TIL you can’t ticket people for fucking in public because it’s homophobic

24  2017-10-29 by bussy_queen


Did it ever occur to them how traumatic it is for a guy when his wife finds out he's been having unprotected anal sex with strangers? The insensitivity is just... I can't even...

How is this even a thing, why is it this is the second time I've heard of it.

Ffs people need to sort their shit out. Go to a toilet or rent a hotel or some shit. Wtf...

Typical bourgeois ablest mentality. Love should only be limited to those who can stand inside spaces.

They could avoid charges of homophobia simply by policing public parks and restrooms where heterosexual people prowl for risky, anonymous sex.

Some people don't know this, but the anus is actually for pooping.

Big if true.

All I feel is rage and disgust.

I love these articles because Canada always whines about the same thing, that it is about homophobia and not people fucking at a place where children play. It’s called craigslist, use it like the rest of the degenerates.

Also, I really don’t want a bunch of gay dudes cramping my style while I am stalking my ex through a lightly wooded area. Amiright? Guys?


Well, you know. Busting people for fucking anonymous strangers in public is disproportionately likely to impact homosexuals, therefore it's homophobic! Next!