Fat people drama in *gasp* /r/holdmyfries. Shitlords from HMF show up in SRD thread to call people fatties. Featuring such gems as "i'm not remotely anywhere in the ballpark of fat, i can safely fat shame without hypocrisy"

16  2017-11-01 by lunchza

Link to HMF thread, it's already sorted by controversial: https://www.reddit.com/r/holdmyfries/comments/7a0dgt/hold_my_fries_while_i_find_acceptance/

Link to SRD discussion, should keep an eye on the whole thread tbh: https://www.reddit.com/r/SubredditDrama/comments/7a1cp4/at_what_point_does_making_fun_of_fat_people_go/dp6i8cp/

Edit: mods removed the SRD comment chain but here's the archive


The easiest way to avoid both fat activists and FPH types is to just briskly walk up some stairs

There are no stairs on the internet though

Speak for yourself

I'll have you know I'm certifiably mentally retarded

It's like they're in elementary school. At least we're only ironically mentally immature.

Hey, don't make me part of your gay cowboy club, fatty mcfatterson.

I let my friend to Heroine, now she's an Internet feminist.

Found the fatty :^)

If you encourage fatties to get even fatter, they'll die even faster and the problem will solve itself.

Wait, would you stop your friend from doing heroin?

their sub literally exists so they can get triggered over and over

So does this one.

yeah, i wouldnt befriend obese people just like i wouldnt befriend drug addicts.