Spez makes an announcement!

157  2017-11-01 by Byrnhildr_Sedai

As you expect no one is pleased!

Calls for banning T_D, all over here is the one with the most effort.

Calls for Spez to fuck off, khs, or ban fullcommunism.

Gallowboob bitching about being followed by shills and spam.

There thread as it is.

This drama is developing but will be juicy.

************ BREAKING ************

Spez is going to get a lot of hate for this.

Many of these links are probably in violation of our policy, but most are unreported, which is what alerts the mods and our team, especially when there are few votes. We'll consider them reported now. Generally the mods of the_donald have been cooperative when we approach them with systematic abuses. Typically we ban entire communities only when the mods are uncooperative or the entire premise of the community is in violation of our policies. In the past we have removed mods of the_donald that refuse to work with us. Finally, the_donald is a small part of a large problem we face in this country—that a large part of the population feels unheard, and the last thing we're going to do is take their voice away.

Here is more of Gallowboob being an idiot. He deleted it too. :(


Oy vey a bunch of 1 point comments look at this huge sub endorsing violence.

Why are you looking over there? /r/anarchism? What's that?

I love how that comes up every time one of these is posted.

I don't know what makes me happier, the fact that someone is legitimately worried about a bunch of 1 point comments that they have to spend hours scouring for them and creating a fucking table of them.... or that they actually think the admins (or anyone else) cares enough about them to do anything.

Every single /r/the_donald comment on one of those posts:

Why isn't /r/the_donald banned yet, they are openly a hate group and someone killed their dad or something. [+500, 6x gold]

Ok but what about /r/anarchism? [-350]

Obviously a TD brigade occurring there.

I love the people that think everything is a TD brigade. Yes, the sub that has automoderator configured to auto-remove any post with any sort of link to outside subreddits and has anti-brigading rules strictly enforced is somehow brigading anyway.

I say ban them both, but only one at a time for maximum butthurt. TD gets banned, yuge shitstorm ensues, cries of "what about r/anarchism" everywhere, and just as r/anarchism smugness reaches dangerous levels, ban them too. The drama would be off the scale.

Ok I don't want to ban t_d because I like to shitpost there sometimes....but this idea would be the most maximum drama that could come out of Reddit.

We would run out of popcorn.

/u/DivestTrump, are you autistic? Legitimate question

Fair question, but no. I'm just proficient at searching and writing scripts. I don't have the time or attention span to go through all the garbage comments on that sub manually.

Ctrl + F "Kill"
Ctrl + F "Shoot"
Ctrl + F "Hang"

Wow! Who knew I was so proficient?

That's the problem, it's not difficult to find these on that sub.

So if I didn't have a job and had the time to do the same on r/politics, think I'll get the same response as you?



Correct? If you read what I wrote it makes sense as I'm referring to another scenerio where I don't have a job. If that came off as unclear sorry about that.

If you read what I wrote it makes sense as I'm referring to the certain scenario where you don't have a job. If that came off as unclear sorry about that.

I'm not trying to belittle you. If it doesn't make sense I'll clarify...

There is nothing to clarify.


but you’re a jobless loser, I don’t know what you’re trying to prove by lying

Sure was hard for you to find any that had more than just a few upvotes, though. 🤔

Underrated comment here.

You'd think he was a cherry farmer

Something I found interesting about that sub in the process of compiling these is the comments section doesn't get much love. The submissions easily get a few thousand upTrumps, but only the top few comments get over 100.

What's more relevant than upvotes is the fact that they aren't downvoted.

Keep in mind also, these are examples within the last 30 days.

Who's who? 🤔

spez is Mark because he spitroasted that crybaby fag.

They both seem like the screechy autist tbh

That would explain why they also don't get reported. not upvoted , not downvoted.

No one is reading them.

Why isn't this happening at the same rate elsewhere on reddit?

My guess. It's a circlejerk. Nobody goes deep in the comment of a circlejerk.

The funny meme early in the life of a post rise to the top. and the rest goes unread. Because no one is there for discussion.

And nobody goes deep in the comment of a circlejerk.

/u/divestTrump did though. Claims to not be autistic. I'll let you be the judge.

It's called a containment board you fucking mong

What a pathetic and desperate waste of material you are


Why not search anarchism?

I'm open to running my script on any sub since it's no effort at this point. I'll edit the results here shortly.

Run it on /r/Drama!








kys, (((ironically))) of course.

I'm curious what it looks like on r/politics. R/anarchism is a pretty small sub compared to t_D

Running now, I'll edit in the results.

Can you post the script? Genuinely interested in taking a look.

Now I'm wondering if it's even real, or he just cherry picks random posts.

Hey /u/CirqueDuFuder where'd u go bro. Do u like?

Also so I understand it you do or don't like when fascists are told to kill themselves. Asking for science.

I prefer the justice system enforce laws over anarchokiddies doing mob justice to anyone they label a fascist.

I prefer punching nazis. Different strokes for different folks I guess

How many have you punched personally and where are you finding them?

HAHAHAHA you think he can stand?

Lol you've never punched anything in your life. We know you're a weak bitch because you post about being violent on the internet.

That sub literally had threads celebrating cold hearted murders of police officers.

lol centipedos BTFO


DAE "x"

You lot sure love your 2014 memes

im time taverller

He's one of the unironically retarded ones

They're everywhere these days

Spez ran wild on your ass LMAO.

Kill yourself by hanging and shooting

Kill yourself by hanging and shooting

How does that even work?

U hang yourself with a gun in hand, kick the chair then shoot yourself

And by hanging you mean living a long fulfilling life, and by shooting you mean shooting himself with a 12 gauge buckshot round fired out of a shotgun, preferably aimed at the roof of his mouth or under the chin.

Yeah that's what I said

I wish I could go back in time and put every SJW on planet Alderaan right before the Death Star blew it up.

The Horror how dare someone be allowed to post something this much of a call to fictional violence.

Do you think Star Wars is real or do you just not know acting like this much of a silly person just makes normal people laugh at you instead of agree with you?


Then why could you only find low updooted comments? If that's what constitutes the need for banning a whole sub then head over to /r/ShitPoliticsSays, there you will find comments ranging in the thousands of updoots calling for murder. It also seems like you do have the time since you had this exchange:

Honestly you should just edit this comment with more and more examples until you hit the text limit

Sounds like a plan.


Your scripts are picking up keywords out of context.

I think there was one from T_D that said something like kill babies save x.

That's referring to abortion. So it's just run of the mill retarded, not a call to violence.

"Anti-Evil" team? Is this fucking grade school?

No just a tech firm. So yes, most of them emotionally are still in grade school

Isn't Google's motto "Don't be evil" anyways?

Not anymore. They officially removed their no-evil policy.

Good riddance TBH, they're going to have to get hard to beat the Chinese.

They are looking for (((Manifest observable behavior))).


These are always my favorite. Everyone is always mad and it's usually for no reason at all.

across the entire viewpoint spectrum everyone can agree that whoever's in charge is doing it wrong.

I think they are doing quite well, really

Let's be honest, the admins are going to ban a few small subs and leave the bigger ones alone

admins = nazis. Fight the power.

/u/spez edited my comment to tell you guys that you are all fags, and bussy isnt even that good anyway.

Can you please organise and host a competition where contestants race each other to finish a bowl of soup with a fork?

/u/ouch_thats_hot should be the next CEO tbh

or at the very least a mod here

That's easy tbh. Use the fork to tilt the bowl and drink the soup. Do I win?

How tf do you tilt a bowl with a fork?

Use it like a lever retard.


I'm more concerned that /u/MoonCricketJamFace is so sickly he needs a lever to tilt a bowl of soup.

Regarding the_donald:

They ban 99% of the people that comment. They should be quarantined.

/u/shit_site they are literally quarantining themselves, isn't that exactly what you are advocating for?

They ban 99% of the people that comment.

So do a lot of the SJW-leaning subs. Hell, some subs ban you before you comment, just because you've commented elsewhere.

If anything needs to be looked at it's that - using bots to ban people based on their post history.

I'd call that a good thing. SRS largely declined as a result of their ban-happiness, TD and others ought to follow suit.

Srs didn't decline. It just spread all over.

I doubt it. They had a certain flavour of outrage that just isn't there in r/politics, SRD, or any of the whack a mole anti-Trump subs.

literally quarantining themselves

Reddit admins already had the donald coded to almost never show up on r/all and to fubar the vote totals. My favorite is when they did it once, and it wasn't enough so they tried to fiddle with it and made EVERY donald post on top of r/all.

they tried to fiddle with it and made EVERY donald post on top of r/all.

Didn't it occur to them to test it out before actually implementing it?

the top post on this website for a long time was "test post, please ignore", so no that didn't occur to them

A subtle hand is not what they are known for.

But when will they address the true evil on Reddit that is the fascist hellscape /r/drama?

Ok I just checked out that sub. It appears to be a den of snakes, trolls, and alt right Nazis. I saw several clear violations of Reddit law. TrollX girls are smarter than the average cookies, they had to know we'd be on to them. Sad.

this might be my favorite pasta.

Could you post the original?

I think it was just

Ok I just checked out that sub. It appears to be a den of snakes, trolls, and alt right Nazis. I saw several clear violations of Reddit law. CB2 girls are smarter than the average cookies, they had to know we'd be on to them. Sad.


was this unironically posted by a trollx poster at somepoint?


ima need that link

I don't have it on hand and at this point its become immortal pasta so searching isn't resulting in much.


How many dramacoins for that bussy?

The court allows the jester to perform, the court does not accept the jester as a member. This sub is a court of transient clowns in a kingdom of delusions.

still should be a quote

Do you have the power?

but the courts did accept the jester as a member

court jesterhood was like, the purest form of meritocracy in old feudal systems. and they were often the only guys who could generally get away with being honest with aristocrats

no u.

Only when we gas the manlets. HEIGHT WAR NAO!

Gas rises, checkmate lanklet!

Being a mayo, I'm okay with this... as long as the manlets go first.


Gamergate was the warm up.

The far right figured out a way to weaponize mentally unwell young white men by presenting them with their own version of communists or Jews — the SJW. Somehow, these enemies are everywhere trying to poison their preferred art (video games) with degenerate ideas and actively persecuting gamers.

So they either imported or started aping chan culture with all of the nastiness that accompanies it. They’ve harnessed the anger of largely unemployed kids to push their agenda online.

is this an exact quote from that article?

so i saw the echoes and thought “oh this is gonna be some good ol’ fashioned silly pasta” but then i actually read it and it’s spot-on

Actually this but completely unironically.

Typically we ban entire communities only when the mods are uncooperative or the entire premise of the community is in violation of our policies.

Say what?

I'm reasonably certain that most banned communities tried to work with Reddit, yet the ban hammer still fell because of pressure to ban them.

On the other hand, you've got communities like that one Canadian subreddit where the mods essentially supported doxxing a innocent dude. Why hasn't action been taken there?

That was /r/Calgary I believe? Someone should correct me

You are correct.

The mods of /r/watchpeopledie could be the kindest people on planet earth, still doesn't make up for the fact that the content is disgusting.

What’s that? Is that the sound of a lolcow getting bussy blasted over that fact that people enjoy watching Brazilians get hit by cars?

Why ? People will keep dying even if nobody watches.

Yet they probably won't be banned unless some tard gets a ton of media attention.

Happened a while back with the Hot Tot case.

Stop projecting

watchpeopledie isnt a tenth as objectionable as this sub is every day, get a fucking grip

Not liking Mexican chainsaw executions

What are you gay?

That sub is tame, dude. The people there are at least mostly sane.

if there is anything i hate more than boomers, it's got to be millennial soyboys named "Shane"

I'm seeing a lot of /r/Politics dickheads yelling about how /r/The_Donald should be banned and the admins should take action against "Russian bots/trolls" (probably a major nothing-burger).

it's only ok when shareblue/media matters does it. come on!

I rather have patriotic Israeli American bots influencing me than post-communistic garbage bots from Russia.


-/r/Politics in a nutshell.



-/r/Politics in a nutshell.


/r/politics and /r/the_Donald should both be banned if only for the drama of them being equated.

They shouldn't be banned. Admins should merge them.

Nah, just switch mods. Cue the subscriber mania.

lol both subs would instantly go private


Dude, I would watch that. That would be a fun social experiment. Let them have it out over political domination.

Oh please yes. /r/the_politik would be a glorious shitshow

Wait is shareblue a nothing burger or no? I have trouble keeping track of all these nothings.

No, the whole "Russian bots/trolls" thing is a nothing-burger.

Shareblue = big mac?

2 nothingburgers don't make a right.

Twitter and reddit were both targeted by russian bots and trolls pretty hard, but I think Facebook was where Russia spent a lot of their advertising dollars.

u/DivestTrump A.) What color is your hair? B.) How fat is too fat? C.) Why does T_D get all your impotent rage hate? (there are far better subs) D.) Mayocide when?

Nowadays the death threats and calls for violence come exclusively from shitholes like r/politics and other batshit far-left subs, but reddit does nothing about them. The_d has bern irrelevant now for awhile.

Did you go to the link or nah?

nah, faggot.


u/DivestTrump what kind of a faggot spends hours on a sub they hate, annotates all the things against the rules and waits to unleash it when finally u/spez shows up. Apparently you, that's what you've decided to do with your time Jesus what a bugman.

Nothing wrong with sucking up to whoever's in power. I bet if T_d focused on making spez feel special they'd control the site within a week

In that case, hey /u/spez, I will give you a reach around if you ban mike_pants or at least remove him as a mod. Just name your price.

Hey /u/divesttrump, over at /r/shitpoliticssays we collect all of the times /r/politics, /r/socialism, /r/latestagecapitalism and the like advocate violence against rightwing political opponents. Feel free to use those links for your next srspost to reddit daddy about posts inciting violence.

He's probably drowning in Sorosbux

/u/DivestTrump is that one weaselly looking kid who everyone makes fun off because he sneezes so often and gets beat up because he reminded the teacher of the homework.

OP your second link didn’t work and made me lose my bussy. fu

Also ceddit is gay

What did the second link do?

Yeah it had stopped recording deleted comments properly?

Expired certificate. snew.github.io is the same, but browsers won’t throw out a “insecure website” warning at you.

I'll fix that later, I'm on mobile now and fuck that.


Just use removeddit.com

removeddit is where it's at.

I really upset /u/the-special-hell over saying he could block /r/the_donald if he wanted to and he's been going back into my posts and letting everyone know that I'm a racist evil Trump supporter then deleting his comment.

/u/the-special-hell quit being a pussy and let the world know how big of a sperg you are, the people /r/nfl and /r/fantasyfootball need to know who I really am.

A sample of /u/the-special-hell:

Time for my quarterly inquisition. Reddit CEO here, AMA. by spez in announcements

[–]the-special-hell 1 point 19 minutes ago

Fuck you, you evil little piece of shit.

permalinksavecontextfull comments (3528)reportgive gold

Time for my quarterly inquisition. Reddit CEO here, AMA. by spez in announcements

[–]the-special-hell -1 points 20 minutes ago

Fuck you, you evil little piece of shit.

permalinksavecontextfull comments (3528)reportgive gold

Packers will have their whole OL healthy for first time this season... Aaron Jones by draftkinginthenorth in fantasyfootball

[–]the-special-hell -1 points 20 minutes ago

You should be less of a racist fucking coward.

permalinksavecontextfull comments (141)reportgive gold

Time for my quarterly inquisition. Reddit CEO here, AMA. by spez in announcements

[–]the-special-hell 1 point 22 minutes ago

Fuck you, you evil little piece of shit.

permalinksavecontextfull comments (3528)reportgive gold

Time for my quarterly inquisition. Reddit CEO here, AMA. by spez in announcements

[–]the-special-hell -1 points 22 minutes ago

Fuck you, you evil little piece of shit.

permalinksavecontextfull comments (3528)reportgive gold

Time for my quarterly inquisition. Reddit CEO here, AMA. by spez in announcements

[–]the-special-hell -2 points 22 minutes ago

Fuck you, you evil little piece of shit.

permalinksavecontextfull comments (3528)reportgive gold

Say what you want, at least he's creative

Fuck you, you evil little piece of shit.

fucking lol

He's convinced himself spez is a trump supporter

Thats how the radical left thinks. If you don't punch random looking white people for being Nazi's you must be a Nazi.

hey /u/the-special-hell maybe if you keep calling everyone that disagrees with you a racist and keep coming up with more ridiculous things to say about people that you don't agree with then maybe it'll get through, or maybe, you'll devalue all those words by using them incorrectly and then the nazis will put you against the wall. probably the second one.

oh got that post defending Rick and Morty fans. We have reached new levels of austismo:


If I were Spez, I would wait until the beginning of impeachment, or the day Trump resigns, and THEN nuke the_Donald, and everyone of their regular users.

If you were spez, you would pay dumb annoying twinks with bad accents to let you suck them off, just like you do now.

Gotta maximise that sweet juicy drama!

beginning of impeachment, or the day Trump resigns



Be honest, have you ever owned a shirt that says:

Spoiler Alert: Hillary wins


So never?

Wow that's a reasonable stance. I mean it's not drama centered like banning /r/politics would be which makes ot bad in my book.

I like their conviction that Trump will be convicted.

Surely this is the end of drumpf!

Any day now!

/u/spez what are you doing to protect me from opinions I disagree with?

Looks like the sub killer u/AssuredlyAThrowAway that took over r/conspiracy now wants to lick the spez balls to take over TD!

Hypocrite u/AssuredlyAThrowAway sold his soul.

Thank Allah we have a man on the inside

Inshallah broth r

Wow the examples that people are posting are just pathetic attempts to grasp at straws, wow look at that a comment with 1 updoot better ban the sub!

Honestly it's just getting pathetic at this point. I like to meme and try and piss off commies/socialists a lot, but god damn. This is the most pathetic thing I've seen to date, at least on the politics side.

Finally, the_donald is a small part of a large problem we face in this country—that a large part of the population feels unheard, and the last thing we're going to do is take their voice away.

/u/spez you think /r/The_Donald should stay because it gives a voice to the unheard racists of the country?

>thinking racists actually post to reddit

>hasn't ever heard of voat

Gallowboob has been a reposting faggot since the start, and remains so to this day.

why would you not want /r/the_donald deleted OP? think of the drama it would bring

Don't make me choose between daddy and drama 😤

Its like investing. Banning them now is a lot of drama, but not banning them pays off repeatedly.

Holy fuuuuuuck, that endless chain of salt after Spez's comment... I'm fuckin ROCK HARD right now, my hips are moving their own, senpai~~

/u/spez ban them reeeee

Worst thing is that 21 idiots paid to add a Jewish star to the post. The hell.

"what about t_d" became the new "what about srs" it seems

I'm going to kill you /u/spez

What kind of retard gives gold to the CEO of Reddit?

spez is a mod of srd so that means drama is getting banned soon.

Sorry spez, this is grade-A Trump-style bullshit. You're a tech company. AWS and GCP both have fully managed OTS machine learning algos. Hell, you MUST have some sort of site-wide filter/analysis to deal with charges of CP. It takes a trivial amount of effort to filter all posts to a machine learning, looking for patterns/keywords/etc. Introduce additional data points like the commenter name, the commenter history, the sub and its history, and more. Boom, you can automatically flag these posts as they come in, in real time. Use one employee to verify or remove a correlation, and you'll continue training it and refining it automatically.

/u/spez hire this computer genius immediately

Support beating up Pepe

What? I get why most of the other links belong there, but I find it strange that he included a link about violence against a meme.

imagine being the type of nigga to gild reddit comments complaining about the admins

I hate everything about reddit admins, but can appreciate the outlook spez has on, "disagreeing but let them have their voice" - because the general sentiment is that if you shut someone down they'll find an outlet one way or another, and left to fester enough it can be something undesirable to say the least.

Leftists don't understand this concept, they just want shut it all down - out of sight and out of mind. Fuck the consequences, there's no such thing as festering resentment, if it shows up again we'll shut it down. Everything will be alright, la la la la close my eyes and plug my ears.

For a second I thought he was going to announce he in now standing up when he pees.

They sell funnels for that.

What a fucking trainwreck, holy shit.