Bussy broblems

10  2017-10-30 by BigLordShiggot


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She has to get part of her vagina made with her colon. Well one of her friends had that surgery, and even years later it smells fairly colon like.



"My bussy is actually my smelly, repurposed shithole"

It's a medical miracle travesty, turning bussy into gussy.

Doctors have some real mad-scientist shit sometimes.

If someone gets bone cancer in the knee, they will amputate the knee but leave the blood vessels and nerves to the lower leg intact. Then they sew the lower leg, backwards, onto the upper leg stump. The backwards ankle is used as a knee with the foot going into a special prosthesis. Called a "rotationplasty".

FakeNews transgenders are fighting real battles go back to the basement Dr. Frankenstein

I'll eat ass but the thought of a pussy smelling like shit...


and I absolutely believe his method is superior. I have tons of stimulation, I can cum

/u/katemonster33 some Thai hack found a way to give you a clit? You need to contact a medical journal asap

I'll do that while yall figure out some more productive hobbies. Climb a mountain. Learn to write computer code. Start a fight club to get out all that extra aggression. Something. Kinda sad to be spending your time reading threads in other boards just to throw insults and pick fights.

Oh, honey. If we can steer even one confused teenybopper away from mutilating themselves for life, none of it will be in vain.

And you're doing that by hiding out here huddled in your little hate circle together? Oh, I see. So the ones you're convincing must be each other, no?

We'll be here for you when you're ready, dear.

Whoa, whoa, whoa. Cryptohate. We're trying not to get banned 👀

You could also make arguments with real points without resorting to name calling and insults. That wouldn't get you banned. But you can't do that, so here we are, in the hidey hole of /r/Drama.

I could get a real job and quit smoking too, doesn't mean it's likely. How much do you spend on lube in a month, btw?

You should find a real job. Quitting smoking is good, too. Nobody likes cancer, mister pie.

Hm, a month? Couple bucks, probably. I buy in bulk because I'm not a scrub. If you were looking to throw shade based on my robo vagina you'd ask to see my bill for surgery. Little tip for ya, friend.

How about you? Nobody likes a chaffed hootus.

You got thick skin for a tranny, and you don't mind trading bantz. Respect. Maybe I will quit smoking...

You'd be amazed what you can brush off when you're truly content with your life. It helps to know most of the insults come from people who are simply too unintelligent to empathize with people who are different from them. Or they're just really angry, unpleasant people. I can only pity them.

You didn't answer the question, by the way.

Making fun of trannies ranks up there with solving cancer

You're a filthy liar. I don't have a problem with you switching around your downstairs mix-up (and all trans people should do that) but he realistic about your sexual agency. I've not known it possible to create a clit

Ooh, filthy. Do you talk to your mother with that mouth? For shame.

Haha, "I don't have a problem with it." whatever helps you sleep at night my dude.

write computer code

Literally no drama, unless you want to consider the guy saying penis enlargement works as drama.

Just admit it, you love bussy.

It smells a bit colon-like, tbf

Even if they were able to get the surgery, a month later it'd be:

Dear asktransgender, my daughter has to dildo an open wound for hours every day and is becoming suicidal.

I wish we could take it a little easier with the hormones and the knives. Tuff luck about the micropenis tho lol

Why is bottom surgery not covered by Medicaid? I can't wait to see Trump HANG out to dry.

I guess they're real women?