Evil SJW is concerned when /r/uncensorednews hates murderers for not being american enough.

27  2017-10-29 by Stuntman119


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Oh hey a grisly local crime story involving minorities on uncensorednews

Haven't seen that before

It's weird how in those subs they only pay attention to local crime stories when the offender isn't white.

I'm gonna start posting local crime stories with white offenders there and see how well they do.

might be a bit thin on content tbh



You've got the entire state of Florida to start with, plenty of content there. Also why are you all over this thread?

why do i post in any thread here, also who are you

Oh hey a grisly local crime story involving minorities on uncensorednews

Haven't seen that before

what a bizarre place to take a stand. it's like going to the stormfront forums and being like, hey guys, it seems like you're taking this a bit out of context.

What baffles me is how the fuck did it get upvoted to the top

When an uncensorednews post gets to r/all, legions of highly dedicated teenage commies descend upon it with the force of a thousand Holodomors.

The only thing they like less than wrongthink is wrongthink taking place without their grubby little tankie hands sperging their criticism all over it.

r/uncensorednews is by far one of the most retarded communities on Reddit


Remember the last time Finland's hockey team won the Olympics? Oh wait...

This is the first ping from this sub that's actually been funny or creative. Good job. And yeah, sucks that we've not won it.

Wow, thank you. That means a lot actually.

What's up with naming your sub r/uncensorednews though if you're just gonna make it into a right leaning version of r/news? There is a middle way.

Anything on reddit that is not censored by mods will turn right wing. Always been like that. As for the name of the sub, it's correct. We do not censor any news. If the news story submitted is not older than 14 days and isn't re-hosted we allow it to stay. Many however think that uncensored news means uncensored comments, which is not the case.

So in short. What you see submitted and what is upvoted is what the community wants to see and upvote.

Anything on reddit that is not censored by mods will turn right wing

That's not completely true. This sub isn't censored and it remains politically diverse, probably more left than right depending on how you look at it.

It is what it is I guess. I'm just saying right-wing authoritarianism isn't better than left-wing authoritarianism.

Anyway, good luck in Pyeongchang next year. Let's make a bet. If Sweden beats Finland in the groupstage mod me. If we lose I'll blow up a mosque in your honor, deal?

Well seeing as though left-wing authoritarianism is basically "oppress whitey" and right-ring authoritarianism is "gas the kikes" I think I know who I will stand with if shit hits the fan

I don't have a problem with gassing the kikes, but I don't want to LARP around in some faggy Hitler jugend shorts and stop doing drugs.

Drugs are bad mkay

The two aren't mutually exclusive svensson, my room looks like a pharmacy

I'm just saying right-wing authoritarianism isn't better than left-wing authoritarianism.

eh its quite a bit better if youre white

The point being that authoritarianism is bad.

If you hand over the power to limit your liberties to a political leader in order to be saved from scary commies/nazis, you'll soon discover that you won't be getting them back when the "threat" is gone.

yeah sure but id rather live in a shithole that favours me

it also seems like right wing authoritarianism is more blatant and straight forward whereas the left wing equivalent is insidious and subversive

hitler killed people but stalin deleted them out of photos afterwards and ordered everyone to pretend they never existed

that shit is more dangerous than straight authoritarianism, and the american left is orgasming over the thought of being able to apply those sorts of ideas to trump supporters as is

"ban trump from twitter" "ban td" "ban everyone who says things i dont like so i can pretend they dont exist"

If you hand over the power to limit your liberties to a political leader in order to be saved from scary commies/nazis, you'll soon discover that you won't be getting them back when the "threat" is gone.

yeah exactly thats 100% my reasoning for saying this whole nazi hysteria is dumb and always has been

hitler got elected because people were sick of communist violence

We do not censor any news.

Lol bullshit, you pussies delete anything that goes against your Neighbor Nazi agenda

Well since you said it with such conviction, it must be true!

LPT: not everyone right-of-center is a neo nazi.

Please maintain your safety

Uhhhh that sub was created by a literal neo nazi,this is pretty well documented

Uhhhh let's say I just take your word for it, that still doesn't make it a neo nazi sub.

Saul Alinsky, a self-avowed communist, started Obama's political career. See the flaw in your argument?

And why tf are we seriousposting about this, for such a drama queen you're really pretty boring

Well there's a public modlog. Prove that we deleted news. Go ahead.

I don't know who you are, but I've been on the internet long enough to know u/mg87 is full of shit.

This whole post is about an SJW top comment in uncensorednews. You gotta be a special kind of stupid to argue

Lol bullshit, you pussies delete anything that goes against your Neo Nazi agenda

when the evidence against that is literally what we're all talking about here

Do you think we'll both get jobs and become productive members of society once we stop jerking off all day to Jews and black people on the internet and accomplish something?

Your silly little hate-sub is one of the safest spaces on reddit. Anyone who isn't an ignorant, fearul little cunt is banned. Any story that goes against your deeply paranoid and insecure narrative is removed.

Utterly pathetic.

what do you think gets censored from /r/news though

It's well known that the mods of r/news have a heavy left-wing bias and tend to lock, nuke or remove posts that don't fit their worldview. There are dozens of examples around metareddit. Here's a recent one.



yeah i was prob unclear there, im just saying it isnt surprising that "uncensorednews" is full of stories about muslims if thats what gets deleted off the default news sub

personally i dont think they have a large overarching agenda so much as they just want to look progressive by ignoring stuff thats inconvenient

they just want to look progressive by ignoring stuff thats inconvenient

Isn't that the definition of an agenda?

Maybe it's not surprising, but it's depressing that you either have to check two heavily editorialized subs for a balanced news report or stick to the one where your bias already lies. Why even read the news if it's only to confirm what you already know?

well yeah i suppose so but its more on a personal and inter mod level

its like sjws all jostling to see who can be the most progressive, mods do the same shit

i doubt many of them understand what theyre doing on a larger scale

"theres crazy people everywhere, so why wouldnt you want to import more of them??!?!??"

t. american liberal

I was born and raised in South Florida, this story does not shock me in the slightest. I once woke up one morning to find a Haitian on my property climbing a tree on my family's lawn because he was trying to steal our coconuts.

Taking a coconut = child murder. Lol