Imam Al-ArrDrammah

138  2017-10-28 by HodorTheDoorHolder


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Memre-posting is cheating.

This is actually a faked one, the original said sadism, not feminism (although the speaker actually meant masochism, as he mentioned it before, but he switched up the terms).

Is there a memri-post that is not faked? I mean, aren't they already full of translation errors on their own?

In my experience, almost all the translations are accurate, there are only a couple that I've heard about which have caused some controversy because of an apparently inaccurate translation.

I'll take your word for it, since I don't know Arabic myself.

But the Memri Bot Twitter account makes me laugh every time

Amen! Women need to be put in their place from time to time.

Muzzies learned this years ago.

In the same way Muslims preserved the truths of the Ancients through the Dark Age, they're preserving this important truth during the current Degenerate Age

Brb converting.

Here's my tribute for the Memri thread.

But gravity

Oh I forgot these people are actual morons no helping that

It's amazing what you get when you marry your cousin often enough

Eh, the real answer is that the atmosphere also rotates with the Earth.

This is actual true. I'm a helicopter pilot and if you hover in one place you can see the earth moving under you.

Helicopters are only propelled off the ground because they're so ugly and such an abomination to the idea of flight that the ground friend zones them.

if you hover in one place you can see the earth moving under you

I actually believed this for about 5 minutes, read this then thought that if the pilot moves in the direction opposite to the rotation of the Earth, it'd counter the momentum and what you described would happen, then I remembered that the Earth rotates at around 1000 miles per hour, so it'd be impossible to land if it were true.

If the mountain will not come to Muhammad, then Muhammad must go to the mountain

wtf I love wahabist, pedo-worshipping, medieval terrorism now.

The beatings will continue until morale improves.

And remember boys, don't forget to honor your wife with a good old beating.. Only 10 beatings though, not in the face and don't break her bones.

Fucking kebabs.


This is how we get banned

via memri shitposts? are you retarded?

So, am I a bigot if I agree with him, or disagree with him?

Por que no los dos?


Top Kek.

Islam isn't all bad.

This but unironically tbh fam.

THis isn't an attack on Islam. It's just /r/Drama's religious leader.

My disagreements with Islam are aesthetic, not ideological.