TrollXChromosomes doxxes guy, admins refuse to take action

23  2017-10-30 by morerokk


You’re a pretty angry little manlet.

I don't think it counts as dox if you're publicly posting dumb shit.

They've issues rulings in the past indicating that this is considered 'doxxing' unless the individual is a public figure.

So yeah, it's a dox by all previous definitions they've used.

No they haven't. Only when it's a reddit user. The blacking out names on social media is self censorship. The admins don't read care except for occasionally when it's obvious the guy is going to get harassed (I think they removed a post on this subreddit that had the name of a kitten killer once because people were unironically talking about killing him).

They've issues rulings

Are these rulings on Reddit Law that I keep hearing about?

Go to the guy's social media accounts, all of this shit is public and he's clearly a wannabe rapper mother fucker. You can't doxx someone that has voluntarily given up their privacy.

Reddit's rules say otherwise. You're not allowed to post any Facebook profiles, specifically.

People post uncensored Facebook screenshots all the time in this subreddit numbnuts. Do you think we're just above the rules? It's only doxx if they're a reddit user and the post connects them with their user name. So say the admins.

Not that I don't believe you (okay I kinda don't) but can you post some examples?

"All the time" is clearly an exaggeration and it looks like some of the other mods are removing those posts but here's a sample of /r/drama posts that include non-reddit users real names. There's about 10x more that just do a bad job of censoring the names but for the sake of the argument I won't include those since you could just say the admins are retarded enough to miss that.





I've never once seen the admins say that posting a non-reddit user's name is doxx. Everyone is confusing their policy on witchhunting with their policy on doxx.

I've never once seen the admins say that posting a non-reddit user's name is doxx

Well according to the rules, it is.

As for your links, anything with someone's 'real name' should have been censored or removed. I believe this should be done consistently across Reddit, and if the mods here aren't enforcing that, they should be. The amusing one is #3, since it's sort-of blocking out names but sort-of not.

But there's a weird gray area between posting someone's information and posting someone's information that is obviously going to invite harassment.

I wonder when they actually added that. I've certainly never seen it and I haven't noticed them actually enforcing those rules unless there's actual witch hunting going on.

backpedals furiously/faggishly

Is admitting your wrong what you think backpedaling is?

no bitch, making weakass excuses like

I've certainly never seen it and I haven't noticed them actually enforcing those rules unless there's actual witch hunting going on.

is backpedaling

that tinder dude is a fucking hero

Those low profile tires tho

Give credit to me since I first posted this. You fucking faggot.


He should be forced to print out this tweet and wear the paper on his forehead for all eternity; the ultimate red flag.

Why do that when you can get him a t-shirt that says, "This is what a feminist looks like."

Fact: every guy I've ever met who wears a jacket like that was a douchebag.

GOOD bot

Probably true

I have a jacket like that

oh no

they can't get away with this

That's not dox

But it is tho 🤔

Oh wow. Not even pretend made up for /r/drama doxx. Just straight up doxxing.

There is nothing wrong with doxxing people especially if they have shitty opinions.

You should be careful when expressing this shitty opinion

aint nobody afraid of being doxxed

Says the anti-fa.

i mean, antifa seems pretty fond of doxxing their enemies, that really isnt a gotcha

Cya round like a donut, fag.

The admins haven't allowed it in the past. So why is it suddenly okay now?

Says who? The dude posted his own photo with a (surely) fake name, with privacy set to global (see the little "world" icon). If reposting photos from the public internet is dox, then like, every single porn sub on reddit is a doxxing hub.

They've issues rulings in the past indicating that this is considered 'doxxing' unless the individual is a public figure.

So yeah, it's a dox by all previous definitions they've used.

Is this guy Idris Elba? If not, it’s fucking doxx


Expects me to believe his word over the holy admins'

smdh fam

Smd boi

The admins are notoriously shaky

How dare you speak ill of /u/spez and his strong and stable leadership.

Britfriend spotted.

I'm looking for a red, white and blue doxxing.

Reddit's rules on the matter


No. Reddit is quite open and pro-free speech, but it is not okay to post someone's personal information, or post links to personal information. This includes links to public Facebook pages and screenshots of Facebook pages with the names still legible.

Keep yourself safe crybaby.

Stop cyber-bullying him! You crypto-fascist!

Wait, do you really think "Kaii Sixx" is a human being's actual name?

If so, I guess I can see how that violates that rule. But honestly, reddit has always been super inconsistent about enforcing any rules.

You're just butthurt about this one because it's a bitter manlet getting roasted, so you're posting here to try and rally the troops.

Like, there's zero drama in that linked thread and "admins are lazy as fuck" is not news, or dramatic in itself.

It is his name. He is Hawaiian.


There are a lot of comments on that thread that would be classified as a witch hunt by reddit's rules. Sending this to his employer, his family, etc.

I want to disagree with you but that pic got a pretty good KEK out of me

Better ingore all the rape threats like male feminists and go after some random idiot trying to be funny on social media. I guess it does make sense considering trollxs primary demographic

Primary demo is rapists, political lesbians, and bitter fat women.

Is his real name "Kaii Sixx" because if it is, I'm really okay with this.

Ok I just checked out this sub. It appears to be a den of witches, bitches, and females who won't have sex with me. I saw several clear violations of Reddit law. /r/drama posters are autisticier than the average cookies, so they had to know we'd be on to them. How sad.

TrollX is full of sad catwomen who go YAASS if a guy is a feminist, and then they hate all men who aren't.

TrollX is full of sad catwomen who go YAASS if a guy is a feminist, and then they hate all men who aren't.

has the definition of doxxing changed recently because a screenshot of a public fb post would not generally fit the standard

It's doxxing according to reddit rules. They mention it specifically.

well that's pretty fucking stupid

has the definition of doxxing changed recently because a screenshot of a public fb post would not generally fit the standard

shit IDK. some girl came in this subreddit a few months ago and signed her posts with her first name and I got banned for using her first name in my reply.

so you tell me

Jeez, is it me or TrollXers got their panties over nothing? You can joke about rape, you don't say "go rape now", do they not know the difference?

Or are we thought police nao?

Well, considering they get mad at PINK CHAP STICKS, it would probably be easier to compile a list of things that TrollX DON'T get their panties red with rage over.

They also cheered when some girl bullied an autistic guy until HR fired him. TrollX is completely deranged.

And OF COURSE, it's fucking /u/RagingFuckalot

I swear I still think this is a 'le master epic trole xD' Mostly because I won't be able to deal with the reality that a person could be THAT hateful and angry literally ALL OF THE TIME.

i get that this sub hates feminists and stuff (and that doxing is bad) but like if you don't want to be doxxed then don't post unironic stuff about raping women to fucking facebook [insert "both sides" meme] unless you have mental problems then its pretty easy not to do

i get that this sub hates men and stuff but like if you don't want to be raped then don't wear revealing clothes unless you have mental problems then its pretty easy not to do

Haha it looks like her account has been suspended.