Is Bill Gates a dirty thief or a lovable philanthropist? r/FellowKids discusses

14  2017-10-28 by AchtungMaybe


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Both, probably.

Typical Neoliberal logic states that if you take $100 million from the American middle class, pocket $99 million and use $1 million to help people in India, then you've committed a 100% selfless act that helps eradicate global poverty!

Hey, subject of the post here. That's a strange question that I've asked myself before: Is Bill Gates a modern Robin Hood? I mean, he took from the rich (middle and upper-class Americans who can afford technology) and gave to the poor that have more life-threatening problems and are poorer than the poor you find in America. Sometimes I think I'm just complaining about first world problems and should shut up about the whole thing.

he is vaccine murderer /s


Are you mad because you were vaccine injured?

Nope, mad because I love computers and technology. He retarded the growth of my favorite industry. We'd have more choices in software and technology if he hadn't ruthlessly and unfairly ran competitors out of business.

You guys can try to make me out to be a commie socialist or whatever, but that's not what I'm about. I know I probably can't change your mind because you're not interested in reading about boring corporate history.

Man it must be rough having to walk backwards ever since getting that flu shot

Shit quality bait my dude. Trolling is a art.

I’m also a middle schooler from 2007

We'd have more choices in software and technology if he hadn't ruthlessly and unfairly ran competitors out of business.

What? You know how many open source software we have floating on the internet?

Yes, I do. The reason we do is because open source software isn't a company that they could murder. And they did try to kill Free software:

Well they didn't succeed.

And that makes them not guilty of trying? Like I said, Free software wasn't a company that they could just muscle out of business. There was no profit for Microsoft to unfairly destroy.

that makes your point of having less choice and M$ running competitors out of business moot since their platform provided the breeding ground for free software.

That's one very special group that they couldn't eliminate. The other special one was Apple, who they saved from bankruptcy with a large cash injection. Microsoft did this so they could show the US government that they did indeed have a competitor and that they weren't a monopoly.

Go ask BeOS if they think Microsoft was competing unfairly. Oh wait, you can't.

They lost to Microsoft, of course they are going to say M$ is playing dirty.

I never discount the claim that M$ could be playing dirty, but saying they are killing technological innovation is quite a reach. I mean they never killed Linux.

We'll never know if they did are not, those companies are dead and gone.