Great Sage and Grand Philosopher PawpatrolBatman necros 5 month old SubredditDrama post in order to call me a fucker.

20  2017-10-30 by ---Kaiser


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Context: I made a comment in the thread regarding the ethics of self driving cars that seems to have enraged PawPatrolBatman to the point that he started reading through my post history and replying to me on months old posts.







Just an FYI, your life isn't worth anything to anyone. Probably just keep yourself safe now and save everyone the trouble.

You don’t think I realize my life isn’t worth anything? I realize I’m a worthless bundle of cells that should be disgarded

You don’t think I realize my life isn’t worth anything? I realize I’m a worthless bundle of cells that should be disgarded

Then why you getting so bussy blasted over op?

Because I’m an asshole and I like to deflect my miserable life

If you're aware of that why do you do it?

Because it is the only momentary distraction of the misery that fills my thoughts. Hurting others makes me feel less alone

Honestly you need to get off the internet. Other people don't deserve and don't want to deal with your bullshit.

Enlist on the military, they have the perfect job for you

I actually finally decided to grow the balls to leave this earth for good and stop hurting others. I took 2 bottles of morphine along with a bottle of vodka and a whole bottle of zopiclone, so hopefully that takes care of it!

Crazy I’m talking to you right now. I guess that’s just how pathetic I am!

Ok bye!

I took 2 bottles of morphine

Orally? Opiates tend to induce vomiting, especially if you take that much. You're probably going to end up vomiting everything up, either before or after you pass out.

Sometimes I think about getting meds, but then I feel like I'm going to become dependent on them, change as a person, suffer side effects, etc. and those things discourage me from getting them.

How old are you, by the way?

Maybe I’ll try falling asleep on my back so I can make sure to esphixiate myself when I vomit after I pass out.

You might end up moving around after passing out or wake up while vomiting and instinctively turn.

How was life while you were on antidepressants?

jesus christ you suck at pretending to kill yourself

Just give it a couple days for the half-life of your shitty medication to fade out.

Seriously don't be another statistic for those pharma fucks to ignore.

Understandable, I just deflect by shitposting though. Strung-out arguments are a bore.

Then r/drama is where you belong.

Okay, I see what your problem is now. Lexapro will do that to some people. Just hold on a for a few weeks. If you still want to die after that, that's one thing. But right now you shouldn't be making any life or death decisions.

And fuck your old doctor for prescribing you that and not following up to make sure it was working.

I still think you're a fucker but, for whatever it's worth, I admire the hell out of your honesty and self awareness.

Don't you think you should take out the

Just an FYI, your life isn't worth anything to anyone. Probably just keep yourself safe now and save everyone the trouble. part of the comment?

This post was basically made for this situation:

about the whole "KYS" and inciting violence thing: the admins have made it pretty clear that they understand our subreddit is not meant to be taken seriously. I don't think anyone is getting banned for telling masterlawllz to keep himself safe. The same is true for mayocide. They know it's (mostly) satirical and they're not going to ban that type of expression. That said, there is a difference between telling a drama mod to kill themselves and telling a mentally ill lolcow with a history of suicidal ideation to eat a bottle of Tylenol. We do actually remove the worst threats, the ones that go overboard, and we sometimes ban users for it. That part isn't going to change. Most of you aren't autistic enough to encounter that but please do keep it in mind.

Hey I told people to be nice to him once I discovered that he posted that! You can see the edit even!

If my car had to choose between killing you and a cat I would hope it'd choose you.

Thankfully I read in Consumer Reports that Mayocide is automatically programmed in to new self driving cars.

Jokes aside this guy is legit off his meds:

His posting history reads like someone with an obsessive psychological disorder.

If my car had to choose between killing you and a cat I would hope it'd choose you.

I laughed out loud at this.

Seriously /u/pawpatrolbatman don't kill yourself. I laughed at this shitpost in your history


If you wanna talk about mess or depression PM me. I know all about how shitty SSRIs are.

I’m alive

How are you holding up?

I’m ok