I'm considering having an abortion because I'm not getting enough free money

59  2017-10-31 by AnnArchist


I believe that the state should pay for children and for women's contraception and also have final say in how those children are raised and how those women fuck. It is better for the children and for the state and the community.

Oh no you mean my taxes won't pay for this leech and her future offspring??? I don't think I'll be able to sleep tonight.

I couldn't figure out where to put this, but this woman uploads nothing but insane, poor me, bullshit.

Somebody has to pay for her kids and apparently waiting for a stable relationship is out of the question

all her videos are about her and some perceived sleight against her.

First saw her on publicfreakout, been following ever since



fired from multiple jobs

something tells me this isnt a coincidence...

@ 1:30

it's like the county is telling me "well if you can't afford to have one you shouldn't have one" which is bullshit because I should be able to have... a child if I, y'know... I shouldn't have to be put in this position, Like they should... definitely help, or helped me out at least"

You can tell she's really stumbling on finding a good "because" there.

I should be able to have as many children as possible with zero consequences

The entitlement is stifling!

Better flush it out.

the nazis were very supportive towards housewives. just sayin