lol it's like you haven't even heard of my man Billy G. Maybe not singlehandedly, but people like him and Musk are the best arguments for capitalism we have.
Parents name their kids Khaleesi and refuse to vaccinate because they think needles are worse than polio. The only qualification to being a parent is having sex, even idiots can do that.
The only qualification to being a parent is having sex, even idiots can do that.
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand game. Human sexuality is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of evolutionary psychology, most of the techniques will go over a typical male's head. There's also The Red Pill's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into its amorality - its philosophy draws heavily from the writings of Roosh V, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these techniques, to realise that they’re not just effective - they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike The Red Pill truly ARE idiots
Because when communist governments forcefully invade non-communist countries, they are only doing so to move toward accomplishing the dream of global communism. It's for their own good.
1 SnapshillBot 2017-10-30
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1 ClickableLinkBot 2017-10-30
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1 wokeaspie 2017-10-30
Capitalism doesn't work, except when billionaires singlehandedly eradicate diseases and lift millions out of poverty but even then it doesn't work!
You were wasting your time, anyway. These people are a cult lol
1 neutralvoter 2017-10-30
almost too dumb for this site, but not quite, getting there tho
1 wokeaspie 2017-10-30
lol it's like you haven't even heard of my man Billy G. Maybe not singlehandedly, but people like him and Musk are the best arguments for capitalism we have.
Now fuck off back to LSC before I shag yer nan, m8
1 neutralvoter 2017-10-30
not singlehanded
not eradicated
1 wokeaspie 2017-10-30
1 qwerty-confirmed 2017-10-30
who did this
1 wokeaspie 2017-10-30
I'm surprised it took this long. I've been shucking and jiving for you spargs for weeks now
1 no_youre 2017-10-30
No, you're wokeaspie.
1 wokeaspie 2017-10-30
Good bot
1 shallowm 2017-10-30
Remember that you can always gild yourself.
1 wokeaspie 2017-10-30
Get gulag'd chud
1 ExilesReturn 2017-10-30
Getting gilded in this dumpster fire of a subreddit is as rare as gussy.
1 hlary 2017-10-30
one gold shekel has been deposited into your account
1 cleverseneca 2017-10-30
what did Billy Graham do?
1 wokeaspie 2017-10-30
My bad, Graham actually sounds pretty fucking metal:
1 serialflamingo 2017-10-30
I'm sure at least one billionaire has killed themselves in all fairness.
1 no_youre 2017-10-30
No, you're serialflamingo.
1 serialflamingo 2017-10-30
This doesn't even make any sense. Shut the fuck up.
1 londonagain 2017-10-30
80% of subreddits
1 hlary 2017-10-30
1 aggressiveshitpost 2017-10-30
Why were you even posting there?
1 uniqueguy263 2017-10-30
That's the least of the questions here. What kind of parent dresses their kids up as torture victims?
1 bjt23 2017-10-30
Parents name their kids Khaleesi and refuse to vaccinate because they think needles are worse than polio. The only qualification to being a parent is having sex, even idiots can do that.
1 uniqueguy263 2017-10-30
Yeah, but dressing your kids up as torture victims is fucked up. Look at the costume
1 bjt23 2017-10-30
Look it's trashy don't get me wrong, but polio/a dumb name are for life while this is just one night.
1 uniqueguy263 2017-10-30
This actually seems like OP's legit abusive. They stripped the boy down, had the girl beat him, and posted that picture on the internet
1 giroth 2017-10-30
It's Comet Pizza all over again
1 TheAltRightIsAlright 2017-10-30
I wondered for like a full minute what "polia" was and how it was different than polio.
1 nicethingyoucanthave 2017-10-30
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand game. Human sexuality is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of evolutionary psychology, most of the techniques will go over a typical male's head. There's also The Red Pill's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into its amorality - its philosophy draws heavily from the writings of Roosh V, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these techniques, to realise that they’re not just effective - they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike The Red Pill truly ARE idiots
1 Ardvarkeating101 2017-10-30
God I love this copypasta, it's so recyclable.
1 GuillotinesNOW 2017-10-30
smdh r u srsly kinkshaming right now
1 djlewt 2017-10-30
What kind of asshole on the internet thinks he has a right to dictate how idiots raise their little idiots?
1 parameciidae 2017-10-30
In case you're serious, they aren't halloween costumes:
There's also the twin towers and Jim Jones and the kool aid.
1 uniqueguy263 2017-10-30
Okay good. The picture looked like legitimate child abuse to me, that's a bit more normal.
1 parameciidae 2017-10-30
Yeah, I had already seen the pictures before so I knew what they were.
1 CucksLoveTrump 2017-10-30
/u/alwaystryagain flexing his internet janitor e-peen to banhammer some guy who had him on the ropes. good job you jackass
1 krammebamse 2017-10-30
You mean small children shouldn't be used as props to educate the sheeple whenever possible?
1 CucksLoveTrump 2017-10-30
you should x-post this to SubredditCancer as it appears to break no rules and he banned you for simply stating an opinion
1 TheAltRightIsAlright 2017-10-30
Nah let u/alwaystryagain savor this victory against toxic problematic gross stuff. They don't have a lot goin for them
1 bigblackkittie 2017-10-30
the best peen
1 Chopparides 2017-10-30
That is the guy who got mad at his fake girlfriend for wearing purple and green socks, isnt it?
1 satanismyhomeboy 2017-10-30
1 Chopparides 2017-10-30
He has gone through multiple names. Claims people are constantly trying to doxx him.
His "girlfriend" once wore purple and green (colors worn by Gamergate mascot) and he had a meltdown.
1 satanismyhomeboy 2017-10-30
Sounds funny and I'm a lazy piece of shit
1 Chopparides 2017-10-30
LOOOOONG time ago mate. Sorry.
1 CucksLoveTrump 2017-10-30
Is this guy angryDM?!
5 Makrian 2017-10-30
He is.
1 Todd_Bronson 2017-10-30
no one cares, fagget
1 Teh_Jews 2017-10-30
He was just doing you a favor. We are all banned from LSC for petty things.
2 Orsonius 2017-10-30
I got banned because I was in a fight with some no child idiot arguing how children are gross and women are great for not having them
1 krammebamse 2017-10-30
1 FrostBittenSalsa 2017-10-30
Not me :D I'm a good goy
1 Gothmog26 2017-10-30
They banned me for pinging a mod.
1 Teh_Jews 2017-10-30
I'm not sure what I got banned for but I think I was just asking someone to clarify their stance on something because they had very vague wording.
1 no_youre 2017-10-30
That's actually true, you're most definitely Teh_Jews.
1 Teh_Jews 2017-10-30
Confusing Bot
1 literallydontcaree 2017-10-30
I got banned for saying "dumb". It's an ableist slur, guys.
1 LadyVetinari 2017-10-30
/u/alwaystryagain I am so sorry you had to deal with krammebamse. It looked like a harrowing ordeal for you.
Do you need to vent? Please stay safe
1 bjt23 2017-10-30
Bravo my good man! It's a badge of honor to be banned from a non-comedic circlejerk.
1 krammebamse 2017-10-30
They're busy over there doing very srs work ending torture, and I had to go and ruin it with my catty sarcasm.
1 bjt23 2017-10-30
Riiight. 🙄
1 Dextro420x 2017-10-30
Yeah lets go buy some t-shirts that say natural selection and a trench coat to go over it
1 glmox 2017-10-30
big, if true
1 satanismyhomeboy 2017-10-30
don't worry it's not
1 HeatDropper 2017-10-30
Pretty sure I was banned from there for saying something logical.
1 ChipChippersonAMA 2017-10-30
/u/alwaystryagain is /u/angrydm correct?
1 menvaren 2017-10-30
Yes. refuseandresist was in there, too.
1 Bronafide 2017-10-30
Any of you commies want to explain how imperialism is exclusive to capitalism
1 TheAltRightIsAlright 2017-10-30
Because when communist governments forcefully invade non-communist countries, they are only doing so to move toward accomplishing the dream of global communism. It's for their own good.
(They actually believe this)
1 DistortedLines 2017-10-30
Sometimes I wish McCarthy became emperor, he would've taken care of this.
0 Orsonius 2017-10-30
Imperialism is always bad
1 wow___justwow 2017-10-30
Bet that faggot got hard when he typed that.
1 TardisTechnologist 2017-10-30
I'd love to know the mental gymnastics involved in somehow blaming this in capitalism