#1 Kevin Spacey fan spergs out over rapey Spacey memes being an "outlet for your gay-bashing"

13  2017-11-01 by Wraith_GraveSpell


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Here's the exchange you were talking about instead of the whole thread. You goddamn idiot.

I linked the whole thread because he responded to literally everyone. Seriously, if you had any difficulty finding it, you must have some development problem.

you must have some development problem

I mean, is it not implied by posting in Drama?

/u/Kahmeron, how does all that AIDS feel?

Hey this thread is about me and it is complete bullshit. Fuck Kevin Spacey. Kevin Spacey can eat shit. I never defended Kevin Spacey. I was attacking people making thinly-veiled gay bashing jokes and attacking people making blatant rape jokes. Fuck /r/memeeconomy.

So much impotent outrage in you.

What the fuck do you want from me?

Maybe stop preaching?

We want you to go to Tumblr and never come back with your soap box bullshit.

Your continued salt

How were any of those jokes gay-bashing? The joke was that Spacey is trying to use his coming out as a get out jail free card.

I can't fuck Kevin Spacey, I'm too old for him.

Just turned 16 huh?, yeah sorry you can't get KPaxed. H

Post bussy