Disgruntled Twitter employee deletes Daddy's account for the lolz.

193  2017-11-03 by aliceunknown


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That Twitter employee right before doing it:

"You're now one of 3 people I've blocked on Reddit TWITTER. I don't even mind people sperging out at me, but what I do mind is just the complete lack of real arguments.

You're just boring."


lol as if 🍕🐚 ever had a job

My job is to think about Trump 24/7

You're now one of 3 people I've blocked on Reddit. I don't even mind people sperging out at me, but what I do mind is just the complete lack of real arguments.

You're just boring.

So shareblue does pay?

Nah, the DNC is broke.

Old Ballsack-Eyes just dropped 18 large into the Commie Society Foundation, though.



You're now one of 3 people I've blocked on Reddit. I don't even mind people sperging out at me, but what I do mind is just the complete lack of real arguments.

You're just boring.

Maybe it was an unpaid internship?

Fuck, next to the upside down one, this is the best so far.

Nothing personnel, Trump



That Twitter employee right before doing it: "How can I ensure everyone has their accounts yanked and walked out of the building immediately the instant they give notice, forever?"

FTFY. If I was one of his co-workers I'd be PISSED.

You're now one of 3 people I've blocked on Reddit. I don't even mind people sperging out at me, but what I do mind is just the complete lack of real arguments.

You're just boring.

Who said that copy pasta originally?

man, I leave for 25 hrs and i miss this?

Don't worry it's already been run into the ground. So I give it another half year on here.

You're now one of 3 people I've blocked on Reddit. I don't even mind people sperging out at me, but what I do mind is just the complete lack of real arguments.

You're just boring.

/u/thot_crusher is an unfunny agendaposter. Let's all laugh at him while he's not looking!



i bet Daddy was pissed

On no the president who practically has a press team on him 24/7 surely won't be able to communicate with the American people without his twitter!

Yeah, he's never been irrational before

But how will he get the word directly to the people without Twitter? The mean and evil MSM who don't know how to journalism as well as Trump will just lie and say he didn't eat his tendies.

That's literally what he has said.

This but unironically

And here is daddy with the clapback!

I just don't know if he understands just how retarded he sounds in 180 character form on a daily basis. Like any of us want that to go away.




Man do you try this hard to be a sad stereotype or were you just born with a few extra chromosomes?

the former, he's actually missing a chromosome

I love it when you cry.

he sounds just as retarded in person. trump is routinely in violation of twitters terms of service and should have had his account suspended a long time ago. just today he made a racist remark.

What did he say?

the (((N))) word!!

the word

"Have you heard about this Donald Trump guy? Seems to be making quite a splash."

I can't wait for the manufactured outrage

How can anyone believe the (((Washington Post)))? Just sayin'...

Please tell me you forgot the /s


That language is highly problematic. Plus your shouting gave PTSD. You need to apologize.

This, but /i

Please tell me you forgot the /s

The /s is not needed nor welcomed here. Do not use it here ever again.

Should be a bannable offense tbqh

this but ironically /s

You're now one of 3 people I've blocked on Reddit. I don't even mind people sperging out at me, but what I do mind is just the complete lack of real arguments.

You're just boring.

r/drama has evolved past that.

Yeah, if anything /s should stand for /serious here.

Keep Yourself Safe

Cute. Why don’t you follow your own advice? I’m sure you can find a remote place where you can keep yourself safe where nobody will bother you.

No way.

A stupid and childish thing for the now ex-employee to do.

Twitter is terrible and I can't wait for it to die. Aside from it's questionable "free speech" policies, it's web interface is terrible and the company fucked over 3rd party developers by limiting the API, ensuring that no one could release a decent 3rd party client.

Fuck Twitter.

Is this /u/botchlings?

You mean conservative /u/pizzashill?

Yes. Old news.

Then you better have my fucking money /u/PuckMAGA

I'm not botchlings.

Not today Satan!

If you're not botchlings, then discuss Trump with me for the next 350 hours straight


Three-day old account. Whose alt are you?

Puckmarin. Old school. I've been around on various accounts for years but I'm not botchlings.

Give me $500.

No. Why?

Ehh, he bet against me on the upcoming election.

Yeah, definitely not me. I don't gamble. I have a family member who is a gambling addict. I've seen what it's done to his life.

I don't gamble either.

Way to welch on our bet, botchy

I welcome all lolcows, foreign and domestic.

That got me wet, post more.

When controlling your own platform is considered fucking over someone who wants to create a competing solution.

They weren’t trying to create a competing solution, just offer an alternative interface. Twitter’s mobile and web client are pure ass

I'm sure they are, but an alternative application is competiton, which they are not obligated to support.

Reeeeee everything should be open source reeeeeee

the company fucked over 3rd party developers by limiting the API, ensuring that no one could release a decent 3rd party client

Wow, a company decided not to develop functionality that would allow others to undercut it's market share? Color me surprised!

I'm guessing you're another dumbshit regurgitating things he's seen other dumbshits say, because if you knew what you were talking about, you would realize how stupid your comment is. Twitter's entire business model revolves around 140 character comments. Allowing someone to access theese comments via API calls would destroy their business model.

3rd party desktop clients were the only thing that made using Twitter bearable because they allowed you to organize your Twitter feed anyway you liked and improved search.

They weren’t undercutting twitter’s market share at all, they were improving the user experience at a time when twitter’s web and mobile clients were pure ass. The problem is, they still are but now you can’t use an alternative client

They weren’t undercutting twitter’s market share at all

Any platform that can independently curate content from Twitter is undercutting their market share. Twitter makes money from advertisements. If a platform can access it's content, that also means it has control over advertisement visibility. The only reason they originally put up with this is because they were trying to establish themselves.

What's missing or changed in the API?

its not so much the api as the terms of service around it i think. basically there used to be loads of 3rd party desktop clients with fancy features and they were the big thing during twitters rise to power, then twitter killed them off one way or another when they got really big.

They limited the number of unique connections a 3rd party client could make to the API, which basically stopped 3rd party clients from being able to refresh their feeds.

No Gabi.ai plug? Terrible right-winger tbh fam.

Gab is what Twitter should be when it comes to censorship but the company is likely to go under. No need to plug them.


Settle down, botchlings. It was his last day already

It’s a time honored tradition to fuck over your employer on your last day.

Can you be any more fucking neet u/botchlings. Jfc smh.

Was this really something worth committing career suicide over?


career suicide

Oh please - this guy's a hero to half the country right now. Fuck, I'd put that on my resume.

Im just surprised half the country isn't aware they don't have to look at twitter, let alone one person's twitter if they don't want to.

i don't look at twitter, but i have to deal with knowing my neighbors do

Really the only solution is to nuke twitter. Nothing good has ever come from it.

I made an account to fuck a girl was obsessed with a few years ago, so there's that. Don't even remember what it was called.


I don't understand this comment

And, let's be real, 90% of your neighbors do.

No one's gonna hire this guy, assuming they know about it

He's probably thanking his lucky stars they didn't identify him by name

I don't think a twitter moderator has any chance of a career regardless of their actions.

Would he really have the access to suspend the POTUS twitter account?

In a country where someone named Reality Winter can get a security clearance, anything is possible.

We have a Winner.

Is the last name made up too? I can't tell because wikipedia is so strict about not deadnaming anyone, including boring white girls in their early 20s.

That's her real name, named by her father Ronald Winner.

Can I deadname a dude if he is dead

Tbh Reality Winter would be an awesome hacker name

Shareblue is going to have them modding all the 1000 anti trump subs asap.

Working as the equivalent of a paid mod at a social media company is already career suicide.

It was on their last day at Twitter so yeah kinda?

Well yeah, but now no one else is going to hire him when they google his name and call his previous employers.

O rly? What's the employee's name?

/u/rolltide09 plz tell me I need to not hire him.

Idk I assume that will get out eventually. It doesn’t matter though since I assume you check with previous employers before hiring anyone.

If you read the article, it says Twitter won't be releasing any more info. If the name does get out, there are plenty of people who hate Trump's guts and would probably hire them just for that.

Nah, I'm pretty sure that they'd much prefer to adore that person from a distance, without giving them access to their servers and customer accounts. As will their customers btw.

Yeah, you never know when one of your account owners will become POTUS

Yeah, because the person cray cray enough to delete the president's account out of spite will never fuck with less important clients if they earn their ire somehow.

Yeah, they probably won't? This seems like a very specific case of "fuck Trump" not a serial account deleter. Also there are a bunch of jobs where access to people's social media accounts isn't an aspect of the job at all. Actually, most jobs are like that.

Yeah, they probably won't? This seems like a very specific case of "fuck Trump" not a serial account deleter.

More like, "fuck my employer". Come on, would you hire that person, personally? If you're too inexperienced to answer, say that.

Also there are a bunch of jobs where access to people's social media accounts isn't an aspect of the job at all. Actually, most jobs are like that.

Yeah, right, specifically for a person whose previous job was basically a paid moderator with all of the access to people's accounts.

I mean, they are not going to get any sort of similar job for sure. They aren't going to get a job flipping burgers either because the 100% anti-Trump burger joint owner will be concerned that they spit into maga-hat-wearing customers or something.

They could get a job as a back-end programmer... not. First of all because they are a fucking paid moderator, not a programmer, second because in all real life enterprises there's quite a shitton of access to sensitive stuff you get by being even a measly tester, so someone who demonstrated that they don't care about customer confidentiality neither about company's image wrt that, will be blackballed.

I guess we'll all have to see. This may surprise you but a lot of people's dislike for Trump will make them overlook that this is absolutely not something you should do.

I'm pretty sure we'll never see anything because no way that person doxxes themselves.

My point was that yes, a lot of people hate Trump a lot, but on the other hand people appear to have two distinct modes of moral reasoning, so while it's expected to have a lot of people to declare that anonymous person a goddamn American hero that deserves all the best in the abstract, most will be much less enthusiastic when asked if they want to give their shipping address to a company that hired that person, for example.

yeah like, i'd hire the guy for some entry-level shit but i ain't letting him near my server

You best brush up on how references work. Ex employers can do shit all.

Also, in the impossibly improbable scenario where the hiring manager finds out, it's a 50/50 (49/51?) shot if they'll be pissed or offer the job on the spot.

Ex employers can do shit all.

IIRC the magic question is "Would you hire X again?"

Albert Einstein


you serious??

Between this and Osama being a fucking normie, I don't even know what kind of timeline this is anymore.

torrenting bible black is normie

Uh excuse me he was just gonna show it to his wives in order to prove it existed

We're in the timeline that the time traveler accidentally fucked up, but we don't get to go back to the past :(

Fucking anarchist time traveler. Instead of cool space flights and alien porn, I have to settle for Trump drama and /r/drama .

No, Mass Effect isn't enough.

David Bowie had Alister Crowleys house burnt to the ground right after he died. Might have opened up a portal or some shit.

We are in The Greatest Timeline, fam.

Osama being a fucking normie

What on Earth did I miss?

He liked animu and video games

I remember hearing that they found a lot of porn on his computers

Yeah, that was rumor I think from back then.

Given his anime obsession it may as well be that inferior 2D shit

Oh fuck, I almost forgot that people back then didnt have vr.

A lot of the games were retro porno titles and eroge

He seemed to prefer the DS library though if I'm not mistaken

TBH anyone who unironically believes this is a retard.

Anyone who supports the mayocide won't be part of one of the worst of mayo subcultures.

ooops, someones name accidentally got added to the no fly list. Good luck trying to fix that.

whose name?

Baron Trump

The employee could have done so much better.

Here's a good idea:

Seriously, what if this person had tweeted about a fictional nuclear strike on North Korea?

Imagine the drama that would result? He could have possibly started a war if he tweeted right.

anyone that thinks the employee would have been able to tweet as Trump just because they work at Twitter is a fucking idiot

I don't know how much access they had, but apparently it was more than the average employee:

“A lot” of employees can suspend a user’s account, a former senior Twitter employee told Buzzfeed. But far fewer -- only hundreds -- have the power to deactivate one.

I can only hope that whoever does have access will do this in the future.

the ability to deactivate the account is a far different ballgame than the ability to use an account. I highly doubt they even have a gateway integrated for that kind of thing

Well, I mean, if people like /u/spez (and engineers at reddit with access to production data) are able to edit comments, there are probably a couple of people that can post/edit tweets like that, don't you think?

I would just take that as a sign that Reddit really does not have its shit together.

They never really have. Even twitter might finally post a profit this year, I don't think reddit has ever been anything besides a money pit.

I bet the higher-ups on reddit earn a few bucks on (((advertisement))), that is in almost every post from r/all

people literally couldn't give less of a shit about security on Reddit though

they use Twitter for their careers, and things like being elected president

Deactivate account -> create new one with same name -> start WW3

Yea the "support" employee just has full access to delete his account. Totally different. Duh.

he didn't delete it. he likely flagged it as spam. i dunno how people imagine these services work but yes, hiding an account, and tweeting on behalf of it are universes apart in every sense.

yeah, "hurr durr what is access control"

“Those computer geeks can just take over anyone’s account and hack their computers with ddos”

they work at Twitter is a fucking idiot

You are assuming that twitter is coded well.

Reddit is coded poorly enough that admins can modify user comments, so who knows.

besides the algorithm that determines top-level comment order, it seems to be working pretty well.

it updates in "real time," it has way more traffic yet doesn't go down twice a month, their video player actually works- compared to reddit, they really have their shit together

Imagine the drama that would result?

I wish there was a good sub for that.

They'd get serious jail time if they were retarded enough to actually do that

One of my favorite examples of presidental trolling was when Reagan did basically exactly that. He was getting ready to give a speech from the oval office. The cameras were set up and he knew the press was already watching the feed, but it wasn't yet being broadcast to the american people. So, he pretended to be practicing his speech and read out a line about how he'd ordered the military to first-strike the soviet union.

The press flipped. the. fuck. out.

Employees have access to ban accounts, for obvious reasons, but they don't have the ability to tweet from them, also for obvious reasons.

But yeah if he had access to that account he could have fucked shit up pretty bad. Tweet something like "launched preemptive nukes at NK, they'll be there in 20 minutes!"

I know I'm late to the comment party, but is anyone else fucking amazed at how little sound The_Loud_Noises is making about this?

It's fucking weird how calm they are about it.

I think I see him over there setting fire to that orphanage for black children.

Am I claiming that all trump supporters are racist child murderers?

Yes I am fight me.

they might not have noticed, it was pretty quick

WP is fake news.

shanita cartesian strikes again

Drumpf is done this time

there is no coming back

Please call Daddy by his true name. K thx.

thats hilarious and heroic

  • It was still unclear who the employee was

  • the account was taken offline “by a Twitter customer support employee who did this on the employee's last day.”

These 2 statements contradict each other. They know exactly who did it.

This is obv a coverup by the Jew media.

Or they don't want this dude getting death threats

i think they mean it's unclear to everybody outside of twitter

I just logged onto my twitter account for the first time in years.

In other news I logged off of my twitter account for the first time in years, eat shit Barack Obama, preside over these balls.