reason #88 why /r/Drama should be banned: mods are clearly in bed with curry cartel

39  2017-10-27 by subpoutine


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I doubt that any existing mods would allow it, but if I were made mod I would use my mod powers to clean spam, and to clean spam ONLY.

This sub would suck if they got rid of all the bollywood soapoperas

Bollywood refers to the Hindi language feature length films produced in Mumbai and not Korean and/or Filipino soapoperas REEEEEEEEEE

i live for bollywood soapopears tbh

Tbh, I'd watch Super Ma'am.

I’d 100% watch a Bollywood Space Cop.

Wew, looks like we really pissed off the ricecels this time. Too bad I can't hear their autistic screeching over the moans of my qt asian waifu <(_<)

A Canadian crying about Indians... was this posted by Alanis?


Use our starlets’ first and last names when you speak about them or I will fucking feed you to Céline Marie Claudette Dion‘s roving bands of rabid homos.

A true Leaf would never claim the French.

Curry cartel? Weren't they Korean dramas? Seems more like an agent from /r/hapas.

Good drama