Is /u/OniTan a serial killer?

144  2017-10-30 by blubski

Tonight I saw a comment by /u/Redactor0 which noted /u/OniTan's strange obsession with rape victims. (For those of you who don't know, /u/OniTan is one of the sub's resident autists. In that very thread, he pinged a rape victim with a troll question.) I relized I had noticed such a thing myself and decided to creep his posting history. I relized some things which are quite disturbing.

First of all, he has an obvious preoccupation with themes of rape and violence against women. On top of that, an interest in prostitutes. A bit of a red flag combination. He's active in /r/watchpeopledie, /r/pussypass, and /r/pussypassdenied. Also not the best sign. Here's some comments he's made only in the past month to give you a glimps into his psychology:

Tell her she doesn't understand your conversation because women aren't very smart.

I've fucked 16 and 17 year olds (legal where I live)

Should have raped her.

Why your cunt so saggy?

No one ever said white trash whores were smart.

Filipinas make the best mail order brides, tbqh.

So, even men turn into gold digging whores upon becoming women.

How far are you from Montreal? You're a little old for me, but I can still knock you up.

Is that what you screamed when a cock went up your ass? Was it worth the $20 you charged?

But as a woman, if you don't get knocked up you literally have no reason to exist.

/u/PastTheMissionHill have you considered sucking dick for cash?

/u/stratys3 is just pointing out the FACT that women are on the same level as children.

Shockingly, the hags of /r/relationships identify with the ex wife with the dried up eggs. Sorry older women, men want younger women.

Don't ask for sex. Just shove it in.

Most hookers around Montreal charge $100-150.

I'd rather beat faggots and rape dykes.

I wish someone would cut off that cunt's actual face.

I'm filled with rage.

Nobody expected anything of a woman. Now go be a fat shrieking housewife.

When an attractive young lady posted in /r/roastme, Oni's "roast" was:

I want to punch you in the mouth so your pencil lips swell up.

Ok, he's a sperg. But here's where things get spooky. Oni is a mod of r/Kahnawake. Kahnawake is a First Nation reserve accross the St. Lawrence River from Montreal. A few days ago, Oni posted a link about a woman's body being found in the St. Lawrence River under the bridge connecting Montreal to Kahnawake. A few years ago, another woman's body was found in the same place.

Missing and murdered women in First Nation communities is something of an epidemic. There's a whole wiki article about it. There's a site which tracks these sorts of things which lists several cases in the general area where Oni hangs out.

Now, am I saying OniTan killed these women? No. But it does make you think, doesn't it?


All this metadrama making my dick hard af

Make sure you don't accidentally rape someone

It’s always intentional, my friend.

what the fuck

Yeah he's insane.


Your cover's blown, kys before you're caught

/u/blubski is a redditor for 4 days. What is he hiding?

Probably hiding from the serial rapist/murderer hes outing.

What's your favourite part of murdering prostitutes? Is it the power or control or what?

I ask because I watch a lot of true crime stuff and people's motives for being heinous interest me.

He's that fat dude jackin' it to a shoe in Mindhunter.

DUDE I FUCKING LOVE THAT SHOW fucking Netflix shows ending on a fucking cliffhanger FUCK NETFLIX FUCK YOU.

it's not a cliff hanger, it eventually turns into Criminal Minds dude

Have you considered getting therapy?

Check out my podcasts!

kill your self

i'll suggest meditating. you can kill your self and attain nirvana.

Didn't one of the female mods on this subreddit talk about wanting a suicidal man to allow her to murder him whilst they have sex because she wants to feel what it's like to kill someone or some crazy shit like that?

How many of the people on this subreddit are rapist/serial killers (besides me)?

You probably mean /u/mircy who's a bit of a weirdo

She's got pretty good taste in feminine penis tho tbf

You probably mean /u/mircy who's a bit of a weirdo

True, but at least she’s got that patrician taste in porn.


Only the best

How many of the people on this subreddit are rapist/serial killers (besides me)?

No way dude, that shit's like potato chips, you can't stop with just one.

Take that part out!

/u/mircy So are you taking applications for this erotic suicide thing or what

She has a boyfriend. I don't think they're open.


Despite, or perhaps because of, my love of fascism and hatred of trannies and anarchists, I am actually a really friendly and loving person.


/u/mircy is crazy af, even by her own admission IIRC.

(besides me)

I always had you pegged as an asshole, but not a serial killer. That's reserved for /u/OniTan, although he hasn't mustered the courage to move past killing prostitutes.

Yeah that was me it's still my biggest dream

been pegged as a serial killer


Eh, 70% of the "missing aboriginal women" are murdered by another aboriginal person they knew, so unless hes one of them i think we're fine.

/u/onitan is the remaining 30%

Hey, there's like a 40% chance it's him, odds aren't to bad

u/OniTan, what happens if it doesn't place the lotion in the basket?

/u/OniTan serial-killing incel confirmed

/u/OniTan's steps to murder:

1). Find a prostitute

2). Rape prostitute

3). Expose prostitute to autistic Reddit history

4). ???

5). Profit

Someone on r/drama committing time to something outsid wof the internet?

Yeah right, I'll sick to my bussy

I've fucked 16 and 17 year olds (legal where I live)

Most hookers around Montreal charge $100-150.

Speaking of which... /u/OniTan, my sister needs her money.

Greedy Jew.

/u/OniTan give us some clues to find the bodies please

I'm adding him to the Google Docs spreadsheet of suspected serial killers. Pls don't share it with any Canadians.

Did not expect that to be in Bengali.

Also, kek, Bangladeshi cops have such a faggy uniform. It's like they tried to copy the most faggoty aspects of both the British and American uniforms and then added in a dash of their own faggotry. Why the fuck do I have to share a language with these people?

Canadian here. Too late

/u/OniTan, when did you start becoming obsessed with raping, torturing, and murdering women?

Did a girl make fun of your dick when you were a teenager or what

I believe

so where's the part where we ban him and we play the classic cat and mouse game ala noodles? subs been super boring lately, would be nice to have an element of suspense

It'll at least entertain us until Ed shitposts his way back to the top of the sub

If anything /u/blubski is bannable for this Boston Bomber post.

Oni is Japanese for 'ogre' and I think I read somewhere that it is associated in anime with rape.

I did find some rape references when I googled it

Didn't read.

The answer's yes, though.

Yeah I believe it. Why not?

I have to say, /u/OniTan is my best friend of many years and he undoubtably killed every single one of those women and more.

He always talked like an incel (Chad, Stacy and roastie are part of his vocabulary). Also, some of his drama is with polyamorous people. Only an incel would actually care about other people getting laid and going against norms.

Gross he admits he's french canadian. What a fucking freak

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