Why won't white women just realise they're racist by definition no matter what they do?

124  2017-11-01 by ButBlasted420


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I wonder if they realize the end result of posts like this is to push their targets further right?


Man I'm actually getting concerned it's going too far right. Center-right is the sweet spot. But these idiots are now making full-fledged Nazis out of other idiots

I mean, if you become a nazi over SJWs you're probably just a dumb person.

If you're willing to cause your country very real damage over SJWs, then you're probably just a dumb person.

Thanks for repeating the same thing I said but with a touch more of the 'tism

No problem dude.

50% of people r below average. 100% of /r/drama users

>seriously expecting people not to react to constant, widespread provocation

What is game theory


The thing is fascist mentality never went away. The idea you fall in line with society rather than society fitting to you, the idea that rich and powerful people are somehow naturally better and so should therefore run things, that people within the preferential group shouldn't be left to the whim of market forces but also should not drag the collective down etc. People just called those bad guys in the past Nazis and wrote dumb essays in school about how WW1 or the stock market caused the Germans to kill millions of people for no reason. It's a cultural and political problem not a historic one and because that's never been taught, or even addressed properly, then it's no surprise it's re-appeared. Most countries have about a 50/50 split between those who will support fascism and not (which seems to relate to personality and intelligence), if you don't want fascism then you have to appease that authoritarian 50% in other ways.

They can’t break a glass ceiling, do you honestly expect them to figure this out?

Forget glass! Some of them are having trouble with cotton!

They don't. They honestly think that they can keep shitting on some privileged group and not have have group turn against them. They'll then say something like, "If my doing X made you turn against my cause, then how big of an ally were you to begin with?"

They don't. They honestly think that they can keep shitting on some privileged group and not have have group turn against them. When Trump is elected or whatever, they then say something like, "If my doing X made you turn against my cause, then how big of an ally were you to begin with?"

This is like 90% of the reason I switched from liberal to conservative (leftists literally asked me this exact question - it must be in one of their handbooks), so my answer to the question would be "I'm more of a mercenary than an ally... so either give me some concessions or go fuck yourself."

Seems to have worked out pretty well for me... not so much for them.

If my doing X made you turn against my cause, then how big of an ally were you to begin with?

I'm more of a mercenary than an ally... so either give me some concessions or go fuck yourself

You're claiming this exchange actually happened?

I'm more of a mercenary than an ally...

LARPing is bad no matter what side you are on.

it seems to have worked out pretty well for me... not so much for them.

Idk man I still think Bernie has a shot.

I just took out a second mortgage - match me!

Did you change from liberal to conservative or did you change from democrat to republican? It would be weird if you changed you beliefs because other people who claim the same label are annoying but a good reason to stop associating with them. I'm as liberal as I ever was but continue to not associate with a growing segment of harder leftists. I could see myself being turned off from Bernie but I couldn't see myself being turned onto someone like Trump because of it.

I think one of the main reasons Trump got in was because the democrat turn out was low.

Lel what

What'd you think of Obama when you were a liberal, and what do you think of him now that you're a conservative?

Did you actually, unironically, completely flip your ideology because people were mean to you?

Lel what

What'd you think of Obama when you were a liberal, and what do you think of him now that you're a conservative?

I like most of what Obama did. I think near the middle of his second, he was surrounded with too many celebrities and fawning media so he lost touch with average American people, and he made some stupid decisions because of it.

Did you actually, unironically, completely flip your ideology because people were mean to you?

No, my ideology has always been to hurt mean people and help nice people. This is largely the full extent of my ideology, except for free speech which I care about a lot. It's just that the mean people used to cluster in the Republican party and now they trend Democrat instead. Similarly, Republicans used to hate free speech and always wanted to censor things when I was younger. Now it's the Democrats who are doing it instead. So my ideology is 100% the same, it's just the political parties that changed.

yeah but who the fuck is privileged besides rich people?


Don't expose the alt-right psyops.

Whenever I see long, detailed bullshit as to how white people are not being good allies, it just reinforces my desire to not be an ally.

I will fight for equal opportunity, and I will be your friend and show respect to you. I just won't bend over backwards because you have a stick up your ass about how all of those things aren't good enough.

Their presumption that they should have "allies" is hilarious.

"Help, I'm being oppressed!"

"That's terrible! How can I help?"

"REEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! Shut the fuck up and go away! You're part of the problem!"

To be fair if you fell on your face in front of a good looking girl and your mate tried to help you up you'd go through pretty much those stages. This is why pride and saving face needs to be measured, sometimes you have to eat shit and feel bad.

I will fight for equal opportunity, and I will be your friend and show respect to you.

Why? They fucking hate you, and you're being used. They literally could not give any less of a shit about 'equal opportunity'. They're just going to take what they can get, and once they have enough influence or power to do so, they're going to take a big wet, greasy shit on equality, equity and diversity.

Everyone here is missing the point. This is a weak spot. If we ever troll them again, this is where you get the best reaction.

People like the author aren't actually concerned with change. They aren't concerned with victory. They're only concerned with validating their own anger

The more they push, the farther away people get.

Yet, if you start with a hand shake, they are still at arms length, but cannot get farther away.

It really makes you think 🤔

It's okay to be white.

and seeing as how I’m a card-carrying, registered asshole, I boldly

Hey now... lol

I love the rest of that paragraph (paraphrased)

"Passively aggressively called her a racist" and then "totally denied calling her a racist because I didn't use those exact words.

If you don't have the lady balls to outright call someone a racist to their Facebook Face, then your Asshole Card needs to be revoked.

Then says that since you are offended you've been called racist you must think you are immune to racism because you dated a black man.

She really had to back in to that argument. Shoehorning someone into the right position to rant at them.

White women are just doing their part in the mayocide nothing wrong with that.

Of course I don't feel qualified to comment on American race relations. However, I can comment on being white and not being racist and not living in a racist society but still being accused of being racist by the media. The reality of being black in America is not the reality of being black in other countries. In the same sense that the majority of white people in other countries (Europe, for example) have nothing against people of other races.

Imagine being this fucking stupid, haha. "Man, our old ass ethno states of white bad teethed euro-trash sure don't have racist problems like that multicultural America!"

In my experience progressives are a bunch of degenerates that are all nut jobs who use race and sex as a crutch for their insecurities.

Huh, I have no idea how this post got upvoted. Pretty crazy for TwoX.

Huh, I have no idea how this post got upvoted. Pretty crazy for TwoX.

It's a default so the thread will also attract conservatives/centrists/reasonable people. TrollX has become the crazy sub. (it used to be opposite)

It's not totally unbased though, different countries have different pasts, politics and race relations. It's obvious that there is racism in every country but the way it shows through systematic or everyday interactions differs

I've had black Americans say they feel like they are taking a holiday from racism in Europe. I think in we have maybe a bit more shouty racism in Europe but less looking at people suspiciously for no reason other than their race and other weird acting out which puts people on edge constantly.

France crammed all their black people into ghetto banlieues and italy can't have a single soccer game without fans shouting racial slurs at the opposing team

Wow, you must have a full plate these days. Maybe you should share with all those struggling single black mothers ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Welp, I guess it's a race war then.

A surprise, to be sure. But a welcome one..?

depends on who wins.

The jews of course, who else?

Ok come on now, it's ridiculous of you to lump all black women together like that.

So close to self awareness

The thirteenth amendment was a mistake.

As was the nineteenth.

You are mis-using the term ‘mutually exclusive’, I think you mean to say ‘orthogonal’. Two things which are mutually exclusive don’t apply at the same time. Orthogonal in this context refers to unrelated terms which don’t affect each other.

Oh shit guys, I actually read something on TwoX which didn't make me stupider.

And here I thought education and TwoX were mutually exclusive

Orthogonal also means 90 degrees apart. The X,Y, and Z axis are all orthogonal to each other in standard R3. Don't let these people steal math terms, it's the only thing I find pure in this world

It's interesting to see the difference in reactions when a article starts with "Dear white women" instead of "Dear white men/guys" or "Yes, all men".

"Dear white dudes" is the standard turn of phrase I believe.

From the article:

If so much of some black men’s love for white women is built firmly on their subconscious hatred or disregard for black women

Wait what? Hold up- is this author implying all black men who date white women are racist? Are black men required to date black women? That seems like something the Klan would push. What if a black man dates an Asian, or a Native American, is he still racist? I'd really like to know about this.

Oh I see, so they're racist from birth till death like mayos.

And sexist, mind you.

And worst of all, not gay.

We're already reclaiming the gays, eventually they'll cede all the groups that fail to be pure enough to them back to the "privileged" camp and we'll be back to egalitarianism with a tiny camp of 3 disabled transgendered black furmales to the side arguing who is the most oppressed.

Straight Black Men Are the White People of Black People

Just reading that title makes me feel funny.


She finished by accusing me of jealousy. I must be envious—she said—because she lies down next to a black Republican every night and takes black dick, and she was better off than the black women commenting.

Shit girl, of course you're jealous! I'm jealous! Who wouldn't be jealous!

lol yeah when i married my black wife, first thing i thought was "phew, now no one can accuse me of racism"

seeing as how I’m a card-carrying, registered asshole

at least she's honest