Weirdo in /r/drama gets stuck on a loop, something about Muslims and rape. Kinkshames white women

29  2017-10-29 by aonome


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/u/TastesLikeAss This is really embarrassing for you. Keep Yourself Safe

Kinkshaming is healthy and so is slutshaming. How long until we get the point where it's taboo to shame a pedophile?

Kinkshaming is healthy


That dude was incoherent.

/u/TastesLikeAss You seem a bit butt-blasted. Did you get cucked by halal sausage?

Please tell me you were only being ironically retarded.

If not, I'll explain for you.

you are the worst cliche of a eurofag..."BURGER BURGER BURGER!!!! oh excuse me dear sir? RAPE?!?! How dare you!" lol you are so dumb

So if a woman doesn't want to sleep with a white man in Europe and sleeps with a foreign man that's a problem? What happened to bodily autonomy? You think it's wrong for a white man to not get laid? Not everyone gets laid mate. That's life, you can't change sexual preference.


lol imagine going through life like this.

Imagine being this retarded. I'll spell it out for you, it's not rape if she consents. Yep, that's right, the white race is getting cucked voluntarily, how does this make you feel?

why do you enjoy muslim rape?

Why does the white race enjoy cucking itself? Only a mayo who's smart enough can answer that. People can you like only speculate.

I know you're embarrassed and can only repeat this shit over and over and over again.

This is literally what you're doing though, in fact, instead of actually responding to his question, you just repeated the same "ree it's rape" over and over.

You might be saddened by this news, but the elimination of the "white" race is inevitable. In fact, race is, for the most part, a nonsense construct, but the "white" race even moreso. It is clear that there is no explicit, accurate definition for being "white", the phantasm of "race purity" is far from reality and is grounded in nothing but the fantasies of people who think that those that they do not consider "white" are "taking muh womenz" (read: insecurity, as well as misogyny).

In present-day society, the identity of Western countries and their inhabitants are not pegged down by race, but by nationality—additionally, you can now see people mixing their origins with their current nationality, an example being so called "hyphenated Americans". These people range from someone holding some aspects of their culture dear to them, to someone who calls themselves so because "my [insert near ancestor] was from [insert foreign country]". Contrary to the European failure at integrating immigrants, the United States has done well with the integration of immigrants, and miscegenation of races will thus be unavoidable, and the delusion of "white purity" will become extinct.

Even in Europe, although they may not have succeeded in integrating their immigrants well (leading to the formation of ghettos such as the ones in Tower Hamlets, London), there will always be a few immigrants who manage to escape from the grasps of these ghettos and integrate within larger society. This leads to race-mixing as well, albeit to a lesser extent, but every bit counts, and every bit helps. Why? When two people of color have children, you can usually see distinct features from both parents present in the child. When a person of color and a white person have a child, the most commonly (and usually only) feature passed down from the white parent is lighter skin (cumskin). This is due to the fact that the genes that lead to the expression of so-called "white" phenotypes, are for the most part, recessive. This facilitates the elimination of "white" features in society.

Furthermore, children who have blood from both a person of color and a white person are forsaken by those who fantasize about the white race being preserved, even though they carry recessive genes from their white parent, genes that could eventually be expressed again. This will also contribute to the demise of the so-called "white race".

Eventually, no person who considers themselves "white" will have so-called "pure" genes. Hence, the white race will have been eliminated by the standards set by the race purists themselves, having led themselves to their own demise.

tl;dr - eurofag triggered

I'm American, but keep being retarded.

says the retard seriousposting a novella in r/drama off of obvious trolling. how the fuck are you this dumb?

and plenty of eurofags in America. if youre a retard who thinks saying burger over and over again is cutting, you qualify

says the retard seriousposting a novella in r/drama off of obvious trolling. how the fuck are you this dumb?

Is it over your reading level?

and plenty of eurofags in America. if youre a retard who thinks saying burger over and over again is cutting, you qualify

Nice, if I think you're retarded for being unable to compose a sensible response, I'm a "eurofag".

I told you that I didnt even read it, you fucking moron. Is a heavily used acronym over your reading level? you're in r/drama, you fuckwit, not virtue signaling in worldnews or politics. And im not the one posting BURGER BURGER BURGER over my massive anti-american butthurt when I realize how much my country depends on teh US

HOW THE FUCK DO PEOPLE LIKE YOU GET THROUGH LIFE? Make sure you answer with at least 10 paragraphs I wont read.

And im not the one posting BURGER BURGER BURGER over my massive anti-american butthurt when I realize how much my country depends on the US

As opposed to posting "eurofag"?

HOW THE FUCK DO PEOPLE LIKE YOU GET THROUGH LIFE? Make sure you answer with at least 10 paragraphs I wont read.

Are you wondering how people who don't sperg out during internet arguments get through life?

except eurofags is an apt and cutting remark?

Are you wondering how people who don't sperg out during internet arguments get through life?

Yes, exactly. You got it. How do you get through life, tard?

except eurofags is an apt and cutting remark?

So why are you mad about people using the term "burger" if you have no problem with the term "eurofag"?

Yes, exactly. You got it. How do you get through life, tard?

Where did I sperg out? If you're referring to my parent comment, that was a calmly thought out, pre-written response, not an angry sperg raging on the internet.

who would have a problem with a term like eurofag? I mean, it fits.

Dude youre a fucking retard. youre writing massive paragraphs in reaction to somebody who was trolling a heavily used meme. IN FUCKING R/DRAMA. HOW FUCKING DUMB CAN YOU BE?? kys

obvious trolling

i dont know who told you getting incredibly angry and ranting incoherently was "trolling," but they were lying

angry lol - all I see you is you madly agendaposting in r/drama, of all places, about Trump. kys.

Why do you downvote? Are you really that sad of a person that you have little fits of spite and have to reach out through a medium that has nothing to do with validity? You do realize karma is worthless right? And that downvoting a comment doesn't do anything to the legitimacy of what's in the post right? Or do you just ignore all of that because you're butthut and have to lash out like a baby in need of a circumcision? I mean seriously! You can't have a conversation with someone on the internet without angrily clicking the downvote button? Do you feel like you've had vengeance on me or something? I personally don't care about downvotes either way (by all means, call your silly downvote brigade on me, it means nothing at all to me), but I just find it funny how seriously you and others like yourself actually take these imaginary internet points. Reddit really is all you have, huh? Damn do I feel bad for you. But you know what? I don’t care! I’ll rake in the coal! You’re logic is flawed, kiddo. Don't like what people are doing with it? Downvote me, that'll show 'em! Go ahead and press that down arrow, I know you're itching to do it. Think you're contributing to the community? "Doing your civic duty"? Nope. You're just decreasing a meaningless number on the internet. You just want to hop on the bandwagon. Well POUNCE! O can hear you as your feet land on the cold real steel of the inside of the wagon. You know what? Enjoy the ride, for now. Maybe even stick your head out the window and feel the breeze while you reflect on the importance of your downvote to me. I'll even give you my word, this isn't even my primary account, kiddo. Downvote away, downvote to your heart's content. But listen kid, please remember rule 1 of reddit. Treat the other people commenting as if they are human beings. It is fascinating, however, that people ignore the fact that I am right just because the first two people downvoted me. From that point it is just snowballs. When people see downvotes, do they neglect their own ability or reason? It is similar to the fallacy of poisoning the well. Once they see the fact that others disagree, they assume that the person must be wrong, even if undeniable truth is on the other side. It is an interesting phenomenon, and I am not sure how reddit should address this issue moving forward. There needs to be a solution that prevents cases like mine from happening. If someone posts something truthful, it should be upvoted, not downvoted. It is imperative that we allow free speech and the truth to be shared. I don’t care about the karma. Hell, I’ll gladly rake in the coal! But we must remember that free speech and opinions are key to our society and, more importantly, reddit. So, next time you want to downvote something, just think about what you are about to do!

"copypasta when I get caught saying dumb shit." you tried

now go mock agendapost clueless trumptards while seriously complaining about the mocking of eurotards.

EVERYTHING THESE DAYS R POLITICAL CORRECTNESS HERP DERP DERP. im so sick of these faggoty sjws thinking they're so alpha and so cool bc they owned a feminist. which isn't hard to do. here's the truth about anti feminists/anti sjws. they go after the easiest targets ever. as if most of the world doesn't know that there's only two genders. these anti sjws are literally speaking common sense. we all know that there's 2 genders. does it need to be 30 videos about why there is? no. and if u disagree with an sjw. oh boy, be prepared to be called an sjw or feminist just for having an opinion that's different form theirs. if u have an opinion that's liberal in any kind of way, ur an sjw. which is fucking retarded. today, i saw a video about the new power puff girl character, and people were saying it was pc just bc the character had a different skin tone. like what? it seems these days, people can't do anything without making something political. the people who are saying this is an act of political correctness need to shut the fuck up. the character isn't black, latino, indian or anything like that. it's simply a person with a darker skin tone. for those who are saying this character is black, both anti sjws and sjws, firstly, black people look way darker than the new power puff girl character (unless ur talking about biracial people) they don't look like that. secondly, when did the creators ever say that the new character was black? they didn't. so shut the fuck up. these r things u created in ur own mind. after all, there are european people who r that skin tone. whose to say that this is some feminist agenda? hell, i'll take it a step further. whose to say that the power puff girls themselves even have a race? they r just creations and heroes. why the fuck do anti sjw's find some stupid reason to call something pc or feminist agenda? when i saw the new character i don't see a race. i simply see a new character that was probably brought too late into the series. i swear to god i hate anti-feminists/anti sjws they're literally no different than the people they fight against. is it ok to put in any character of a different race without it being pc? people in the 90's didn't complain about shit like this. there's tons of diversity in older cartoons. these days people will be slammed if they put a POC in a show. shows that brought in POC character in the series like hey Arnold would be called pc just for having a black character in it. this shit is fucking retarded. i so fucking hate the people act now. people seem to forget that conservatives were censoring fucking a lot back then. u know? those fucking extreme Christians who wanted to censor video games, music, and and blame media on school shootings? i guess those people don't exist anymore. even though they still do... wtf can i say. people r acting feminism r only the problem. ignoring the fact that we had hurricanes hitting parts of the US. instead, trump and lame ass cuckservatives complain about the NFL teams kneeling and people "disrespecting the flag" complaining like the sjws they're against. OMG, THEY HAD A DIFFERENT OPINION THAN ME. FUCK (INSERT THIS GROUP OF PEOPLE HERE) fuck the goddamn US flag. there's problems in the country and i don't respect america or the president. am i pc for not liking trump? yes i am. bc how dare i have a different opinion? right? anti sjws should kill themselves and there thoughts and beliefs are stupid. and they r fucking faggots. get over it.

more copy pasta. demonstrate all that butthurt

tl;dr - eurofag triggered into seriousposting

All parties involved in this thread should KYS.

Birth control?

Maternity leave?

Child care options?

Universal pre-K?

Safe work space?

Check and mate

Ottoman Imperial Harem

The Imperial Harem (Ottoman Turkish: حرم همايون‎, Harem-i Hümâyûn) of the Ottoman Empire was the Ottoman sultan's harem composed of the wives, servants (both female slaves and eunuchs), female relatives, and the sultan's concubines, occupying a secluded portion of the Ottoman imperial household. This institution played an important social function within the Ottoman court, and demonstrated considerable political authority in Ottoman affairs, especially during the long period known as the Sultanate of Women. The utmost authority in the Imperial Harem was the Valide Sultan, who ruled over the other women in the household and was often of slave origin herself. The Kizlar Agha (Kızlarağası, also known as the "Chief Black Eunuch" because of the Nilotic origin of most aghas) was the head of the eunuchs responsible for guarding the Imperial Harem.

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Just a reminder: DON'T DOWNVOTE THE LOLCOWS,which in this case is everybody.