Brown Antifa turns on white Antifa [video]

35  2017-11-03 by AonghusMacKilkenny


No wonder you have an army of pretentious neckbeard losers following you around


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I'm so glad my country's army just makes any dissenters disappear. Freedom of speech is cancer.

Which country is this?


Is he really from that part of pakistan?

This, but unredactedly

Then why are you still here? Get in the back of General Buttfucker's candy van.

united kingdom

I love watching organizations eat their own.

The only thing stopping antifa from going mainstream is antifa. It's hilarious.

That, and most people don't want violence in the streets.

I for one welcome violence on the streets.

I welcome violence in the streets as soon as we finish building the secret pneumatic tube system for us rich people to get around.


White antifa needs to do their part and stay out of the limelight. They are not the protesters, their job is to fight against Nazis and clear out the crowds so that actual racism can be challenged.

This is an unironic comment by a literal retard, by the way.


Trash turning on trash. I love it.

Yet another reason why I don't worry about these guys too much. They're incapable of putting together an actual organization which can get things done.

There's a reason why grunts don't get to vote on their commander's orders.

Anarchism just works though.


We laughed about this a month ago get with the times

I'm with brownie on this one, discount Che needs to nut up and do something instead of just talking shit.

you don't understand he has been walking around aimlessly for months doing nothing.

He is putting in WORK son.

I hate these people more than anyone will ever realize.

I have never seen deeper narcissism.

All of you need to STFU and check your performativeness.

This is an old repost

"the performative shit is done" she said, clearly trying to perform for the crowd

They'll always eat themselves.

Muh "ally".

You're still white, you're still responsible, you're inherently racist, it's in your blood

Damn, are we sure this chick isn't a subversive from /pol/?