Schizophrenic lolcow /u/nowaydaddioh continues xir one-tankie crusade to rinse our precious Papa PK

64  2017-10-28 by TrailerParkBride


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/u/LucyParsonsRocks /u/BlackFlagged /u/NoWayDaddioh you've got some 'splainin' to do!


Shit, for real?

That's too funny. It's pretty hard to fake a surprised and outraged reaction, but I didn't know someone could fuck it up that badly in text.

"Wh-wh-whaaaaaat? This is very surprising and disappointing information that reaches my ears just now. I knew he was a bootlicker, but this is news to me."

/u/prince_kropotkin come back to us! My gussy waits yearning to be liberated by your red rocket. Rise up, proletarian penis, and take me as your Mother Russia!

We really miss you :(

lol who the fuck has such an obsession to make all these alts?

/u/KropotkinZombie, that's who!

violent communist moron style guide

You could make a hell of a lot of money by writing that and then getting a professor to make it required reading.

Use this honeypot guys!

t. CIA

Literally everyone in that thread needs to be helicopter'd

This, but unironically.

Can we talk about the top Raddle link?

Is reality Objective Or Subjective? Submitted by GNU_PONUT 13 hours ago in >AskRaddle (edited 3 minutes later) 10 comments

Nah fam, the cars on the street are totally subjective. It's totally safe to play in the street if you don't accept there are cars.

Hey /u/prince_kropotkin, I never did get an answer from the hack that did a sunny write up on raddle. So much for the journalistic standards of Vice I guess ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I'm convinced they're all /u/prince_kropotkin alts. He probably makes these alts so he can pretend not to be lonely when he's on reddit nonstop 18 hours a day.

I think he subconsciously creates several alts that he can use to reinforce the idea that he is anarchist and not just a boot-licking liberal.

leftist safe space version of reddit is called raddle

literally named after a toddler pacification device

You CANNOT make this shit up

toddler pacification device

Isn't that rattle?

Gaaaah! I just wokeup from a dream where you and prince are in a soppy romantic movie together. You were a nurse and you were telling him you don't like shy boys because they're not real men and he was all 'no I"m not shy, baby, really!'. There was a sweet scene where he needed to borrow your underwear because his were soiled, but he had a phobia of underwear that sat in a dark drawer for days, so you had to give him the underwear you were wearing. As you were taking your clothes off, he got all shy and you snarked the shit out of him. Then it had a magical ending where you rip out his lungs and lay your eggs in his chest cavity, wrapped tenderly around his heart.

Regardless of whether this guy made this up, he needs help. I say this completely unironically, he is definitely on the spectrum.