Anyone want to compile a list of male feminist sexual assault incidents?

0  2017-10-28 by lolwtfareyouon

For future peak agenda posting


Bro if someone tried to compile a list of male feminist sexual assaults it'd just be too large.

it could be limited to relatively high profile ones, people involved in GG, people in the Chapo Trap House-sphere, etc

Better to make a list of male feminists who haven’t raped. Can’t think of anyone though.


Right after the list of feminists who scream sexual assault 20 years later.

Not enough time in the world to compile them all.


Just find a male feminist

Chances are they have some hidden sexual assault shit.

There job finished.

Well, you clearly do so why don't you get right on it, eh skipper?

im lazy, was hoping one of you NEETs could do it for me