Trump twitter gone

33  2017-11-02 by autisticperson123




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Holy fuck, they actually did it! The ABSOLUTE MADMEN.

Holy shit

Holy fuck they actually did it. I was 100% expecting this to be @reaIDonaIdTrump or some shit.

Someone sticky this immediately.


Was it RUSSIA?????

Blimpf is the greatest leader EVER

Fuck, it's back up. I was preparing for the dramabomb of the century. At most, all we'll get now is a hastily-written tweet about "Twitter trying to SILENCE the PRESIDENT of the UNITED STATES" or something along those lines.

Hi-fucking-larious. If he managed to shut it down for a day I'd have voted for him next time.


I, too, like potassium.

Only one post on T_D so far, let's see where this goes:

its still showing up for me, fuck you for baiting me to clicking a twitter link

Report my OP so a mod can flair it as back up

November 2nd is not a good day for Democrats. Remember 2004 and 2010.

You post in /r/politics.

I went from really excited to really bored in 3 seconds. If some twitter admin is gonna sperg out enough to ban him, couldn't he have banned all the other admins too just to make it last longer?

How would anyone know if a Twitter admin got banned?

There's no way this guy had enough administrative access to inflict damage that could not be undone within 10 minutes.

You're now one of 3 people I've blocked on Reddit. I don't even mind people sperging out at me, but what I do mind is just the complete lack of real arguments.

You're just boring.

Who ya talking to there, champ?

This is between me, /u/pizzashill and /u/thot_crusher. Please stay out of this or I'll block you too.

You're just boring.

Please stay out of this or I'll block you too.

Jewdank is that you???

Are you hungry for more pasta mong?

I can't believe you would ask something like that without clicking the link that this post is about.

You're now one of 3 people I've blocked on Reddit. I don't even mind people sperging out at me, but what I do mind is just the complete lack of real arguments.

You're just boring.

Got 'em!

The pasta is so fresh they're downvoting me.

You didn't post 200 comments about Trump in an hour, so they didn't know

We already have resident morons. Please apply at a later date.

Do you eat any pasta you see?

Are you le master trole I keep hearing about?

What is going on? Are you one of those non-fun autists?

E: This is pasta you retarded idiots

I bet you halfass everything else in your life too.

Oh look it's retarded

I was there when that pasta was created.

I was replying to your shit-tier edit:

>E: This is pasta you retarded idiots

Now you don't even know who the fuck you're replying to.

I'm on mobile, should I?

Keep replying to show how little you care TBQH.


Calling for someone's death is not a bannable offense on twitter anymore, go crazy boys