"I would start by simply not committing a disproportionate amount of crime if I woke up as a black man"

116  2017-11-01 by WorldStarCroCop


You have no fucking clue what your life would be like as a black man.

You're right /u/radickulous but hopefully I'd still be able to grasp the elementary concept of right vs. wrong and be smart enough to realize that it's not OK to commit crimes for a living.

How desperate for food/money/safety would you be before you committed a crime?

Pretty goddamned desperate, especially since there are multiple services available to the poor that would provide food/money/safety and more.

Black men are not committing crimes because they are desperate. They are committing them because they are lazy and it's easier to sell drugs/rob someone than it is to get an education and look for a job. There's also the culture that glorifies being a "gangsta" over getting an education and earning a honest living.

Black men are not committing crimes because they are desperate. They are committing them because they are lazy and it's easier to sell drugs/rob someone than it is to get an education and look for a job.

Ha! Riiiight. Black men are just lazy. Holy shit, man. And you have the gall to wonder why people are pissed off.

Black men are just lazy.

Anecdotally, yes. I've hired many blacks as ranch hands and they work slow and joke with each other at a much higher rate than the mexicans.

Anecdotally, I've filmed multiple documentaries with NBA players. They're the opposite of lazy. So I guess we're even.

But we've already established you're retarded, because you think that there's some sort of systemic coverup of white violent crime to make blacks look like they commit the vast majority of it in all statistics.

> getting paid millions to be tall and put a ball in a hoop

yeah, i wouldn't be lazy either.

I know you just playin bby but ppl that say such shit trigger the fuck out of me lel

Damn, which docs? love to watch them

"Big Black Dicks, Ugly White Chicks vol. 8"

Please, what are these documentaries called? Where can I view these enlightened film?

Don't downvote the lolcows.

ok, let's rephrase it then, all but maybe 300 black men are lazy. those 300 black men do just as much hard work as the 20 million black men not in the NBA

I bet you think Lebron is better than MJ.

He's a better person by a wide mile

That's a horrible thing to say, just because the Mexicans could only speak gibberish doesn't mean they shouldn't be able to shoot the shit!

Jamaicans are fantastic workers TBH.

Great food, too.

If all you're doing is growing tobacco...sure.

The culture promotes it. Just like their culture disdains everything associated with being a productive citizen and upstanding member of society as "acting white" (e.g., studying, work hard, not committing crimes, going to college, getting a job, not impregnating multiple women, marriage, etc.)

Tell me more about your insights into black culture. Have you written a book yet?

No book. But I do volunteer for the local Boys and Girls Club and have for several years so I get to see this shit close up and personal

not impregnating multiple women

Woah woah woah! Hey now, if that’s wrong I don’t want to be white.

Kinda like how right wing media and culture also demonize being educated, it's almost like there's a concerted effort by the few rich white guys that own the media and run the government to keep us uneducated and infighting while they rob us blind..

Nah, it's "the culture".

Ha! Riiiight. Black men are just lazy. Holy shit, man. And you have the gall to wonder why people are pissed off.

White people are pissed off they have to hire black men to fill diversity quotas, and they can't even pay them less for their laziness cuz das racis

Hey, botchlings.

Huh. You might be right. What do you suppose would happen if /u/PuckMAGA were to have his account reported for ban evasion?

We can't know for sure that it's botchlings unless someone says something mean about Daddy.

Saying something nice about basketball Americans is de facto saying something mean about Daddy.

Get educated on white supremacy nazism my dude.

This but unironically.

Furthermore, African Americans have provided the cornerstone of all worthwhile American art and culture. The black experience is the central animating drama in the American national story.

African Americans have provided the cornerstone of all worthwhile American art and culture.


I didn't say every cultural product made by an African American was great, but every original thing that came out of America that wasn't a shitty imitation of something from Europe traces its roots to black Americans.

Sad but true.

Rebecca Black "Friday"

Mic drop

Stop being a punk. If you think you need to report my account for something do it. If not, fuck off.

Okay, I’m gonna report your account to see what happens. 😂

Go for it big boy.

I used an account from guerillamail.com and sent an email to [email protected] to tell them I think you are botchlings who made a new account to evade a ban. Let’s see what happens.

You'd be wrong on all counts but that's OK, you often are.

I guess we’ll see. If I’m right, I’m gonna list getting you banned on my resume. If I’m wrong, it was a five minute investment into the lol fund.

Your autism is really outdoing itself today.

Thanks. It took about five minutes to make a throwaway account and send a brief e-mail but I can see why that might be difficult for a socially anxious NEET like yourself.

Lol someone's upset.

Lol someone isn’t very good at this. You should unsubscribe from /r/Drama before someone else hurts your feelings.

It's a good thing you make somewhere where you're able to just pretend you're being a buttblasted autist ironically your home.

It's a good thing you make somewhere where you're able to just pretend you're being a buttblasted autist ironically your home.

> Is so flustered he can’t speak coherently.

Try again, retard.

Lol meme arrows on Reddit follow by you using your illiteracy as an insult. Way to go.

> being internet police

> calling literally anyone else austistic

W e w

You should go back to low-effort shitposting with your shitty novelty account. Oh, you still are?

When are you due for a promotion to Sargeant of the netkkkops?

You used to suck Ed Butteredtoast dick on a daily basis so stop pretending you're against novelty accounts. You just miss your online boyfriend.

Whose alt are you?

It seems like you're having a bout of "everyone is an alt" paranoia.

Keep yourself safe, friend.

you mean five minutes of your retarded life that you wasted because nobody at Reddit is going to give a fuck lmao.

imagine being this much of a tard and then trying to prove how 'autistic' someone else is on here

Why did botchers get banned? Was a great source of dramars.

I too am curious since it must have been a very special sort of retardation that finally got him banned.

It was upvoting his alts I heard

I was hoping it was something like giving detailed instructions on how to kill your liberal pedophile parents.

Yeah that's a big no no.

Who the fuck had bots upvote posts in /r/drama ?! Holy fuck this guy needs to be gassed.

Was a great source of dramars.

He really wasn't. He said like the same four things over and over again. If I didn't know better, I'd think he was a Russian spambot programmed to defend Trump.

He was like the crazy guy on the bus who just keeps repeating the same insane bullshit

Just as well you told us all about sending an anonymous email otherwise that part of the plan might have been superfluous and redundant.

> Thinking everything posted on the internet is true.

A retarded fiction, is still retarded.

Ban evasion means creating a new account to circumvent a subreddit ban. Was he banned from this sub?

  1. Only mods can report ban evasion to the admins

  2. AFAIK botchlings wasn't banned from /r/drama

  3. Sitewide suspensions are account based, it doesn't violate reddit rules to create a new account to get around a sitewide suspension.

  1. Sitewide suspensions are account based.

Are they? One of the things suspended accounts can’t do is comment and I think it would count as evasion if someone were to create a new account after having their account temporarily or permanently suspended to comment.

You're free to think that until the cows come home.

Yep. You're wrong.

Nope. I’m right.

Ok sweetie.

> sweetie


Ok honey bunny.

Why are you caping so hard rn? Is he your we only do heavy petting so its not gay waifu or something?

I mean you can think that, but it's wrong, I specifically asked the admins about it when I was suspended.

Using an account you already had isn’t the same as creating a new one after being suspended.

Did your mother mix fentanyl with your baby formula?

I’d ask if you’re speaking from personal experience but I doubt your mother cared enough to waste any on you. I’m talking about baby formula.

Eh, delete the "I'm talking about baby formula" and it would be better.

You think I’m talking about fentanyl in my comment but at the end I say it’s about baby formula. It’s a misdirect to intentionally make myself look silly.

It was carfentanil and biker crank

OK? I mean how is it different. Also look closely at the wording it's an account suspension. There's nothing about suspension evasion, just ban evasion.

If you really aren't clear on this go to r/reddit.com and contact the admins they can answer all your questions

Although you're Flame Broiled Whopper on the Asperger's scale, I guarantee the Smokehouse Whopper level autism has already asked them these questions before

Thanks for the pasta.

I just made it up for you!

Tbh I don’t eat enough junk food to know the difference.

Meh, fair enough.

Wait a fucking second, what if it goes deeper than that and /u/botchlings was the infamous Puck who got himself banned from SRSSucks for being too much of a retarded insufferable asshole, followed by a brief bout of alt-accounts that ended in a pretty much sitewide permaban, IIRC? /u/PuckMAGA was that you?

/u/geraldo42, /u/AnnArchist, do you remember that drama? Let's speculate wildly!

Wait a fucking second, what if it goes deeper than that and botchlings was the infamous Puck who got himself banned from SRSSucks for being too much of a retarded insufferable asshole, followed by a brief bout of alt-accounts that ended in a sitewide permaban, IIRC? /u/PuckMAGA was that you?

/u/geraldo42, /u/AnnArchist, do you remember that drama? Let's speculate wildly!

edit: I meant this shit, for example.

I remember him having a meltdown in our mod mail that was so bad the admins threatened to ban the sub if we posted screenshots/approved the screenshots that they removed.

Later on he tried to say it was just trolling but it was seriously the worst meltdown I've ever seen.

I remember him having a meltdown in our mod mail that was so bad the admins threatened to ban the sub if we posted screenshots/approved the screenshots that they removed.

O_O what

Like, did he post his private information, threatened suicide, or I don't know, how does one have a meltdown so bad the admins feel the need to interfere?

He did actually! Posted his dox and threatened all kinds of violence.

We posted redacted screens and the admins removed it, so we reapproved it and the admin flipped his shit in us.

It was awesome.

Wait so you're saying if I want to get a subreddit banned, I just have to lose my shit badly enough in modmail? This is an avenue I hadn't considered before...

threatened all kinds of violence.

No I didn't. I just posted my own doxx.

Man, you aren't even ironically retarded. You're straight up a psychiatric fascination.

Why? Because I posted my own doxx?

I was/am hated by certain communities and people on reddit. The point of the exercise was to basically prove that they were all pussies, which they are.

Essentially, "you've got my doxx now put your money where your mouth is and do something with it."

As predicted, no one did.

Post your doxx here. I promise I'll find something funny to do with it.

There's a company that sends literal shit to people through the mail. (Just brainstorming ideas.)

The point of that 'exercise' was to fuel the dumpster fire that is your autism. If you seriously want to fight strangers on the internet because they were mean to you then you need to unironically neck yourself.

Nah, it was entertainment and a bit of ego stroking.

The only thing that gets stroked on you boy is your dick before your dad writes about the virtues of jerking off their mentally ill offspring.


Right right...... 🙈

I thought you got a lifetime/ip ban for that stuff

Reddit Admins are cucks.

I was posting the day after they imposed their "ban."

Oh shit it was you 😂

Go see a psychologist nigga.

Like, did he post his private information

I posted my doxx all over reddit. It was incredibly entertaining seeing people lose their minds

Didn't you delete your account from your absolute humiliation at losing an argument about Trump?

Didn't you delete your account from your absolute humiliation at losing an argument about Trump?


Was it you refusing to honor a woman 1000$ bet?

Later on he tried to say it was just trolling

Well, it was. I was highly entertained, which is what Reddit is for me. There's not one single thing said or done on Reddit that I take seriously but it's fun to watch other people lose their shit over stuff that really doesn't matter.

Ah yes the old "I WAS ONLY PRETENDING" excuse.

You're doing gods work lad

I was, like, what the fuck, I was actually right? when he confirmed it. Though denied that he was botchlings, I guess we'll have to wait and see.

I do remember. Once upon a time a user named puck_marin told me to get raped by a pack of niggers. This was before I was a mod but one of the other mods decided that was too far (I think it was /u/david-me) and banned him from the subreddit. He then proceeded to spam /r/drama's modmail with a phrase that I won't mention right at this moment. I think JWC is misremembering the doxx part. Puck had posted a picture of himself to /r/amiugly or something like that and certain /r/drama mods took it upon themselves to mock him for his appearance and there was quite a bit of reposting of the image (which at that time was verboten). I didn't have access to modmail so maybe there was more that happened that I don't know about. All I saw was what /u/UncleSamuel screenshotted for me.

Idk, I recall puck crying a lot because he felt he wasnt getting treated fairly because whats Idesoflight or whatever 'her' nick was at the time had gotten people banned for doxx, when there was no similar reaction when essentially the same thing happened to him. I stopped making fun of him when he started spamming assorted modmails telling people to unironically fite him irl. So that caused me to have a crisis of morality. Is it okay to make fun of someone who is so clearly on the level of forrest gump mentally... even when they're asking for it? I still don't know.


TheIdesOfLight. DuelPollux. Lautrichienne. IrbyTremor. etc.


Oh god. Whatever did happen to good ol' irby?

Most if the infamous users... till 2014 have wikis. 2013 was peak. I long for the glory days.

Hey Uncle Sam, why do I have you tagged as cunt? Its the only tag I got and I have no idea why

I dunno, that's fucked up. I'm more of a douche than a cunt.


Wow. Memory lane. I think he was the one whe said Nigg2r 100,000 times in modmail. The CP Gore was another mod using an alt IIRC. Puck was just basically a try who tried to trigger everyone to 11. Nothing was off limits for him to say. He also kept remaking accounts. Not like EvilFuckingSociopath though. He tried to hide his alts to work his way into somewhere and then blow it up. He was the first or second Sitewide Permaban. Chuck or something was the first. we then called it "getting chucked"

Yeah, that's what I remember too. He really liked the word nigger.

He was the first or second Sitewide Permaban. Chuck or something was the first. we then called it "getting chucked"

ChuckSpears was the /r/niggers top mod that got perma-banned.

Moldmail was different back then. Format tools etc. So hundreds of posts each with 1000 nigs basically broke modmail. Admins had to step in and get rid of them.

Turn it into a carefully moderated ethics forum. It is about ethics in game journalism after all. Make it so the only allowed topic of discussion is philosophy, specifically ethics. I have some other ideas too but I won't share them publically. Do something fun at least. There are plenty of other free speech forums (this one for example). Messing with one of them isn't really that big a deal and boy howdy does that subreddit deserve to get messed with.

I saw a fun one in KiA yesterday. https://archive.is/uxQgG

When gay marriage was legalized I told my friends and parents "Six months, then trans becomes the new goalpoast." They thought I was being silly and mocked the "slippery slope".

Then the schools start coming out with their diversity drives, their trans drives their illegal alien drives.

Did not realize there were people that were really this bigoted.

Donald Trump is to blame.

How so?

Decades of entitlements handed out by the federal government have created this situation.

Botchlings confirmed.

i rofl'd

Botch, I’ve missed you man.

How goes it?

How goes the fight against a deteriorating grasp on reality and seriousposting on /r/Drama? Clearly not good.

You’re right it isn’t going well.

I’m gonna go keep myself safe.

Wait you just said above it's black people's fault, now it's the government? Holy shit you ARE retarded, I'm sorry man i thought you were a racist piece of shit, I can't make fun of the retarded..

I'm a bot, bleep, bloop. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit:

 If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads. (Info / Contact)

I never really understood the concept of blind privilege before...

WTF, I love SJW's now!

Weird, if it was anything other than poverty and dsicrimination one would expect all the thousands of black athletes to share the same levels of criminality, but it seems that once they escape the cycle of poverty with that million dollar contract their incidence of criminality drops to below even the white public rates. Wonder why that is. Definitely couldn't be because you're an ignorant racist with an agenda right?

u/radickulous what is it with people like you and not giving basketball Americans any sort of agency. You should be ashamed at your bigotry of low expectations

Yeah, fucking cumskins turning my people into violent criminals! One of these days I'ma hop on a boat to one of those magical utopias in Africa~

Where ma spaceship at nigga





I believe the documentary called black panther will give us a glimpse of this paradise

Do I have to get a malaria shot before I watch it?

There are mud huts on the moon you honkey ass cracka. Google it.

white people and white women get off far-more regularly

based gussycide poster

Will I get kicked out of /r/drama for saying both sides are wrong and that people need to stop generalizing entire races of people.

One way to find out

Was really hoping they’d kick me out

No as radical centrists we'd offer you free tendies and blowjobs.

Oooh who gives the blowjobs?

You might not want them badly enough if you care about who gives them.

Oooh who gives the blowjobs?


Cursed South Park neutrality strikes again!

No but I'll shove you in the locker, take your lunch money, and pull down your pants in front of the cheerleading team. Fucking nerd.

thanks chad

Stay safe

its both not okay and okay to be white?

No, but how can cultural problems ever be solved if you can't discuss them without someone going "oh, but this one individual in that group isn't like that but a couple in this other group are so there isn't and issue here, it's just all evil generalising." When the police play the one bad officer card they rightfully get shouted down and told to put their house in order and it should be the same for other groups.

I think you’re projecting arguments on to me. I don’t think police should be ordered to put their house in order over the one bad officer thing. The same way that I don’t think black should put their house in order when they use the one bad black guy thing.

I’m saying all generalizing is bad, for any population. The only analyses of populations I pay attention to are the ones published by scientists and statisticians. Everything else is just too variably biased.

the average white person has walked a mile in the shoes of those effected by racism

Don't you mean to type 'affected' you feckless ne'er-do-well

What the fuck is up with the CSS of that sub? It's like someone designed it to make me think my screen is dirty.

i fucking love this website.

If you're a nigger people give you more handouts and you don't have to work hard to get a good job literally the only requirement is "Don't be a violent thug" and you can get scholarships and good jobs with ease.

Nothing like red state welfare in the form of "disability"payments. Fuck reconstruction was a mistake

It's adorable that you think it's the white people in those red states eating benefits.

what reconstruction

Oh shit he said the thing! IM TRIGGED!!!!!!!!!!

I hope this gets big. If so, there will be "counter-fliers" saying "It's okay to be black" and so on..

Then you'll see more hilarity as people get offended that the "Black" ones remains and the "white" ones all get torn down.

This branch of the debate actually ended amicably.

Also, from the linked article:

White people seem to be more likely to be racist against white people than any other race.

The mayos are at it again.

This makes me upset. They are literally said it is ok to attack white people.

This is genius. I can't wait to see people try to explain why it's not OK to be white.

Er, I mean, um, MAYOCIDE NOW.

I love that the first 4 messages are basically just arguing about how much in denial they are.