The debate about huwhite being a good thing is still underway in /r/Canada. Some bleeding heart faggots wants them to be treated humanely, other know the mayo menace must not be allowed to spread their propaganda

19  2017-11-02 by CantKillADeadMan


This is why we need mayocide.


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nobody says this

here are people saying it

hahaha you're butthurt that people are saying it?

over and over and over, t. you.

What's it like being such a disingenuous moron?

Forgive me if I don't consider some snarky headlines from Salon Magazine to be red-letter proof of a meaningful program of white discrimination. If that's how far we need to go looking for our victimization, we're doing pretty fucking good.

What about it being taught in higher education that whiteness is anti-equality and anti-feminism? Systematically (I know how you types love that word) demonzing them.

So here is my thinking. This is bit of an intractable conflict. So you do what you wanna do [to the cameraman], and I have job to do over here, and what matter to me more than someone trying to be disruptive, is that YOU ALL ENGAGE WITH WHAT IS FEMINISM and how its whiteness limited the work of feminism.

Look you can claim it is a good thing and believe me many here would agree, but to claim that your original comment weren't blatantly false is just retarded. At least own the mistake instead of constantly moving goal posts.

I can't even begin to tell you how much some bullshit university course syllabus does not bother me. Put on your big boy pants for a change.

What kind of evidence would you accept, in principle? Can you conceive of a world in which your standard for "discrimination against white people" is met?

What do you think the word "discrimination" actually means?

Dude if you start complaining about this sign you are playing right into the racist hands. The point of the sign is how simple it is, yes there ia obviously a racist intent there, but the real power of the sign comea from the reaction to it. Freaking out about is exactly what the people that put those signs up want.

Fuck that. I refuse to accept that the right thing to do in response to hate is sit quiet and wait until they are stomping on your neck before you disagree. These people need to be dragged into the light and made responsible for their actions.

The poster is It's a rethorical trap you idiot. The winning move is to not freak out, its the age of social media , optics matte a lot.

Again, its a trap. They want you to freak out so they can use the reactionbaa propaganda.

Their echo chamber is well stocked enough my comments won't make a difference. I'd rather not give them yet another safe space.


not so much a prank as a tactic to radicalize centrist whites when they see just how many people come out against them due to these posters

lol "radicalize". Because that obviously just automatically follows from having one's attention drawn to the issue.

Christ, if "radicalizing" people were as easy as you imply, there wouldn't be any centrists.


And there we have it. In a reddit thread about a thin-edge "it's just a prank!" campaign about "white people under attack! gotta stand up for yourself!" shit that's the bread and butter of white nationalism, someone makes a similar anti-Semitic remark.

If hearing dogwhistles is this natural for you, maybe you should consider the possibility that you're one of the dogs.

Also, fucking lol at expecting to be taken seriously with your political views while using that username.