Redditors over at /r/worldnews bitterly circlejerk over how nobly bumfuck poor they are and how (((rich))) people should just eat shit and die for their audacity of having more money than them, or something. Revolution when?!

43  2017-10-27 by Matues49


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Stop making excuses for your failures

pros of eating the rich:

  • they exercise so the meat is lean and tasty

  • advance mayocide

  • they own neat stuff you can take afterwards


  • none

it's not that fucking difficult you fashie

pros of eating the rich

advance mayocide

Jews aren't white.

they are when its convenient.


. .


( . Y . )


They sure wish the government had way more power for a group of people who hate the current administration.

Drumph is Literally Hitler, but he and his jackbooted fascist regime are the only ones that can be trusted with firearms.

Also, Drumpf should start up socialist programs to redistribute wealth among the nation.

National Socialism will work this time.

dRumpf isn't smart enough to make it work. Bernard Sanders is the man for that job.

it's like all the liberals who are now demanding that government nullify the 1st amendment in the US and enact ideological censorship regimes. It seems they don't realize that Trump is POTUS and the Supreme Court has a conservative majority.

I, for one, look forward to the institution of the death penalty for possessing books on Critical Race Theory.

I liked the part where they unironically thought the government should own a controlling share of all major companies. That's a ton of power.

There are reasons to care about inequality, but your average redditor is too stupid to think outside of Mao.


> believes Antifa is fighting a noble cause

> wants an actual fascist government



Communism isn't about not working.

Communism never works.

Communism is about the money generated from labor going to the laborers.

That has never happened in a Communist revolution. The wealth has always been hoarded by the Communist elite, and dissenters face brutal repression. Stalin lived in palaces whilst Russian peasants were worked and starved to death.

Capitalists are the lazy ones. They do none of the labor and get all of the money.

Every successful country in the world is generated their wealth through capitalist markets. And that includes most "Communist" countries. I'm betting that the harsh labour you're subjected to in real life, if any, is a basic job like working at Starbucks - whilst accumulating student loan debt you'll never repay and that will have to be paid for by other people.

Free market capitalism turned places like Russia and Chile into economic shitholes, passing the savings on to the wealthy and creating oligarchies. Granted it's an extreme, unregulated mutant of capitalism, but they're only "successful" if you define that as "wealthy get wealthy while privatizing state protected programs and fucking over everyone else."

Implying either of those places have free markets.

Chile has the highest HDI out of every south american country.... By nearly, every metric it's out performing its neighbors... Russia didn't really go that far with market reforms, Poland & the baltic states went further with restructuring and privatization and now outperform russia in economic and non economic measures of development (literacy, life expectancy, infant rate mortality...) wait, shit.... my b, no learns.

Chile has the highest HDI out of every south american country.... By nearly, every metric it's out performing its neighbors... Russia didn't really go that far with market reforms, Poland & the baltic states went further with restructuring and privatization and now outperform russia in economic and non economic measures of development (literacy, life expectancy, infant rate mortality...) wait, shit.... my b, no learns.

Yeah, but are those privatized industries heavily regulated?


It's Europe. Yes.

No, Europe often has fewer regulations than in the US and a more business friendly tax regime devoid of high capital gains and corporate taxez

Aren't armchair commies a wonderful thing?

But people were getting free helicopter rides in Chile. that sounds pretty socialist.

u/toronto87 you idiot, you know that YOU are the bourgeoisie don't you. You are privilege.

Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee <- you right now

False, no bully. 😳

The last thing the rich are afraid of is a bougie Canadian

The last thing I'm afraid of is Cheetos guzzling mouth breathers like you guys

Not an argument

Why are you so upset


Says the guy throwing tantrums about meaningless internet posts from strangers in /r/drama all day.

I'm hanging out here having a laugh, you're still angryposting from this morning.

Nah, I like meeting with autistic meta losers

> Posts in /r/metametabicycles

> Calls other people autistic meta losers

My sides!

Hey I never said I wasn't one

I used to be a communist, and then I decided to redistribute some wealth to be myself and stop being a bitch.

Global capitalism is bad! Vote for Hillary.

Capitalism works you just need non-fuckwits who will actually regulate and support industry growth, because companies won't do either by themselves. Never have and never will.

Also enjoying the whine comments about needing large government but saying that taxes are bullshit.

Fucking idiots.

If reddit uberpoor whiners worked half as hard as they would need to work to fight a revolution, they wouldn't be an uberpoor and wouldn't want a revolution. In reality, we do need a revolution. We need to purge reddit uberpoor whiners.

Two things confused me about waking up to being gilded with thousands of upvotes. One, only one person got the hitchhikers guide to the galaxy reference I was making. Two, why do so many people want to eat the rich?