At various points in time it definitely qualified as an empire. It's kind of the butt of historical jokes but up until it's decay the Empire was a massive political and military force.
Feel free to get in the last word after this, but dwell on this for a monent: Is this how you envisioned spending your life? Harassing others and making the world a worse place for the lulz? Would your parents be proud of this choice you've made? Are you proud of it? Really?
I'd ask you to reconsider your life choices, but you won't now. It would be surrendering. So instead I'll ask you this - are you proud of who you are? Is this internet persona you've adopted something you'd like your children to find out about? Don't answer. Just think on it. Reflect on this toxic creature you've become. Who goes around inviting people to kill themselves, even in jest? Would you even like to spend time with this persona you've created? I doubt it - not in your heart of hearts. So try to let it go.
I wish you the best in fixing whatever hole in your heart made you this way.
Feel free to continue posting, I'll not respond further.
1 better_bot 2017-10-29
This is ableist.
1 Matues49 2017-10-29
Benned for using socks to upvote his posts
1 blacknblue12 2017-10-29
Disappeared around the same time as botchlings.........!
1 SDIHTD 2017-10-29
Three days after the botchlings.
1 SDIHTD 2017-10-29
I think it was a few days before botchlings.
1 80BAIT08 2017-10-29
/u/nunast hired darknet hitmen.
1 RichEvansSextape 2017-10-29
I'll be sure to send him hookers in federal pen
1 snowkarl 2017-10-29
who gives a shit
1 UmmahSultan 2017-10-29
Hyperboreans got him.
1 MooseHeckler 2017-10-29
We need to call Indiana Jones.
1 GuillotinesNOW 2017-10-29
He ran afoul of (((them))).
1 AlohaWarrior34 2017-10-29
Silly goy, he's (((our))) most important ally.
1 trjb 2017-10-29
Ever see that video of Mr. Hands? Yeah that.
1 Plexipus 2017-10-29
His name is Mr. Ed!
1 Not_Ed_ButteredToast 2017-10-29
I miss the little guy. He always added worthwhile comments to every post.
1 ahbslldud 2017-10-29
He got bogpilled G̡̤̲͚̩͓̮̮͞ͅÈ̵͉T̴̞̞̜ ̴̡̜̲̪̭̥̮̼̮W̶̫͔̪̭̳͠O͕̞̻͕̞͎̖̣͔͝K̡̛͔̺͖̟͝E̵͉̳̭̜̰ ̡̫̖̺Ǹ̢̦̱̜͕͍͚͕̤̝Í̜͔̩̯̰͕̮̤͘B̵̬͟B̷̵͈̣A̶̝̤̱̙̰̯
1 aliceunknown 2017-10-29
RIP Edward. ;_;
Maybe he'll come back to us in another life..
1 snappleteadrink 2017-10-29
You're a fucking enabler
1 Sebaceous_Sebacious 2017-10-29
1 HodorTheDoorHolder 2017-10-29
He was my best hype man. Now all I have is /u/annoysthegoys :(
1 AnnoysTheGoys 2017-10-29
1 HodorTheDoorHolder 2017-10-29
The Holy Roman Empire was neither holy nor an empire. Discuss amongst yourselves.
1 ragnathorn 2017-10-29
At various points in time it definitely qualified as an empire. It's kind of the butt of historical jokes but up until it's decay the Empire was a massive political and military force.
1 UpvoteIfYouDare 2017-10-29
shut up, nerd
1 geraldodelrivero 2017-10-29
it was a holy empire because it was ruled by a holy emperor, duh
1 Western_Promises 2017-10-29
Forgot not Roman, you mong
1 BigLordShiggot 2017-10-29
We are all Romans, if you think about it.
1 Ed_ButteredToast 2017-10-29
1 HodorTheDoorHolder 2017-10-29
1 Ed_ButteredToast 2017-10-29
Fucking lol! :D
1 wokeaspie 2017-10-29
Feel free to get in the last word after this, but dwell on this for a monent: Is this how you envisioned spending your life? Harassing others and making the world a worse place for the lulz? Would your parents be proud of this choice you've made? Are you proud of it? Really?
I'd ask you to reconsider your life choices, but you won't now. It would be surrendering. So instead I'll ask you this - are you proud of who you are? Is this internet persona you've adopted something you'd like your children to find out about? Don't answer. Just think on it. Reflect on this toxic creature you've become. Who goes around inviting people to kill themselves, even in jest? Would you even like to spend time with this persona you've created? I doubt it - not in your heart of hearts. So try to let it go.
I wish you the best in fixing whatever hole in your heart made you this way. Feel free to continue posting, I'll not respond further.
1 BigLordShiggot 2017-10-29
I'm actually planning to show them a video of their conception.
1 CultOfCuck 2017-10-29
"And that's how I impregnated your mother, kids."
"Oh, Ted!"
1 Dextro420x 2017-10-29
his basement caved in
1 deere442 2017-10-29
imagine being Ed and logging into an obvious alt account just to post this retarded thread so people think you're still relevant
1 ProphetRith 2017-10-29
Him and his alt botchlings got assassinated