/r/toronto figuratively bussyblasted about literal public bussyblasting.

22  2017-10-30 by zahlman


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Jeeze, man, just let the guys fuck in peace.

They should at least go behind a bush first.

Oh Canada, where it's homophobic to not want to take your children to a park where gay men are anally penetrating each other in the open.

what is the deal with canadian homos loving public anal? i mean, there's tons of homos around me and they trim the bushes, not hide in them. maybe since they have jobs or something?


You are the sexual deviant people point to when they want to blast the gay community.

A degenerate advocating sexually assaulting strangers in a public park, and fucking in the bushes of a public park, regardless of whether or not there are others around.

This is why gay "culture" is garbage.

You're a moron. Please try ask for help next time you want to try and show off or your little dicked friends.

Please try ask for help next time you want to try and show off or your little dicked friends.

Wow, dick-size shaming, are we?
