this is not just about what the op thinks. This sub is not intended for this type of content. Kids browse here.

Don't you have to be 13 to use reddit? 13 year olds are literally in the first half of high school. I agree some of the comments were your typical neckbeard creepy type, but I'm sure they can handle stuff like "you're hot". In fact, I'm pretty sure most of the people saying that are the kids, it actually makes more sense.

13 years old are usually in 7th or 8th grade.

Weird, even though that chart says kids are in 9th grade from ages 14 to 15, I was in 9th grade from 13 to 14. Maybe I started school early or something.

I still don't think 13-year olds would be bothered by stuff like "wow you look hot" or "you're cute".

You don't speak for all of us man.

Have you ever seen 13-year olds on Facebook, especially those pages named things like "Teen Swag" or "Teen Quotes"? They're filled with 10-14 year olds doing this. I'm betting that if you search for a page called something like "Hot Girls", you'll find much of the population to be 10-14 year olds doing the same thing.

I feel like most adults (other than the ones that comment on NSFW subs saying stuff like "uggh I want to cum on you") would have enough awareness to realize that one or two comments on a post that say "wow you're hot" suffices, and not everyone has to do it. If you look through the comments on the /r/pokemongo post, you'll see a ton of those, which makes me think that a good portion of them are actually hormonal kids saying that stuff (also given the fact that it's /r/pokemongo, which would probably have a large juvenile audience because of its nature).

You know way too much about the sex lives of pre-teens

Are you a male feminist?

Not all rapist are male feminists...

I was forced to interact with pre-teens for years during the time I was one myself.


Settle down

fuck off

Damn, the comment, the flair, had to scroll up to make sure it wasn't SRD. Top.

It isn't, and I do speak for you.

Jagex is essentially a parent with two children that hate each other.


Hopefully they keep themselves safe as quickly as that faggot ass game did.

Men are terrible, misogynistic pigs who treat every single woman on NSFW threads like a piece of meat. Their opinions mean nothing. I think you're quite attractive, and that costume was fantastic.

If you're posting pictures for yourself, keep it up, fuck the haters and the pigs, you look great!

She won't fuck you, white knight.

what the fuck is wrong with you people. Jesus fucking Christ. I'm kind of disgusted at how many comments here have displayed the sentiment that attractive women = stupid and shallow. This is a woman with talent who just happens to be conventionally attractive. Appreciate her art and her skill. That's the point of the post.

Wow, holy shit, either you're a 10/10 troll or you're really pathetic.

who just happens to be conventionally attractive.

nobody asked for your opinion you misogynistic cismale scum

All you intensely logic-minded people don't seem to understand the concept of love. It's not easy to just break off with someone for logical reasons when you're so emotionally in love with everything else about them. This subreddit is full of you STEM brains who seem to have a hard time understanding emotions.

I can't even believe you would say that sort of thing. There are children who read reddit you know

I bet you do know, and that's what turns you on, you predator.

These are the kind of comments that I do NOT like.

I have been spending more time looking at r/Drama and these type of comments fill the comments section. I finally realized that the overwhelming majority of comments posted to this sub are hateful, slanderous, bigoted and ignorant. You people pick us apart in the comments section with zero consideration given to the posters feelings.

My comment is NOT like that. This makes your shitty comment ten times more hurtful.

I am not a fan. So you and everyone else need to realize that on this subreddit, there are actual people behind the comments and they don't deserve to hear self-indignant keyboard critics.

her art and her skill

Hey, look it's /u/ed_butteredtoast fucking around while serving his suspension for manipulation!

Please do not spread lies.

You need more sock puppets so you can upvote your own shit. This current batch has been burned. How long is the suspension... 3 days? 1?

feel free to cry in modmail if you think this is a EB puppet account.

Enjoy your suspension.

Enjoy being told your hateboner for EB has clouded your judgment.

his suspension for vote manipulation!

lol, seriously?

Ever notice people that scream about racists are usually the actual racists? Or how male feminists are all rapists?

Well, Ed sure did a lot of screaming about alts around here, eh?

conventionally attractive

You mean attractive.

I think you're quite attractive

Whoa now, easy there Creepy McRapist.

She's not posting pictures for herself. No woman ever has.

And yes, women do belong to men, fatty.

Thirsty fuckers.

Incels in pokemon? Who would have thought!

Until that time, I'd suck him off for breaky and eat her out for dinner.

/u/surprisedropbear have you thought about posting on /r/polyamory ?

They could give you some feedback and guidance on your complicated bisexual relationship with two pokemon characters

??????? Why am i being tagged here

/u/PokemonGOmods You have to admit the girl on the left is a THOT THOT THOT