/r/Drama PSA from your local recovering alcoholic

4  2017-11-01 by I_DRINK_TO_FORGET

Hey guys, my main account has finally been unbanned by the admins. I just want you all to know i apologize and deeply regret my actions earlier in wishing self harm on you all.

I have taken this time to reflect on my past and would like each of you hurt by me to individually post in this thread so i can properly reconcile with those i have wronged. Thanks for your continued support.


lol gay

I apologize if I called you a faggot and implied you'd be going to hell for your sins. That was very impolite of me. There is nothing wrong with homosexuality between two grown men who love each other.


Now post bussy so we can rate it 👼😇

Sexual harassment is very serious and I never intended to imply that one must post their boyish treasures online to have worth in our society. I'm sorry if you were tricked into posting your precious body online with the promise of positive attention from strangers.

We want to see your bussy though.


I never meant to offend you with my words, you're allowed to enjoy the warm company of goats in south America and in the future I will be more respectful of your unique culture.

Are you still in the Philippines?

I am a good American liberal now and will vote Hillary in 2020 like you asked me to.

Not an answer.

I don't know what happened to you in the Philippines but If you were molested by a white man I apologize on behalf of the white race.

Is there a specific booze you would recommend for drinking to forget? Liver bursting cheap vodka isn't doing it for me anymore.

Drugs are probably better for that than alcohol tbh

I drink spiced whiskeys and bourbons because it is relatively cheap and does not require any addition besides ice (at your preference). Also the flavor is more palatable than vodka and remains over 100 proof.

You sound like some kind of rich playboy or riverboat gambler.

I am just a middle class American trying his best.

I am just a middle class American trying his best.

That’s depressing on multiple levels.

I agree.

Time to drink

What would you like to drink?

Four Roses Single Barrel

I always keep a bottle of Four Roses available.

Something cheap I dont have to chase

See my earlier recommendation.

Got some old crow shit was ten bux



It doesn't make you look any cool, you retard.

I am cool because I have an interesting personality and am mysteriously troubled.

U can't troll me

I would never troll you, you can trust me.

Stop trolling me.